Some of my art work.

Silver 03 Cobra

New Member
Mar 8, 2002
I drew this up when Willie was in the Lewinski mess. Since I'm in semi-retirement I plan to create a few cartoons at the expense of liberals. I have a damn good one in my head on Michael Moore. I'll have it on paper soon.



Established Member
May 29, 2003
Fayetteville, NC
Thats great. Don't forget Kerry, Gore, and the liberal entertainers Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Leonardo Decaprio, Susan Sarandon, Tom "Scientology" Cruise, and the list goes on and on. If you remember corrrectly, Alec was among the leaders of the group that said he would move to France if "W" was elected President. Where is he now?? Chillin in his mansion in LA.

Silver 03 Cobra

New Member
Mar 8, 2002
I thought about others with the pissing boy but it isn't original. I want to make a statement. I want to take what people like Moore like to do to others and turn it against him. I saw Moore on a replay of a spot he made with O'Reilly last night. The man just pure out hates wealthy people. The only people fit to live on this earth are the poor. He's a glutten and he is wealthy. Then we have Al Bore going off again today. Man, the boy has lost it. He's talking about GW using something close to subliminal messaging. He'll be in a room with rubber walls or a straight jacket after GW wins in November. Gore talked about Bush using digital brownshirts intimidating the media. FNC said he made references to Nazism. I didn't hear that unless Brownshirts refers to something that happened during WWII. The more he runs his mouth the more Kerry loses. Lastest FNC poll, GW 47% to Kerry's 40%. Kerry will get a bump and the convention and then it'll be all down hill so much that we'll know by mid-October who'll be the winner. GW will kill Kerry in the debates especially if he gets mean. I think it's time GW takes the gloves off.


Established Member
Apr 6, 2004
Nice work! Look forward to seeing the Michael Moore one. I don't like the tool much myself.


* Screw the N.A.B. !! *
Established Member
Mar 2, 2004
Tolland, CT
How about one with Bush's top advisor Jesus Christ sitting behind him in the oval office. Don't put too much effort into these as Bush will be gone in Nov. Anyone could run against him at this point and win. My vote is for Howard Stern!!! BABABOOEY to all of you!!


BANNED !!!!!!!!!!
May 19, 2004
heh i'm able to vote now so i'm votting bush again he did a good job as president this term and i am sure he will do the same if re-elected. people make fun of bush for being stupid but hell he's from texas everyone talks and acts dumb. dont mean we are. because the fact is every military strategest called appon to determin the strategies and amount of force needed to take iraq said we would need no less then 320,000 soldiers. and bush said no we will do it with 180,000 and we did and did it quickly. my brother just got back from iraq in april he saw some bad stuff but he stands behind bush he's gladd we went over there if you only knew how people were treated over there.

Silver 03 Cobra

New Member
Mar 8, 2002
Originally posted by ChrisNelson
How about one with Bush's top advisor Jesus Christ sitting behind him in the oval office. Don't put too much effort into these as Bush will be gone in Nov. Anyone could run against him at this point and win. My vote is for Howard Stern!!! BABABOOEY to all of you!!

Is there anyone better than Jesus? Maybe a man that worship's a Wendy's Triple Classic with cheese as his God would be more suitable for the WH like Mike Moore. We've already seen how destructive a man consumed with self indulgence such as willie has been to our country with his sexual addictions and self gratification. Yeah, we had a great economy. Clinton didn't do anything to create it except have the good sense to keep his hands off it. Any presidential histrorian will tell you that. The main reason Hollywood and liberals/democrats hate GW so much is his faith and he hasn't been overboard with it. GW made a statement that he prayed to God for help and he's attacked by liberals and the liberal media. I'm not religious but I'm not stupid to think there isn't a God.

I think GW's last political ad showing John Kerry making a speech after he came back from Nam where he made the comment, "We can not fight communism all over the wooooooooooooooooorld:. The way he drew out the word "world" with his "I'm better than you" accent made me want to puke. It really makes him look like a dipshit. I'll make a few comics about this boy. As for Kerry winning, you ain't up to date ace. GW is pulling ahead of Kerry and in key battle ground states he's well ahead. You'll see how smart he is when he crushes Kerry in the debates. In reality, liberals are comics. They are idiots. All they have to do is open their mouths. Look at Gore's speech yesterday. He complained about GW making subliminal efforts to tie Bin Laden and Sadam together. He bitched about WMD's. He made the Brownshirt remark that does make references to Nazism. After the speech, Fox News shows a flash back to 1992 just before the presidential election that year when they were running against Bush '41. It was a Town Meeting format Larry King hosted for Willie and Gore. They were sitting in recliners with Willie in the middle and Gore and King on each side. Gore sits up on the edge of his seat and startrs flinging his arms and going off. He says and I quote , "Sadam is harboring terrorist. He has WMD's and he is poised to use them against the US. He is building a nuclear arsenal and it's only a matter of time before he will use them and Geaorge Bush is doing nothing" end quote. John Kerry has employed Gore to be his attack dog. I don't know about you but it just shows how friggin dumb democrats/liberals are to me.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 20, 2002
in the trees
Originally posted by Silver03Snake
Is there anyone better than Jesus?

werd. I'd rather vote for a man that has Jesus as his advisor than a man that has "worldly" advisors.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 4, 2004
Originally posted by Silver03Snake
Is there anyone better than Jesus?

werd. I'd rather vote for a man that has Jesus as his advisor than a man that has "worldly" advisors.

I'll second that!


New Member
Established Member
Apr 26, 2004
Newburgh, NY / Springfield, MA
"In God We Trust"

If that's not you, leave.

Our country and our god have been around much longer than any of the idiotic people trying to make everything PC and abolish the solid base we have under our feet.

We are one nation, Under god... You don't like it, LEAVE... PLEASE I will pay for ur ticket.

You don't go to McDonalds and start debating that they shouldn't serve french fries and burgers.... Don't try to take away what our country has been based on for centuries.
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The 6th Deadly Venom
Established Member
Jun 16, 2002
Largo, FL
So true man. Lately, so many things have been aggrivating me. It seems like more and more the people in this country care more about movie stars and being "cool" like the people in the movie "you got served". People never support what our President is doing. No matter what it is, they will complain.

No one takes responsibility of their own actions. People expecting money from McDonalds because they are over weight, give me a break!

Just the other day, I went to the basketball courts with some friends. And guess what is now posted at the courts? There is a sign that says something about how you will burn 300 calories an hour. (I don't remember exactly how many calories it said)

C'mon, are we that pathetic that we need to be TOLD that playing sports is healthy????????????? Are people in this country so lazy that they don't know how to get healthy anymore?????


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