Trump: vets are "losers" and "suckers"


Hell Yes!
Established Member
Nov 23, 2012
Southern Mo.
I seem to remember that he is the one that wanted the economy not to shut down, but Democrat governors ruled with an iron fist and destroyed lives and business just so they can try to win the election in November. Now how exactly is he screwing the average person? Did he close down a single business? Did he close down schools?

View attachment 1661798

Nope, Congress sent $1200 and Democrats have refused to do anything else and even left Washington for vacation while the country burned from riots. Why? Because Nancy falsely believed that people would blame Trump. Trump's EO giving some relief was quickly picked up by every state, and the whiny Dems that threatened lawsuits did NOTHING. Why? Because people can see they are a group of greedy uncaring ruthless nuts.
But hey, Nancy's and Chucks pet projects like Transgendered studies have to take priority over average peoples lives.
View attachment 1661799

Name one nursing home that Trump sent Covid patients to? Only Dem governors did that. Why? It looks like they intentionally killed to try and politically hurt Trump. How brilliantly Nazi-like. Trump banned China travel 10 days after the first case hit, he was called a racist, xenophobe etc. Later he used his powers to make industry create supplies like ventilators and masks that turned out not to be needed and according to Newsom and Cuomo did any and everything they asked him to do. Those hospital ships did not materialize out of thin air. It pains me when people have their heads so firmly planted in their ass that they can't use the facts to form a rational opinion, like how Nancy and that wonderful Communist NY mayor begged people to go out into public AFTER Trump sounded the alarms. Dems wanted people to die, just like they wanted the economy to die, because they are vile and evil people.
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Nope. Big Banks decided to loan the money to big customers first. Since Congress wrote the legislation THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for this oversight, not Trump. But in your hatred and PMS/TDS you completely overlooked that.
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How exactly, with fact and not the baseless ad hominem attacks you have made so far?

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I understand that you as a liberal don't understand the whole stock market/job/401K thing, but most of the rest of us don't have to loot, riot and use welfare for a living. I guess keeping us out of new wars, making peace start to break out in the Middle East, rebuilding our Military, bringing jobs home from China, bringing back on shore 200 billion dollars to be taxed and giving us the tax cuts that have kept the country afloat during the China Virus don't account for anything in the emotional tampon of most liberals.
View attachment 1661803
Brilliant! And there you have it chaaarlie.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
Funny how the money flows when he’s trying to save his rear end. Screw the average person. Hey we sent them 1200.00. Yet 200,000 people have died because the virus didn’t fit in his plans. The whole country other than Trumps big business buddies (which were taken care of immediatly) was ignored.
Bottom line is Mr big business man has failed the country miserably! As he would say he’s a total loser. I get a kick out of how all he mentions is how well the stock market is doing and his supporters think he is great. I wonder how many have stocks? I bet it is a miniscule amount. Bottom line is all this joker worries about is himself. If it isn’t good for him it isn’t good for the country.

Never heard of the 10th Amendment i guess?

You and they can blame Trump all day long but folks who can actually think for themselves know that the blue state governors are the ones with blood on their hands.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
Never heard of the 10th Amendment i guess?

You and they can blame Trump all day long but folks who can actually think for themselves know that the blue state governors are the ones with blood on their hands.
so what do you say then about all the deaths in texas and florida?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
so what do you say then about all the deaths in texas and florida?

What about them? Every state has seen deaths. If you have a comorbidity and you get Covid-19 your chances of death are greater. However, deaths in blue states have outpaced those in red and one of the factors causing that is policy decisions (i.e. nursing homes).

Captain Beyond

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 20, 2004
I seem to remember that he is the one that wanted the economy not to shut down, but Democrat governors ruled with an iron fist and destroyed lives and business just so they can try to win the election in November. Now how exactly is he screwing the average person? Did he close down a single business? Did he close down schools?

View attachment 1661798

Nope, Congress sent $1200 and Democrats have refused to do anything else and even left Washington for vacation while the country burned from riots. Why? Because Nancy falsely believed that people would blame Trump. Trump's EO giving some relief was quickly picked up by every state, and the whiny Dems that threatened lawsuits did NOTHING. Why? Because people can see they are a group of greedy uncaring ruthless nuts.
But hey, Nancy's and Chucks pet projects like Transgendered studies have to take priority over average peoples lives.
View attachment 1661799

Name one nursing home that Trump sent Covid patients to? Only Dem governors did that. Why? It looks like they intentionally killed to try and politically hurt Trump. How brilliantly Nazi-like. Trump banned China travel 10 days after the first case hit, he was called a racist, xenophobe etc. Later he used his powers to make industry create supplies like ventilators and masks that turned out not to be needed and according to Newsom and Cuomo did any and everything they asked him to do. Those hospital ships did not materialize out of thin air. It pains me when people have their heads so firmly planted in their ass that they can't use the facts to form a rational opinion, like how Nancy and that wonderful Communist NY mayor begged people to go out into public AFTER Trump sounded the alarms. Dems wanted people to die, just like they wanted the economy to die, because they are vile and evil people.
View attachment 1661800

Nope. Big Banks decided to loan the money to big customers first. Since Congress wrote the legislation THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for this oversight, not Trump. But in your hatred and PMS/TDS you completely overlooked that.
View attachment 1661801

How exactly, with fact and not the baseless ad hominem attacks you have made so far?

View attachment 1661802

I understand that you as a liberal don't understand the whole stock market/job/401K thing, but most of the rest of us don't have to loot, riot and use welfare for a living. I guess keeping us out of new wars, making peace start to break out in the Middle East, rebuilding our Military, bringing jobs home from China, bringing back on shore 200 billion dollars to be taxed and giving us the tax cuts that have kept the country afloat during the China Virus don't account for anything in the emotional tampon of most liberals.
View attachment 1661803

Well said!!!


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
What about them? Every state has seen deaths. If you have a comorbidity and you get Covid-19 your chances of death are greater. However, deaths in blue states have outpaced those in red and one of the factors causing that is policy decisions (i.e. nursing homes).
Its just kinda weird for you to say that the blood for COVID is on democrat governors hands while also acknowledging that every state is having loads of deaths, including the 26 states with GOP governors. Texas, Florida, and Georgia all have Republican governors and are 2, 3, 5 in terms of cases per capita. People are dying everywhere. Every state has nursing homes.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
Its just kinda weird for you to say that the blood for COVID is on democrat governors hands while also acknowledging that every state is having loads of deaths, including the 26 states with GOP governors. Texas, Florida, and Georgia all have Republican governors and are 2, 3, 5 in terms of cases per capita. People are dying everywhere. Every state has nursing homes.

Cases are not the same as deaths.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
Nope not really.
Yea, when you conveniently edit out half the nation, you get a chart that looks like that.
Also gotta look at the trend over time. Lots of those deaths came early on. Back when those states at the top were begging for help and Trump was saying it was all a hoax that would just magically go away one day.


Liberty Biberty
Established Member
Aug 16, 2010
You can't directly corollate cases and state policies when the density of the populations are such a huge factor.

Blue states tend to have large, high density urban centers that red states generally don't have. That's a huge factor.

Now, we can talk all day about how party policies have contributed to the formation of said urban centers.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 28, 2006
Yea, when you conveniently edit out half the nation, you get a chart that looks like that.
Also gotta look at the trend over time. Lots of those deaths came early on. Back when those states at the top were begging for help and Trump was saying it was all a hoax that would just magically go away one day.

I highly recommend you look at the covid thread and focus on Klaus posts. You clearly have no understanding of what the data is saying.

It is clear as day that most covid deaths are centered around the east coast. Those deaths are almost all elderly people.

The amount of deaths now are minuscule. Stop spreading lies. It amazes me people are so uninformed and ignorant to any facts. At least we get to see everyone who watches the news and takes their word for everything.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
I highly recommend you look at the covid thread and focus on Klaus posts. You clearly have no understanding of what the data is saying.

It is clear as day that most covid deaths are centered around the east coast. Those deaths are almost all elderly people.

The amount of deaths now are minuscule. Stop spreading lies. It amazes me people are so uninformed and ignorant to any facts. At least we get to see everyone who watches the news and takes their word for everything.
The high east coast cluster is an outlier. Both relative to the rest of the nation but also to its current data. There is a huge spike early because population density + lack of experience and resources = bad news. Sure isnt a coincidence that so many of those deaths came at a time when Trump was saying it was a hoax and would magically go away while withholding aid. And regardless of how the current trend has gone, I still dont think 200k dead is "miniscule"


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
The high east coast cluster is an outlier. Both relative to the rest of the nation but also to its current data. There is a huge spike early because population density + lack of experience and resources = bad news.

Even the retarded guy peeing himself on the corner knows you don't send 20 year olds with Covid to nursing homes with vulnerable elderly populations. Might be why the DOJ is investigating 4 of these governors for breaking Federal Laws:

DOJ seeks data on care home deaths in 4 Democrat-led states

As far as lack of resources go, I seem to remember Cuomo and others sold off their supplies of masks and ventilators some time before the pandemic to use the cash for other projects. That is simple incompetence/corruption. Hard to tell which when a Dem is involved.

How New York City’s Emergency Ventilator Stockpile Ended Up on the Auction Block — ProPublica

So how is Dem incompetence and corruption Trumps fault again?

Sure isnt a coincidence that so many of those deaths came at a time when Trump was saying it was a hoax and would magically go away while withholding aid.

BS posts #2 and 3.:

Democratic Ad Twists Trump's 'Hoax' Comment -

And what aid did Trump withhold? Nancy and Chuck made it perfectly clear that aid runs through Congress, and they took a chocolate ice cream eating vacation twice since March. Governor Cuomo disagrees with you:

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response

Gavin Newsom praised Trump too? Oh shit:

So does Phil Murphy? Oh Hell:

Fact is Trump delivered "Bigly" Cutting red tape, mobilizing resources and getting things done like a boss. Dims responded by attacking him like rabid dogs after the shock wore off. Luckily, video tape does not lie.

I hate arguing with Dems, they are too wrapped up in their own placenta to acknowledge hard truths and facts.


I like members members.
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 29, 2016
TRUMP 2020!!!

**** China and their diseases and viruses!! Democucks love that mask shit. If they had their way, they'd want us to wear masks for the rest of our lives like they do in China. **** OFF!!!!!!

Need 04 Wine

Meanest CDN on SVTP
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Apr 1, 2012

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