What is with econbox drivers?


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Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
Yesterday I go fuel up my 2 girls to put them up for the winter. Sta-bil for the both and fuel system cleaner in the Cobra. So on my way back from the gas station about 6 miles from the house a new Toyota Camry is behind me. It actually looked like the new 2015. So I am heading towards the house when I notice that it was coming up fast to do a fly-by. I laughed. Why do Toyota drivers think they are the fastest, best thing on the road. DUH! So he does his little fly-by and then about 1/2 mile up the road he pulls back in front of me and slows down to under 65. So I pass him and get about 3/4 of a mile from the house and the last 1/3 to 1/2 mile is a long straight with a left turn at the end and my driveway is on the right in the middle of the turn. Now mind you I am at 65 - 70 so not doing a fly-by or driving faster than I should. Well I have pulled away from him by about 150 - 200 yards to this point. Minding my own business, I look up and here he comes again. I drop to 4th and let her rip. He drops back so fast it wasn't funny. I figured he thought he would fly-by and leave me. Well I got to my driveway hit the brakes and pulled in. I'll bet when he went by he had his little Camry pegged trying to catch me to no avail. It was funny. But lately it always seems it is older people (I'm 55 so older than me, at least by looks) in these little econoboxes are always trying to think they can out do the Cobra. Love their hearts.


Established Member
Jun 16, 2010
It's definitely the commercials Toyota had the one where people were stating that the camry "hugs" the road on tight turns and they feel the power on entry ramps :rolleyes:. It's even worse with nissan, and that little stunt they pulled with the "race" car commercial that turned out to be a regular altima. I just told myself that this won't translate well to public roads, and it hasn't lol. There are folks trying to do fly-by's in my area EVERYDAY. the infiniti/nissan groups are the worse, and a CLOSE second are these toyota corolla "S" model drivers. They think their "S" gave them some extra horsepower. It's actually sad.:nono:


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Established Member
Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
^^^ I had not thought about this. All the new commercials showing stock cars being monsters on the road. I'll have to remember that. We mostly have Camry's on the road around here because the Camry plant is 3 1/2 hours away.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 21, 2007
I've been pulled over 3 times because of assholes like you speak of. Most people lack common sense. Always a douche who clearly was no competition, wants to race or run side by side, I slow down... they do as well and it looks like we're racing, but i'm just trying to get away from this asshole thats got his buddy with his camera stuck in the sky..and i'm laughing at the 245 rear tire..and then I get mad, and that's usually bad.

I've always wanted a big LED middle finger on my tailgate, hmm brb.

My gf has an 09 maxima, and honestly thinks its fast, and its because of the bogus marketing of Nissan. Most people eat it up and believe what they read
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
I find that Toyota drivers are horrible drivers here. They always drive too slow. Have not seen these super fast Toyota drivers here yet lol.

I've had a couple people pull bs like that when I'm in the Miata. Yep, a Miata is a race car so flex your muscles, idiots lol. I just laugh to myself & continue on my way.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 20, 2012
Funny thread. I sell cars for Ford and every time I go on a test drive in a hybrid or Energi, the very first thing most people do as they pull off the lot is floor it or give it heavy throttle. I just laugh on the inside.


Established Member
Apr 6, 2013
Evansville, IN
Funny thread. I sell cars for Ford and every time I go on a test drive in a hybrid or Energi, the very first thing most people do as they pull off the lot is floor it or give it heavy throttle. I just laugh on the inside.

Haha, that just sounds funny hearing it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 2, 2007
Bloomingdale, IL
It's all drivers. When I'm in my cobra I'm actually enjoying the driving experience. Most a-holes on the road are always in a rush and tailgate, drive reckless etc. it's to the point where I won't even take my car out on a Friday afternoon, or weekend past 10 am because they ruin my driving experience. I like to go out for an early cruise when all the soccer moms are getting their geniuses ready for practice.


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Aug 26, 2004
beaumont texas
They're just as bad in my area. I ignore them for the most part.
I figured this thread was on the snubbness of them. I was in my pals hummer and he's riding on 37's and a Prius driver seriously yelled how do you like the gas mileage to which my Buddy replied how about I run over that pos ! Followed by several choice curse words Italian style. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 22, 2010
Cincy, OH
I agree with the marketing comments of these cars. I remember watching the Camry commercial where they dressed it up to look like a "race car". The whole time my mouth was open and had this WTF look on my face...

I had people want to mess with me in my Azure Blue Mach 1 on 18" black saleens due to the exhaust and looks...and then a little less when I had my 04 GTO because it was still loud but the QSM blended in. Now NO ONE pays any attention to me in my 95 Z28. The Cobras will constantly get looks and attention.


Killing time at work.
Established Member
Mar 17, 2006
North Jersey
Yesterday I go fuel up my 2 girls to put them up for the winter. Sta-bil for the both and fuel system cleaner in the Cobra. So on my way back from the gas station about 6 miles from the house a new Toyota Camry is behind me. It actually looked like the new 2015. So I am heading towards the house when I notice that it was coming up fast to do a fly-by. I laughed. Why do Toyota drivers think they are the fastest, best thing on the road. DUH! So he does his little fly-by and then about 1/2 mile up the road he pulls back in front of me and slows down to under 65. So I pass him and get about 3/4 of a mile from the house and the last 1/3 to 1/2 mile is a long straight with a left turn at the end and my driveway is on the right in the middle of the turn. Now mind you I am at 65 - 70 so not doing a fly-by or driving faster than I should. Well I have pulled away from him by about 150 - 200 yards to this point. Minding my own business, I look up and here he comes again. I drop to 4th and let her rip. He drops back so fast it wasn't funny. I figured he thought he would fly-by and leave me. Well I got to my driveway hit the brakes and pulled in. I'll bet when he went by he had his little Camry pegged trying to catch me to no avail. It was funny. But lately it always seems it is older people (I'm 55 so older than me, at least by looks) in these little econoboxes are always trying to think they can out do the Cobra. Love their hearts.

So you beat a Camry? Congrats.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 2, 2014
I always get pissed when I change to the left lane to pass someone and as soon as they see it's a Mustang they start driving faster, a lot of times even giving me dirty looks, refusing to be passed by a Mustang. I swear we drive the most hated on car of all time.

"Oh hell no, this asshole in his Rustang thinks he's gonna pass my 130 hp Honda Civic SI R Vtec Super Ultimate Happy Fighting Bear GO Edition. I don't think so!"


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2011
Columbus, IN
It really does seem to be Toyota sedans that are the worst.

I still remember shortly after getting mine I had to deal with some ridiculous Corolla driver. He decided to try and pass me on the right! I let him get right up beside me, and keep even with him. That poor little four banger was wrapped out, and the look on this woman's face was priceless. She was enraged. Eventually I got bored, smiled, and let her watch taillights disappear into the horizon.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 20, 2002
in the trees
LOL We had one of those ugly Scion boxes try to race us in the either the 03 Cobra or the 07 GT/CS. We laughed all the way to our destination.


Bro do you even Boost?
Established Member
Jan 24, 2013
Toyotas are bad but around here the Nissan's are the worst. actually any rusted four banger is the worst but sheesh. Some kid out here has an altima all kitted out before the commercial made it it cool( i give him credit) but damn if i dont eat his ass for breakfast lunch and dinner every time i see him in town. The Cobra attracts all the idiots that want to "race".


That Just Happened
Established Member
Mar 4, 2007
Dallas TX
Its funny this thread popped up today...I had some asshat in a big Toyota sedan screw with me for over an hour in the Shelby last night, driving home from Dallas. He would hall ass (like 110+) to pass me, get in front then slow down and force me to pass him. Then he'd fall behind until I couldn't see him, haul ass again to catch up, then pace me until I came up on another car (I sit in the right lane unless I'm passing, unlike 95% of the morons that drive this stretch of I45) forcing me to either downshift and jump in front of him or brake and get behind to pass. I dropped the hammer two separate times out of sheer frustration and maintained triple digits for a bit before slowing back down to cruise speeds, only to see them catch back up, pace my blind spot, then punch it on a flyby attempt; or worse, get so close to my bumper I could no longer see headlights. This went on for over 100 miles. I don't know WTF their problem was but they seriously pissed me off...I woulda pulled over and sat for a while to get away from them, but I was afraid they'd follow me!

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