Baltimore rioters target Orioles fans, whites in protests

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Blown 89

Well-Known Member
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Jul 30, 2006
Do you think every white kid grew up wanting to do what there mom or dad does or do you think they too may have looked at the TV and made some choices too? You never once thought about being famous one way or another when you were a kid? You just dreamed about a boring 9-5 job?
Go down to the Boys and Girls club and ask kids what they want to do. You'll be shocked how right he is. It's sad but you'll find a lot of underprivileged minorities that don't think they're capable of being certain professions. They believe that minorities can't be rich unless they're athletes.

I work with kids and I make it a point to ask them what they want to be when they grow up very regularly. I do this because I find the answers interesting and I like seeing them evolve over time. It's sad but he's more right than you think he is. I just had this conversation with a girl last night, athlete was her answer. The problem is that minority youths are often ridiculed for being smart or having aspirations. The book I mentioned talks about studies about involving this.

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
OR it could be that they almost never see someone who looks like them in any successful/respectable position in the media. Turn on the TV and what do you see? Ninety-nine percent white people. Who do you see in the positions of power/authority/wealth? 99% white people. What do you see when a black character is portrayed? 99% of the time it's as a criminal or otherwise downtrodden or destitute person. Basically all they see are white supremacist stereotypes of black people. The only times they see a black person of wealth on TV, 99% of the time it's an athlete or entertainer. Is there any wonder why so many black youths "aspire" to be those things??? It's called social programming.


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
OR it could be that they almost never see someone who looks like them in any successful/respectable position in the media. Turn on the TV and what do you see? Ninety-nine percent white people. Who do you see in the positions of power/authority/wealth? 99% white people. What do you see when a black character is portrayed? 99% of the time it's as a criminal or otherwise downtrodden or destitute person. Basically all they see are white supremacist stereotypes of black people. The only times they see a black person of wealth on TV, 99% of the time it's an athlete or entertainer. Is there any wonder why so many black youths "aspire" to be those things??? It's called social programming.

So I guess all the black only cast shows, and even BET (Black Entertainment Network) are all white run and showing blacks as criminals or destitute, huh?

Sports is considered an easy out for big money and education is pointless. Having gone to a predominantly black school, it was ridiculous how many would rather argue with teachers than actually do any work. Blame lazy parents before some cop out excuse, like TV.


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2005
OR it could be that they almost never see someone who looks like them in any successful/respectable position in the media. Turn on the TV and what do you see? Ninety-nine percent white people. Who do you see in the positions of power/authority/wealth? 99% white people. What do you see when a black character is portrayed? 99% of the time it's as a criminal or otherwise downtrodden or destitute person. Basically all they see are white supremacist stereotypes of black people. The only times they see a black person of wealth on TV, 99% of the time it's an athlete or entertainer. Is there any wonder why so many black youths "aspire" to be those things??? It's called social programming.



Active Member
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Aug 7, 2005

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Just to make a fun argument....

What does it cost for a parent to get the equipment for their child to play Hockey? Or Baseball?

Verse the cost of of a football or a basketball.... In which 10-20 people can use together at one time?
This is something I can answer. I was/am a tennis professional, my brother played professional baseball. Generally single sports have a very high cost of entry to reach top levels. Take tennis for example. The cost of tennis is through the roof. There are many grass roots programs designed to help inner city youths pick it up (my company used to run one of them) but it generally tapers off when the costs start to stack up. By the time I reached the college I was breaking strings once to twice a day ($35 a pop), had 12 racquets ($200 each), went through grips like water (a few dollars each), then there's the cost of coaches a few times a week ($70 an hour), trainers ($600 a month), court fees, travel fees, etc. The biggest cost was shoes. Keeping in mind a tennis court is basically sand paper I wore a hole clean through a pair of shoes every week or two. Cheap shoes wouldn't last through a tournament. Top ranked juniors still have coaching fees and are taking privates once or twice a week then have clinic fees on top of that which are upwards of a few hundred dollars a week. Even those kids are traveling as tournaments are based on regions rather than cities and states.

My brother's baseball costs were next to nothing. A few bats, a few gloves, shoes lasted an entire season, the cost of training was less because it was mostly team based. His cost of entry was minimal compared to mine. Basketball is the same as hell and training isn't technically demanding enough to demand any elevated costs. Football is very similar. Generally the more technical the sport is and the more individual it is the more expensive it is to play.


Established Member
Nov 10, 2008
Home for the Mentally Retarded
This is something I can answer. I was/am a tennis professional, my brother played professional baseball. Generally single sports have a very high cost of entry to reach top levels. Take tennis for example. The cost of tennis is through the roof. There are many grass roots programs designed to help inner city youths pick it up (my company used to run one of them) but it generally tapers off when the costs start to stack up. By the time I reached the college I was breaking strings once to twice a day ($35 a pop), had 12 racquets ($200 each), went through grips like water (a few dollars each), then there's the cost of coaches a few times a week ($70 an hour), trainers ($600 a month), court fees, travel fees, etc. The biggest cost was shoes. Keeping in mind a tennis court is basically sand paper I wore a hole clean through a pair of shoes every week or two. Cheap shoes wouldn't last through a tournament. Top ranked juniors still have coaching fees and are taking privates once or twice a week then have clinic fees on top of that which are upwards of a few hundred dollars a week. Even those kids are traveling as tournaments are based on regions rather than cities and states.

My brother's baseball costs were next to nothing. A few bats, a few gloves, shoes lasted an entire season, the cost of training was less because it was mostly team based. His cost of entry was minimal compared to mine. Basketball is the same as hell and training isn't technically demanding enough to demand any elevated costs. Football is very similar. Generally the more technical the sport is and the more individual it is the more expensive it is to play.

Pretty much what I'm getting at.... Blacks in my school didn't play lacrosse or baseball....

They played soccer, football, basketball and ran track... All things you can pretty much do at the cost of one ball and a few friends...

I know I spent (20years ago) 60$ for the head, 120$ for the stick... I'm not going to break down the netting... And that's just one stick... If things are still about the same, most lacrosse players have a heavier practice stick and a lighter much more expensive game stick.... Shit my practice stick was a crooked arrow solid hickory... My game stick was a titanium alloy... Light as a feather.

Anyway, what mom on government assistance is about to purchase that for their son?

Some sports are "white" for a reason.
Others are "black" for a reason.

And it all goes back to socioeconomic conditions imho

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
So I guess all the black only cast shows, and even BET (Black Entertainment Network) are all white run and showing blacks as criminals or destitute, huh?

Sports is considered an easy out for big money and education is pointless. Having gone to a predominantly black school, it was ridiculous how many would rather argue with teachers than actually do any work. Blame lazy parents before some cop out excuse, like TV.

Your white privilege is showing, Mr. Klansman. BET is a cable network (owned by MTV, btw). Most poor black people don't have cable. All they have to watch is free network TV. Guess what's on network TV, genius. :bored: But I guess you as a white man know more about black life and experience than me, a BLACK MAN. I'm literally LOL-ing right now. Oh, but wait!! Let me guess. All the black people you know steal cable, so they do, in fact, get to watch BET. :rolleyes:

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
Ever heard of a place called Detroit? That is just one of many that have transitioned from a predominately white populous to a black populace with catastrophic results.

Ever heard of the Great Recession of 2008? Did you miss all the news of auto manufacturers and suppliers based in Detroit closing up shop and either moving elsewhere or shutting down altogether? You do know Detroit is called "the Motor City," right? As in, automotive manufacturing. What, pray tell, do you think will happen to ANY town that loses its bread and butter industry? You racists try reach so hard it's plain ridiculous.


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
Your white privilege is showing, Mr. Klansman. BET is a cable network (owned by MTV, btw). Most poor black people don't have cable. All they have to watch is free network TV. Guess what's on network TV, genius. :bored: But I guess you as a white man know more about black life and experience than me, a BLACK MAN. I'm literally LOL-ing right now. Oh, but wait!! Let me guess. All the black people you know steal cable, so they do, in fact, get to watch BET. :rolleyes:

Given all the other handouts, cable is very likely in every house in low income areas. If not, why would there be network dedicated to those who couldn't watch? I know how those areas work as I grew up in them , but you're right I don't know how to act like a total victim such as yourself. But I digress, you keep blaming everyone else like you always have and go to your grave a pissy, whiny, and ignorant victim. You're exactly why there are so many race issues, since you make it a point to always blame someone else. I'd recommend some personal responsibility but that doesn't fit your agenda.

Ever heard of the Great Recession of 2008? Did you miss all the news of auto manufacturers and suppliers based in Detroit closing up shop and either moving elsewhere or shutting down altogether? You do know Detroit is called "the Motor City," right? As in, automotive manufacturing. What, pray tell, do you think will happen to ANY town that loses its bread and butter industry? You racists try reach so hard it's plain ridiculous.

Detroit was a shithole before that. Another big shocker, they were bailed out and union workers (you know the ones you think were left to starve in the streets) never feared not getting a check. A leech always ensures it taken care of, and that's what the UAW is...


RIP Kane
Established Member
Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
OR it could be that they almost never see someone who looks like them in any successful/respectable position in the media. Turn on the TV and what do you see? Ninety-nine percent white people. Who do you see in the positions of power/authority/wealth? 99% white people. What do you see when a black character is portrayed? 99% of the time it's as a criminal or otherwise downtrodden or destitute person. Basically all they see are white supremacist stereotypes of black people. The only times they see a black person of wealth on TV, 99% of the time it's an athlete or entertainer. Is there any wonder why so many black youths "aspire" to be those things??? It's called social programming.

Heathcliff and Clair Huxtable were a doctor and lawyer. :)

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
Given all the other handouts, cable is very likely in every house in low income areas. If not, why would there be network dedicated to those who couldn't watch? I know how those areas work as I grew up in them , but you're right I don't know how to act like a total victim such as yourself. But I digress, you keep blaming everyone else like you always have and go to your grave a pissy, whiny, and ignorant victim. You're exactly why there are so many race issues, since you make it a point to always blame someone else. I'd recommend some personal responsibility but that doesn't fit your agenda. ...

And with that, I am officially done with you. That response is so asinine that I don't even know how to respond to it. Please, oh please, find ONE post I've ever made ANYWHERE on the ENTIRE internet where I was asking for a handout or blaming somebody else for my non-existent woes. Please find one. I have an extremely comfortable life and want for pretty much nothing. Who do I have to thank for it? ME! Are you really so desperate to find something to complain about with black people that you really think people are being given free cable?? That comment is so fabulously dumb that... I just can't... ****ing wow!


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
I'm literally LOL-ing right now. Oh, but wait!! Let me guess. All the black people you know steal cable, so they do, in fact, get to watch BET. :rolleyes:

And with that, I am officially done with you. That response is so asinine that I don't even know how to respond to it. Please, oh please, find ONE post I've ever made ANYWHERE on the ENTIRE internet where I was asking for a handout or blaming somebody else for my non-existent woes. Please find one. I have an extremely comfortable life and want for pretty much nothing. Who do I have to thank for it? ME! Are you really so desperate to find something to complain about with black people that you really think people are being given free cable?? That comment is so fabulously dumb that... I just can't... ****ing wow!

At this point I know you're not really surprised by that comment. Bringing up BET is their only hope when talking TV programming, hell, there are way more Telemundo TV Channels than I can Count. Maybe I should petition for more mostly black channels to watch on this free cable I receive.


Don't mess with Teksids
Established Member
Apr 5, 2007
Less than 9% of MLB is black
Not sure I even need to post the NHL stats
Golf, well there is Tiger
I only mention these because these are dominated by white people and you seem to love to compare sports stats. So do most white kids grow up wanting to be in the NHL or MLB because it is full of white players?
Most "kids" or "youths" dream of being somebody famous someday, regardless of color or community (Might have something to do with everybody having a tv now days). Saying these kids/youths in black communities dream about being famous because of there skin color and choices only available to them because of their skin color is in my OPINION nuts. They are kids dreaming big because they are young kids and thats what kids do regardless if they are, black, white, asian, etc.. Now that is a study you can find.
Do you think every white kid grew up wanting to do what there mom or dad does or do you think they too may have looked at the TV and made some choices too? You never once thought about being famous one way or another when you were a kid? You just dreamed about a boring 9-5 job?

Whoever said anything about the MLB or NHL? And who else is there in golf other than Tiger? Many black folks probably only see him as an "upitty half-breed" anyways. Difficult to identify with as soon as he opens his mouth. As for white youth, remember who makeup the majority of the US population. It's not like comparing a very small group of people in the US that have taken over a certain sport. And yes, a lot of kids (overall) do dream of becoming a professional athlete at one point or another. But what I'm referring to is kids that actually pursue this like they have no other choice. There's a movie that came out awhile back, Boyz n the hood with Cuba Gooding. Remember the scene where Morris Chesnut meets with a recruiter/advisor who questions him about plans outside of football?

That said, look at what Blown 89 is saying to you. I didn't even have to say anything to him. What's true is true


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Whoever said anything about the MLB or NHL? And who else is there in golf other than Tiger? Many black folks probably only see him as an "upitty half-breed" anyways. Difficult to identify with as soon as he opens his mouth. As for white youth, remember who makeup the majority of the US population. It's not like comparing a very small group of people in the US that have taken over a certain sport. And yes, a lot of kids (overall) do dream of becoming a professional athlete at one point or another. But what I'm referring to is kids that actually pursue this like they have no other choice. There's a movie that came out awhile back, Boyz n the hood with Cuba Gooding. Remember the scene where Morris Chesnut meets with a recruiter/advisor who questions him about plans outside of football?

That said, look at what Blown 89 is saying to you. I didn't even have to say anything to him. What's opinion is opinion


You both make good points. Have you ever thought that you both could be correct to some extent :idea: . I was once one of these kids you guys claim to know so much about, and still go back to the neighborhood I grew up in weekly.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
LOL @ the clown who said Atlanta is "doing just fine"...

Atlanta is a hell hole, just like Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, Cinci, Chicago... I can go on and on and on. Every Democrat run city is a cesspool of crime and corruption.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2013
Moncks Corner, SC
LOL @ the clown who said Atlanta is "doing just fine"...

Atlanta is a hell hole, just like Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, Cinci, Chicago... I can go on and on and on. Every Democrat run city is a cesspool of crime and corruption.

I can agree with that.


Don't mess with Teksids
Established Member
Apr 5, 2007
OR it could be that they almost never see someone who looks like them in any successful/respectable position in the media. Turn on the TV and what do you see? Ninety-nine percent white people. Who do you see in the positions of power/authority/wealth? 99% white people. What do you see when a black character is portrayed? 99% of the time it's as a criminal or otherwise downtrodden or destitute person. Basically all they see are white supremacist stereotypes of black people. The only times they see a black person of wealth on TV, 99% of the time it's an athlete or entertainer. Is there any wonder why so many black youths "aspire" to be those things??? It's called social programming.

Actually, I kinda agree with this... to an extent. I don't think it's as black and white (no pun) as I think you're implying but with the exception of Will, Denzel, Morgan, Samuel and a few others, much of the roles taken by black folks are very limited (cop, joker, nerd, criminal, etc...)
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