Dumb things you did as a kid.


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
Oh damn...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 9, 2012
The fireworks indoors thread reminded me of a good one I was more witness to rather then party of lol

Buddy brought a backpack stuffed full of fireworks to school. The way we normally walked home crossed a decent size park so he planned to set them off around there. He ditched the last class and I walked up as he was setting off the first rounds of bottle rockets. He didn't think about the fact that it was a hot dry summer so the grass was nice and dry. Also setting up next to a tumble weed probably wasnt the best idea lol. Long story longer, the grass catches fire which spreads to the tumble weed in short order. Then with a pure stroke of genius he tries beating out the fire with the backpack full of fireworks. It worked about as well as could be expected.
So with the grass, tumbleweed, and backpack now in flames with popping fireworks all over I decided it was time to go full Forrest Gump out of there.
To put the cherry on the top, he didn't want to let the fire burn but also didn't want to get into trouble. So he came running up and used the cell phone his dad gave him for emergency use. He used *87 or whatever hides caller thinking that would mask his identity. 250 hours community service cleaning parks later, his debt to the society was paid off lol


Well-Known Member
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Oct 16, 2005
Deer Park, Texas, United States
Me and a couple of friends burnt a field down trying to set model cars on fire. The fire department was able to put it out before it made it to the neighborhood.

I tried to lasso my brother riding by on his bike like a cowboy. It caught him in the mouth and pulled him off the bike. Didn't really think that one through.

We used to see how low we could let the garage door get before we ran and slid under it Indiana Jones style. We got in trouble when I didn't make it and got stuck under the door. We also got in trouble for seeing how far we could ride it up.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 16, 2016
I was never really into lighting stuff on fire for some reason but that doesn't mean that I didn't do a lot dumb things. My friend and I snuck out his Dad's corvette at a very young age and raced it down the highway.

Used to fly through my suburban neighborhood on my Crf-150r and many of my other toys until the cops showed up.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2012
Kansas City, MO
Lit my little red wagon on fire with a bottle of lighter fluid and then got scared and pushed it under the deck. I dont have any freaking idea how it didnt burn the deck/house down.

That was by far the dumbest thing I did as a kid.


Keep'um smiling
Established Member
Oct 1, 2009
White Post, Va
At 16, just got my drivers license. A bunch of us were over at a buddies watching videos. (His STEPdad owned one of the first video for rent stores in the area). We egged him on to get his stepdads pristine 63 split window coup out. He knew where the keys were, and proceeded to start and back it out of the garage as about 15 of us stood around watching. He made a huge mistake by opening the door to look behind him while backing out of the garage. The vette door caught the door jamb, that screwed up both the vette and the door. That really was the most costly damage I witnessed as a teen.

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Active Member
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
In high school we would play hide and seek with our cars. We would all meet at the town center and we'd park and all hop into one car, leaving the rest of our cars at the center. Then another group of kids would assemble in another 2-3 cars and go out ahead of the chase car. Then one kid would be driving, with the other sitting in the front passenger seat blindfolded and we would have to direct him to find our buddies in the other cars. We had them fooled hard though, we told them they could be anywhere in town, but we actually only used the same small area around the town center. (Around 3-4 square miles). It was fun until they found out we were using the same area around 5-6 times in, and then they were seriously ticked. It was great though, if they were coming at us on a road, we would start yelling, "You're getting RED HOT!" And then they would pass by, and we would cuss the living hell out of the blindfolded kid made for some awesome memories.

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