Cops from the Old Days?


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Feb 16, 2013
My last 13yrs on IMPD I was a motor officer(Motorcycle Cop) I gave leniency to bikers as long as they chilled with a warning. Being a LEO with a Harley and a Mustang reduced my ticket writing! No regrets!


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Feb 16, 2013
We would have "choir practice" name taken from Choir Boys. Our shift got off at 03:00 and we'd congregate at local park with the radio operators....lotta fun in so many ways
"choir practice" shows your age and mine, fun times


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Feb 16, 2013
I was a new officer in Indianapolis Police academy. We were required to work in communications for one night. I will never forget the night I worked they played the theme song from Hill Street Blues over the air. How cool was that!! 11 largest PD in the USA we rocked!


Well-Known Member
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Apr 11, 2003
My watch's theme song was "Bad Company"...........All of us owned bikes and on days off would trek to the mountains. A few GBI drug agents would join us but I had to quit as I started law school


"Hammer" Time
Established Member
Jan 30, 2017
Best bud of mine was local cop in the 'good old days'. He loved to tell the stories of all the head-knockin' and late-night disturbances, when the bars all used to close at 2AM. He died unexpectedly a couple of years ago at age 58, not long after retirement. He was in fabulous shape, still looked like a MMA fighter, I thought someone was pulling cruel joke on me when they told me he passed.

He was a great human being and a terrific cop, police motorcycle instructor, ace pilot and a true hot rodder too. When on duty, he treated people like citizens, not like enemy. He could fight like a tiger, but his verbal judo was so good he didn't have to use much physical force. Plus he just had that cold hard stare, when he looked at someone, they knew he meant real business so he was rarely provoked, LOL. Funny thing is, I never much liked cops til I met him..... RIP bud..........


Mostly Peaceful
Established Member
Nov 17, 2018
dude my grampa is 89, retired HPD and has all kinds of crazy stories. hanging out of cars shooting at badguys on dirt roads.
back when cops didn't have so many rules and bad laws to keep in mind that they had the ability to help people more often than not.


I am the liquor
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Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Well, got 25 years now and would have to say the one thing that has changed the most in LE is the people they hire these days coupled by the people that simply dont apply. The Media has made being a Cop a very evil and disliked profession. No one seems too like cops these days and all these snowflake protests and "Cop Reform" bills prove it!

In 1994 when I took the written exam there were 4000 ppl that came out for the exam. In 2018 there where 800 ppl that came out. The city and the PD are still the same size at about 150k residents with 450 cops.

In the past u had to score relatively high to make it thru the entire process. If u didnt score a 90 or better u weren't going to the second phase.

NOW...... u can be at the bottom of the list and as long as u PASS the exam and the steps in the process u get hired simply because they dont have enough applicants. Half fail the run so ur left with 400 candidates for 30-40 positions. Its a joke! And now the PD has them scared to death to do ANYTHING that might upset the liberal snowflakes running our Democratic city.

I see on YouTube how southern State Police or Highway Patrol agencies are now begging ppl to just apply! But when u pay them minimum wage ur simply not gonna get any good candidates.

I think it honestly depends on the area. I came close to getting hired on and when I took the written exam there were over 250 applicants for a less than 100 person department and they only hired 4 people. I scored well over 90 and made it to the interviews. I know NJ is highly competitive because many departments have good pay and benefits.

Black Gold 380R

Multiple SVT Collector
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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX
I think things happen for a reason. I got out of the Army in 1989 and I applied to the local police force. I didn't pass the entry exam. So, I went back into the Army and retired after 22 years of service. I now work for a federal law enforcement agency (support role). I have talked to a few folks who work for this agency now, but were previously police officers and I have heard plenty of stories.

I have also had interactions with LEOs in the community. We won't get into details LOL. However, I know now that I do not have the temperament to be a police officer. WAY too many idiots out there that need to be bounced off the hood of a patrol car or knocked upside the head with a heavy duty flash light. Then again there are people who make mistakes and do not deserve to be dealt with in a physically abusive way.

However, as a police officer, how do you determine which one deserves a little extra wall to wall counseling or is just having a bad day and may need a little leniency? I couldn't do it.

I've seen all the videos. People blatantly disrespecting cops. Cursing at them and practically spitting on them and the cop maintained his bearing and professionalism through out the whole ordeal. Then there are the cops who abuse their authority and are A holes, just because they can be.

I try to "AVOID" cops at all costs. I believe in the law and support law enforcement, but, these days, you never know how it's going to go during an encounter. Yes, for the most part if you are respectful to cops 9 times out of 10 everything is fine. But, as mentioned earlier I have personal experience with cops and in some cases cops have a preconceived notion about what is going on before they even arrive on scene. And when they arrive, and are trying to figure out what is really going on, they are NO fun to deal with.

All I know is I respect cops and believe it is one of the hardest jobs out there and there is no way I could ever be one. Thank GOD I failed that entry exam in 1989 LOL.


Established Member
Dec 20, 2012
Nova area
There's a town in Maryland called frederick, unfortunately it's been developing a lot
Anyways there's one older sherif that always caught me and my brother racing, never a ticket
Even when we had cash days, one time when I was testing my transbrake he pulled in lit Me up and gave me a warning.
In thr past few years as the developments have been getting bigger they have had a lot more leo hired and things in terms of racing have slowed down.
Wish I knew him so I can get him a beer

Honestly could of ruined my life a few times over but instead was a good man.
I remember I was testing my turbo 04 cobra and he saw me and my brother do a test pass

Lit me up and started giving me hell about it, but in a joking way

Still have some pictures from it

It's shocking this is still possible in 2012 to 2019 40 min from DC.

Anyways if I ever run into him outside of work I'd happily get him a few beers, truly a kind but good human

Iceman II

Right Behind You!
Established Member
Jan 17, 2006
Texas Hill Country
Anyone here an LEO in the 70s or early 80s? Laws were different and equipment different. I come from the Atlanta area..Back then perfectly legal (and taught by the Ga Police Academy) to shoot fleeing felons...Was taught by Academy...people trying to elude officers in cars...fair game to shoot tires first and driver second..Result-nobody ran from police..

Any old geezers on this site??
Well it’s been years since I’ve posted. Think I almost forgot how. Lol
How about late 80’s, I guess I’m knocking on that geezer door, Lol
31 years and counting...
I have since retired from the Texas Highway Patrol and now working as a Deputy Sheriff in a small west Texas town where I’m content and stay busy.
I agree there is a very lack of respect for law enforcement and will probably only get worse with the next administration. The incoming government will NOT have your back and would rather crucify you!
All we can do is stand our ground and keep doing what we are sworn to do. Where I work folks for the most part are still very respectable and I feel sorry for the folks on west coast and north east coast! Godbless


Official Snowflake Melting Machine
Established Member
Jul 9, 2010
Well it’s been years since I’ve posted. Think I almost forgot how. Lol
How about late 80’s, I guess I’m knocking on that geezer door, Lol
31 years and counting...
I have since retired from the Texas Highway Patrol and now working as a Deputy Sheriff in a small west Texas town where I’m content and stay busy.
I agree there is a very lack of respect for law enforcement and will probably only get worse with the next administration. The incoming government will NOT have your back and would rather crucify you!
All we can do is stand our ground and keep doing what we are sworn to do. Where I work folks for the most part are still very respectable and I feel sorry for the folks on west coast and north east coast! Godbless

Good to see you back brother!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2003
Best damn officers I ever came across were right out the rice fields of Viet Nam!!! You never, ever had to worry about your back. Mafia shits were in Atl at the time and a couple brothers got in their crosshairs...I work nights with a D. Brown in the 80s and he was a straight up guy....After I left and years later he ran for county sheriff, won....and was assassinated..

I like to talk about the fun loving partying times....because they dull the pain of those in blue I lost. Rest in Heaven, "D", Tom, Barry, Wendall, Jim......and the list goes on...


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Established Member
Feb 16, 2013
I like to talk about the fun loving partying times....because they dull the pain of those in blue I lost. This was a copy and paste I whish I never had to do!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2003
I am definitely an old fart! In following one of the post above I could not be a law enforcement officer in this day and time. My time ended in the 80s. Today's video cams on everybody's cell phones I would probably be charged with something within a single shift. The question was asked when do you know when to thump somebody? My ex-soldier friends told me you would always have a feeling in advance as to what to do. I figure anybody who spent multiple months in the jungle fighting VC knew what they were talking about! And I went with the flow but again that was many years ago.

How many of you have Nam vet friends that have succumb to Agent Orange?

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