Major cancer breakthrough


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003

Some good news for a change. I know that most of us here have lost loved ones to cancer and this may be the game changer we have been looking for.


. . .
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Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
Well, hopefully this is legit and can get approval.

Curious though on how it can be implimented for the various types of cancer. Like, for Brain, the blood brain barrier is a tough barrier to break. So, for something like Glioblastoma, would the goal be to remove the visible tumor and then have some type of reverse shunt(I'm terrible with medical terms) to have the drug pumped into the brain to fight how fast glio spreads?


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Jul 29, 2019
I'll say it.

Cancer treatments are too big of money makers so I expect this is just another dangling carrot to rejuvenate hope. One more item on "menu" to try when x, y, and z aren't effective... (I realize there are many varieties of cancer so pardon the broad strokes.) Billions of dollars and countless "smart" people across the globe working nonstop to fight cancer for decades and all we ever seem to do is spin our wheels.

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
I wouldn't get your hopes up. The news has a bad habit of sensationalizing studies for views before they've been reviewed and tested. "Study suggests: eating donuts leads to weight loss, more hair, bigger dicks, and wealth" I never see a story about how they were wrong or that the study fell apart when scrutinized. Remember when this happened:


Well-Known Member
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Feb 9, 2020
I wouldn't get your hopes up. The news has a bad habit of sensationalizing studies for views before they've been reviewed and tested. "Study suggests: eating donuts leads to weight loss, more hair, bigger dicks, and wealth" I never see a story about how they were wrong or that the study fell apart when scrutinized. Remember when this happened:
Holy shit. Is the donut thing really true?


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May 31, 2010
Empire State
I've always wondered if all the people working on cancer research in the quest for cures and treatments would share their findings with everyone else working on the same thing...would we be much farther ahead than we already are?

My cynical nature believes that many of them don't want to share their findings and research results because they all want to be the one who found the cure or vaccine or treatment that beat it.

I have no idea about this arena but have they grouped together and shared their discoveries?


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
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Sep 24, 2004
I've always wondered if all the people working on cancer research in the quest for cures and treatments would share their findings with everyone else working on the same thing...would we be much farther ahead than we already are?

My cynical nature believes that many of them don't want to share their findings and research results because they all want to be the one who found the cure or vaccine or treatment that beat it.

I have no idea about this arena but have they grouped together and shared their discoveries?

I vaguely remember a story where Sony I think it was released a program on the Playstation that allowed anyone to play with DNA and gene therapy (not sure if that is the term), but iirc, a medical research team used it to put a specific issue on the program that allowed people to mess with and try to solve it, essentially figuring out the cure. After a year or two with people all over the world being able to use it they were able to solve it. I vaguely remember this story so I may be wrong on the exact details but I remember something coming of it.

365 Saleen

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Jul 24, 2021
Levant, Maine
My 20 year old editor with a B.A. in communications thoroughly vetted the study. She experienced too many micro aggressions covering the Desantis campaign and is in her safe space but I'll verify with her when she's emotionally available.
Not to far off from reality. My wife works for a Real Estate firm that had an employee that was so distressed from Trump winning in 2016 that she was unable to show up for work for 3 months. No lie.


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Feb 9, 2020
Not to far off from reality. My wife works for a Real Estate firm that had an employee that was so distressed from Trump winning in 2016 that she was unable to show up for work for 3 months. No lie.
I hope he wins just because of this. I want people like this in misery for as long as possible. It will be glorious.


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Sep 16, 2013
Will there ever be a “cure” for all cancers? Not f’n likely, too much money in chasing it. But research does lead to more and better treatments for those afflicted. It certainly has extended the life of many and cured some as well. Does that justify all the money spent? Depends if you or a loved one has the disease.


Superfleck Moonbird
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Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
I'm not so sure I want it cured.

Here's why. I know my opinion is way out there, and cold. But I've watched more than my share of friends and family members suffer and pass from dementia. I'm not so sure cancer is a better way to go.

OK, maybe they can cure dementia at the same time.

Then what? How long can you live?


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Just to be clear, cancer will never be cured. There too much money to be made.

Sent from my SM-S908U using the mobile app


They now know they can make up any Pandemic at any time so big Pharma along with everyone in Healthcare associated with said Pandemic can continue to get and be rich.

Now that they've established that, lets just get on with the cure for Cancer already.


Superfleck Moonbird
Established Member
Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge

They now know they can make up any Pandemic at any time so big Pharma along with everyone in Healthcare associated with said Pandemic can continue to get and be rich.

Now that they've established that, lets just get on with the cure for Cancer already.

I'm with Outlaw. Tyrants don't want anyone dismantling their empire.

Exhibit 1

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*Turbo Not to Scale
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Feb 6, 2007
The Air Capitol
I vaguely remember a story where Sony I think it was released a program on the Playstation that allowed anyone to play with DNA and gene therapy (not sure if that is the term), but iirc, a medical research team used it to put a specific issue on the program that allowed people to mess with and try to solve it, essentially figuring out the cure. After a year or two with people all over the world being able to use it they were able to solve it. I vaguely remember this story so I may be wrong on the exact details but I remember something coming of it.
Playstation 3, it was called "folding @ home" and used the advanced processing power of the PS3 hardware when you were not playing to work on folding proteins on a cloud based app so the work was farmed out to Playstations around the world as they were not being played on. Rather ingenious, part of the reason the USAF took 1760 of them and made one of the to 50 most powerful supercomputers at the time. In addition to its large capacity, the so-called "Condor Cluster" as it was called is capable of performing 500 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS), making it the fastest interactive computer in the entire US Defense Department (at the time).

This should be followed up with todays hardware but anymore consoles have plateaued compared to say the $2k GPU in a gaming pc. Instead of mining digital currency, I could see them try today but it'd get shutdown by those who do not want to use it for good simply by spouting "OMG the CO2!" "climate change."

I'll have to look this evening, I have a launch PS3 I use as a Bluray player, and by that i mean its hooked to the tv and hasn't been powered on since 2015 aside to make sure it was connected. I remember it showed the global network using a beautiful interactive globe with light and dark matching real life that you could use like a screensaver and it'd show the amount of clusters working on that protein, and tech specs of all the PS3's working together worldwide.

Edit: folding home lives on running on PC's x86-64 and arm based pcs like ras pi, etc.

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