I've got some odd symptoms What do the SVTP Doctors think?


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Before anyone says it, I've already talked to the VA nurse hotline and they are going to try to get me an appointment tomorrow unless I need to go to the ER right away, but I'm curious if this is normal for a potential spider or bug bite, and I'll try to keep it relatively short.

I woke up Saturday with a really sore neck that was also goving me a bit of a headache. It definitely felt like I slept without moving at all throughout the night as it felt just like that and like I had a pinched nerve that was emanating pain and tingling throughout my neck and the right side of my head all the way to the back of my right jaw bone, but it's also sensative to the touch in those areas and it feels warm and possibly swollen.

I wasn't surprised when it lasted until Monday, but this morning it felt just as bad or worse than the days before to where I had to take IBprufen to help with the headache and aching/stiffness in my neck. I also noticed some pain to my throat and in that area 4 or 5 redish rashes or bites started to show and they are pretty well individually pronounced at this point and sort of look like hives, and when I lightly touch the largest one with little pressure I can feel fluid coming from it like water. After noticing those though I started to feel the back of my neck and head and I felt a small bump that feels like a bite right in my hairline, but there's a pretty good size knot in the right of the back of my skull now where it starts to contour down to your neck and it's only like that on the right side.

After that I automatically assumed it was spider bites as I live next to a river so I get a lot of spiders in my place and deal with them regularly, but I've been bitten numerous times throughout my life and never had one last multiple days and cause any type of real painful symptoms besides some itching. We have poisonous spiders in Wa but they are rare and you pretty much never see a recluse or Black Widow unless you go looking for them.

Not looking for a diagnosis on here, but has anyone been bitten by anything before that caused pain, sensitivity, and tingling like that? It could be something else entirely, but curiosity has me wanting to know if anyone else has experienced something similar.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
Negative for me and I’ve been bitten by I don’t know how many or what type down in S TX.

End up with a hole in my shin a little smaller than a pencil eraser head. Would take weeks to heal.

Weird that you have so many.

Could it be shingles?

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Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
Negative for me and I’ve been bitten by I don’t know how many or what type down in S TX.

End up with a hole in my shin a little smaller than a pencil eraser head. Would take weeks to heal.

Weird that you have so many.

Could it be shingles?

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He’s a little young for shingles. Like you I have been bitten by a few spiders in SE Texas. Symptoms are usually pretty localized, but not always. Maybe a tick bite? Those can really **** your up.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
He’s a little young for shingles. Like you I have been bitten by a few spiders in SE Texas. Symptoms are usually pretty localized, but not always. Maybe a tick bite? Those can really **** your up.

Nah. 100s of tick bites as well. Just an itchy bug bite with a bit of clear liquid coming out.

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Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
Nah. 100s of tick bites as well. Just an itchy bug bite with a bit of clear liquid coming out.

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Yes normally, but if that ****er is carrying lyme disease, well that’s a different story.

The real question should be has he raw dogged any tinder thots lately?
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
Yes normally, but if that ****er is carrying lyme disease, well that’s a different story.

The real question should be has he raw dogged any tinder thots lately?


Buddy had a tick bite end up about 6” in diameter.

They thought it was gonna be Lyme but he never tested positive.

Still doesn’t explain the multiple bites. I’ve gotten into chiggers before and that was 1000s of bites. From my waist down.

The headache and jaw stuff is strange.

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Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...

Buddy had a tick bite end up about 6” in diameter.

They thought it was gonna be Lyme but he never tested positive.

Still doesn’t explain the multiple bites. I’ve gotten into chiggers before and that was 1000s of bites. From my waist down.

The headache and jaw stuff is strange.

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The headache, stiff neck and jaw thing would worry me. If he can’t get in at the VA, would probably try a doc in the box ER etc…


Tweeker by trade
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Jul 25, 2010
North East OH
The headache, stiff neck and jaw thing would worry me. If he can’t get in at the VA, would probably try a doc in the box ER etc…
I agree, dont wait for the VA because unless you say chest pain or difficulty breathing they most likely wont fit you in. Done any recent traveling, how are bedbugs in your area???



Well-Known Member
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Jan 16, 2016
I had shingles at the age of 46.

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I had shingles when I was about 15, still have the rash. Doctors were very surprised when they told me, it actually took a few to diagnose me correctly. I mostly remember a burning sensation though, and you only get shingles on one side of your body.


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
I had shingles when I was about 15, still have the rash. Doctors were very surprised when they told me, it actually took a few to diagnose me correctly. I mostly remember a burning sensation though, and you only get shingles on one side of your body.
I had it when I was 20. Had chicken pox twice as a kid.


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
Goddamn! I heard its extremely painful. Much worse than chickenpox, had that in the 4th or 5th grade.
It was about the size of a quarter on my waist. The friction from my waistband when I moved constantly rubbed against it. It was annoying but the pain wasn't that bad. Probably because it was rather small. A few years ago three people at my work had shingles. One gal had it on her face and was so scared it was going to go into her eyes but thankfully she avoided that. I think about getting a shingles vax but keep putting it off.


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Still doesn’t explain the multiple bites. I’ve gotten into chiggers before and that was 1000s of bites. From my waist down.

A what?


Superfleck Moonbird
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Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
Hope you get well soon.

Another legit source for reference:

Back in 2018, a mid 20's gal I worked with had shingles. Sad it was painful. She was in/out of work for a couple months.

IDK, I got the vax back in 2019.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 31, 2010
Empire State
Before anyone says it, I've already talked to the VA nurse hotline and they are going to try to get me an appointment tomorrow unless I need to go to the ER right away, but I'm curious if this is normal for a potential spider or bug bite, and I'll try to keep it relatively short.

I woke up Saturday with a really sore neck that was also goving me a bit of a headache. It definitely felt like I slept without moving at all throughout the night as it felt just like that and like I had a pinched nerve that was emanating pain and tingling throughout my neck and the right side of my head all the way to the back of my right jaw bone, but it's also sensative to the touch in those areas and it feels warm and possibly swollen.

I wasn't surprised when it lasted until Monday, but this morning it felt just as bad or worse than the days before to where I had to take IBprufen to help with the headache and aching/stiffness in my neck. I also noticed some pain to my throat and in that area 4 or 5 redish rashes or bites started to show and they are pretty well individually pronounced at this point and sort of look like hives, and when I lightly touch the largest one with little pressure I can feel fluid coming from it like water. After noticing those though I started to feel the back of my neck and head and I felt a small bump that feels like a bite right in my hairline, but there's a pretty good size knot in the right of the back of my skull now where it starts to contour down to your neck and it's only like that on the right side.

After that I automatically assumed it was spider bites as I live next to a river so I get a lot of spiders in my place and deal with them regularly, but I've been bitten numerous times throughout my life and never had one last multiple days and cause any type of real painful symptoms besides some itching. We have poisonous spiders in Wa but they are rare and you pretty much never see a recluse or Black Widow unless you go looking for them.

Not looking for a diagnosis on here, but has anyone been bitten by anything before that caused pain, sensitivity, and tingling like that? It could be something else entirely, but curiosity has me wanting to know if anyone else has experienced something similar.
You know, some of your symptoms are identical to those I had when I contracted mononucleosis. The bump at the hairline(which is a swollen gland), throat pain, rash. Are you feeling fatigued?


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
You know, some of your symptoms are identical to those I had when I contracted mononucleosis. The bump at the hairline(which is a swollen gland), throat pain, rash. Are you feeling fatigued?

Yes and no. There has been a bug going around and I was out sick for 2 days 2 weeks ago and then much of last week I was oversleeping most of my alarms despite getting 8hrs or more of sleep which I have been on a good schedule without issues waking up. Once I'm up though I don't feel fatigued at all through the day. I've had issues in the past not hearing alarms if I'm really worn out. Something I picked up in the Marines. I had Mono in my mid 20s and it was far worse than this with different symptoms.

I looked at all the symptoms posted and there's similarities but they don't seem to be exactly what I have. Bed bugs sound the closest but I've never experience that or even seen them and there are some differences like no itching and the pain and sensitivity is only at my head/neck near these two bumps. I washed my sheets bedding night despite that probably being the wrong way the treat them if that's the case. I slept a little bit but before I woke up I got sick to my stomach and got that saliva reaction where I was about to throw up but got it to go away.

I could barely sleep last night as there wasn't really a position I could lay my head without it hurting. I just told work I'm going to the doctor today and may not be into work. I have to call for primary care as I have been trying to get into a new primary. If that doesn't work then I have to go to the Seattle VA ER which is probably what's going to happen.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I'm noticing now that where part of my neck is really sore on the back right the muscle tissue is really tight like there is knott in the muscle there. I didn't feel that before.

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