Supreme Court to rule on gun ownership.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
This guy is a convicted murderer and isn't supposed to have guns so why did he have one? A gun may not have saved their lives but it sure would have increased their chances.

Not to make this sound any more depressing but my dad told me the details of what happened. You will be mad after hearing this.

So the guy that killed her was released from prison in Mass. after serving 16 years for stabbing his mother 12 times. When his father who lives in Florida heard he was being released he purchased a handgun because he feared for his life.

He moved to Washington after marrying a pen pal he met in prison which was next door to the victims. The woman said that her husband got angry for no reason, GRABBED A GUN, walked over to the victims house, kicked in the door, shot the man and as my friend Beverly ran out of her bedroom he point blank shot her between the eyes. The husband then tried to get up and fight and was then shot 5 more times. The man and woman both confessed to all of this.

I hope this piece of shit burns and the dumbasses in Massachusetts need to be held responsible for letting this animal loose. How is 16 years enough times served for stabbing your mother 12 times?

How do you stop a crazed murderer with a gun? With a gun yourself. How do you stop a crazed murderer with a knife? You better be a damn good fighter or you better have a gun.
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Active Member
Established Member
Aug 31, 2002
Stupid thought posted for everyone to read.

First, thanks for being a Marine.

So you think we should just scratch out the 2nd Amendment?

And the framers of the Constitution had no idea the filth the years would bring, still covered under Amendment 1 :dw:

Maybe we should just scratch out that one too.

BTW: I hunt with a handgun.

P.S. You sir, are a first class moron and ignorant to boot.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 29, 2006
Bay Area
If thats the case, why do you need a 04 cobra? Max speed limit is 70 mph in CA, and any production vehicle can do that. Buy a geo metro, they can go 70mph, and they get good gas mileage.Your logic is flawed and wrong.

What is wrong with owning a lot of guns? People own a lot of cars, bikes, jewelry, collectables. That is what guns are to some people. Some people actually enjoy shooting a variety of guns, nothing wrong with that. Just because someone has a dreaded "black" gun doesn't mean they are crazy. It is in the Constitution that I have the right to a gun. It is a want, and a need for when the government gets bad. That is actually what it was there for, to overthrow a tyrant government. Our country was founded on that idea.

I'm glad you served this country, but wtf does that have to do with the 2nd amendment? Good for you for firing those guns, I have not, nor am I allowed to due to them being too "dangerous". I don't need to justify owning a gun, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution.


lookin 4 parts
Established Member
Nov 16, 2005
Your wrong.

The Constitution was written hundreds of years ago. It was written in a time when you had to carry a gun for protection because there was no law enforcement, and in the event we were invaded by another country it would take months for an armed miltia to respond. The framers of the Constitution had no idea we would become a nation with millions of people.

I'm a former United States Marine. I've fired every gun under the sun from handguns, rifles, shotguns, sub machine guns, and machine guns so big I couldn't carry them.

Someone explain to me why we need guns?

Are you worried about someone breaking into your house? Then perhaps you need to move or get a very large dog. I keep my doors locked, my home alarm on, and I own a dog.

Do you really mean to tell me that if someone breaks into your house your going to suddenly wake up, pull a handgun out of the nightstand, and kill someone? Chances are by the time you wake up it's already too late. And if you tell me that thirty seconds after you wake at 3am in the morning your perfectly alert and able to handle a gun - I'll tell you your high.

Then comes my favorite part.... You shoot someone who breaks into your house, there's a good chance your going to jail. And if you don't - the intruders family will sue you.

Hunting is the only reason anyone should own a gun. And you don't go hunting with handguns.

do u really think that the framers of the constitution of this great nation were soooo stupid that they couldn't think ahead? think about it, they wrote the constitution so that it could evolve and at the same time remain timeless. guns are nothing more than a tool. each one is a tool. now do u really think that if the government were to remove the tool from the hands of people using guns to kill, that all of a sudden, the next day murder would cease? hell no it wouldnt. it doesnt take a gun to kill someone. since i was a marine also, u and i both know that there are alot of other things out there to kill with. hell if i needed to to kill someone badly enough i wouldnt give a rat's ass what i did it with. might as well be a screwdriver or a hammer. so are u going to ban screwdrivers and hammers? or rocks even? this isnt a personal attack but u brought up a great path for this thread to go and i wanted to address it.



New Member
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
If you got something better, bring it.

I'm guesing that most people who own guns aren't really trained to use them. Oh, they took their safety course five years go...... I'd love to see them trying to shoot another person in the dark after being waken up from a dead sleep.

I have a friend of mine locally who as an AK47 and AR15. Can someone explain to me why anyone who is not in law enforcement needs an assult rifle? Does he need to protect his apartment?

The best one was my programmer Phil. This was a few years ago in Phoenix. He got pulled over for running a stop sign. The officer asked him if he had any guns in his car and I nearly crapped in my pants when he said "Yes, officer, I have multiple guns in the car". This kid, barely legal drinking age, had enough guns in his car to start a small war. He had rilfles, shotguns, handguns, and assult rfiles - including a MAC10?

Yeah, we need more people like him owning guns.

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Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
First, thanks for being a Marine.

So you think we should just scratch out the 2nd Amendment?

And the framers of the Constitution had no idea the filth the years would bring, still covered under Amendment 1 :dw:

Maybe we should just scratch out that one too.

BTW: I hunt with a handgun.

P.S. You sir, are a first class moron and ignorant to boot.

No, we shouldn't just drop the Constitution. It's a document of rules - guidelines - that worked for that time frame. Fast forward 200 years and some aspects of this are no longer valid.

If we go with the "right to bear arms" then all of us should have this right without restriction. Sounds good to me because I want every 18 year old armed with a handgun. I want every idiot driver who is more concerned about talking on their cell phone and less concerned about the green light they are now sitting at to have a hand gun.

Better yet, I want every drunk driver to have a handgun in their car so they can shoot out street lights whenever they have the urge.

I just don't see the reason to have handguns. Or assult rifles.

And when I see a twenty-one year old kid driving around with an arsenal of guns in the trunk of his subcompact car.... Well, that scares the day lights out of me.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
No, we shouldn't just drop the Constitution. It's a document of rules - guidelines - that worked for that time frame. Fast forward 200 years and some aspects of this are no longer valid.

If we go with the "right to bear arms" then all of us should have this right without restriction. Sounds good to me because I want every 18 year old armed with a handgun. I want every idiot driver who is more concerned about talking on their cell phone and less concerned about the green light they are now sitting at to have a hand gun.

Better yet, I want every drunk driver to have a handgun in their car so they can shoot out street lights whenever they have the urge.

I just don't see the reason to have handguns. Or assult rifles.

And when I see a twenty-one year old kid driving around with an arsenal of guns in the trunk of his subcompact car.... Well, that scares the day lights out of me.

and you think that doesnt happen now? gun laws protect noone except criminals. do you think that criminals would break into houses that they knew had firearms in them? they might but they would sure as hell think twice about it. im not saying you have to have one in your house but you sure as hell shouldnt be telling me that i dont need guns. you being a former marine i would think you would see the value of law abiding citizens being armed. criminals will get guns no matter if they are legal or not, do you think they give a shit?
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Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
This guy is a convicted murderer and isn't supposed to have guns so why did he have one? A gun may not have saved their lives but it sure would have increased their chances.

How do you stop a crazed murderer with a gun? With a gun yourself. How do you stop a crazed murderer with a knife? You better be a damn good fighter or you better have a gun.

I saw this thread directly after posting here and decided not to post in it.

"If they had a gun" doesn't mean anything would have been any different. Your guessing that someone would have woken up, figured out what happened, been able to locate and arm the gun, and been awake enough to confront someone. But what about the other side of the coin? What if this robber didn't have a gun, or a knife, and the homeowner did - and the robber got a hold of this gun. Suddenly a simple breaking in and entering now has a robber armed with a handgun and confronting a homeowner with it.

For every case where you can say "what if the homeowner had a gun?" there is another case where the homeowner did have a gun. Just last week a homeowner woke up to find three intuders in house. They beat his son to death. Homeowner pulls out a shotgun and kills two out of three of them. Now it turns out he had a gun, his son is still dead, and now he's facing charges.

What about the guy in Texas this past weekend who saw people breaking into a house next door to him? He's on the phone with 911 saying "I have a gun and I"m going to shoot them" and the operator is saying "No, stay in your house". On the recording you hear "I'm going to get them" - and then gun shots. Guess what - He's not shot two people. He'll be going to jail and on top of that he'll be sued by the people shot. He wasn't in any danger and wasn't threatened in any way. I'll bet my next paycheck vs yours that he'll be sued for it.

Your telling my you need a handgun for hunting and I'm saying that's BS.


Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
If thats the case, why do you need a 04 cobra? Max speed limit is 70 mph in CA, and any production vehicle can do that. Buy a geo metro, they can go 70mph, and they get good gas mileage.Your logic is flawed and wrong.

What is wrong with owning a lot of guns? People own a lot of cars, bikes, jewelry, collectables. That is what guns are to some people. Some people actually enjoy shooting a variety of guns, nothing wrong with that. Just because someone has a dreaded "black" gun doesn't mean they are crazy. It is in the Constitution that I have the right to a gun. It is a want, and a need for when the government gets bad. That is actually what it was there for, to overthrow a tyrant government. Our country was founded on that idea.

I'm glad you served this country, but wtf does that have to do with the 2nd amendment? Good for you for firing those guns, I have not, nor am I allowed to due to them being too "dangerous". I don't need to justify owning a gun, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution.

You have an interesting point about a car that is more or less designed to break the law.

However, our cars are tools - tools designed to get us from point a to point b.

A gun serves only one person - to kill.

You car argue that a car at a high speed can kill, but so can a GEO Metro at 40mph.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
If you got something better, bring it.

I'm guesing that most people who own guns aren't really trained to use them. Oh, they took their safety course five years go...... I'd love to see them trying to shoot another person in the dark after being waken up from a dead sleep.

I have a friend of mine locally who as an AK47 and AR15. Can someone explain to me why anyone who is not in law enforcement needs an assult rifle? Does he need to protect his apartment?

The best one was my programmer Phil. This was a few years ago in Phoenix. He got pulled over for running a stop sign. The officer asked him if he had any guns in his car and I nearly crapped in my pants when he said "Yes, officer, I have multiple guns in the car". This kid, barely legal drinking age, had enough guns in his car to start a small war. He had rilfles, shotguns, handguns, and assult rfiles - including a MAC10?

Yeah, we need more people like him owning guns.
How about this, if the cops were stationed in every house and every corner to actually prevent crime maybe guns would not be needed today. The police are reactionary and there are not enough of them to be preventative to clean up your perfect world. I can take care of myself and not rely on government like the Constitution intended, protcet the rights of the individual. I choose to utilize the second ammendment, if you choose not to do not infringe on my rights.


Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
and you think that doesnt happen now? gun laws protect noone except criminals. do you think that criminals would break into houses that they knew had firearms in them? they might but they would sure as hell think twice about it. im not saying you have to have one in your house but you sure as hell shouldnt be telling me that i dont need guns. you being a former marine i would think you would see the value of law abiding citizens being armed. criminals will get guns no matter if they are legal or not, do you think they give a shit?

As a former Marine I see the "value of law abiding citizens being armed". However, being I'm nearly forty I see that 70% of the general population has no right to be armed. In fact 70% of the general population shouldn't be allowed to drive an automobile (or have children).

Do I think criminals would break into houses knowing there was handguns in them? Do you think people would be scared to drive on the road knowing that 70% of all cars had handguns in them? At this point I'd be afraid to drive knowing that I might piss someone off who might decide to just shoot me.

The Constitution says we have "the right to bear arms". It does not say "the right to bear handguns" or "the right to bear assult rifles".


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
As a former Marine I see the "value of law abiding citizens being armed". However, being I'm nearly forty I see that 70% of the general population has no right to be armed. In fact 70% of the general population shouldn't be allowed to drive an automobile (or have children).

Do I think criminals would break into houses knowing there was handguns in them? Do you think people would be scared to drive on the road knowing that 70% of all cars had handguns in them? At this point I'd be afraid to drive knowing that I might piss someone off who might decide to just shoot me.

The Constitution says we have "the right to bear arms". It does not say "the right to bear handguns" or "the right to bear assult rifles".

As a current Army guy you are an enemy to society. Maybe Pornography should be outlawed? What a hypocrite. The porn industy makes for good internet surfing but surely you hands are not clean.

Turn in your guns, I'll keep mine since the wisdom of the founding fathers and my State Legislature supercede your warp idea of what I should have.
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Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
How about this, if the cops were stationed in every house and every corner to actually prevent crime maybe guns would not be needed today. The police are reactionary and there are not enough of them to be preventative to clean up your perfect world. I can take care of myself and not rely on government like the Constitution intended, protcet the rights of the individual. I choose to utilize the second ammendment, if you choose not to do not infringe on my rights.

Your saying your have the right to have a handgun. And I'm willing to be that statistically odds are that you will accidently shot yourself in the foot before you ever use your gun to defend yourself.


Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
As a current Army guy you are an enemy to society. Maybe Pornography should be outlawed? What a hypocrite. The porn industy makes for good internet surfing but surely you hands are not clean.

Turn in your guns, I'll keep mine since the wisdom of the founding fathers and my State Legislature supercede your warp idea of what I should have.

Porngraphy doesn't kill anyone. I'm told it "could be harmful to minors" but I saw porn when I was a minor, still went through the Marines, graduated from college, never been arrested, and pay my taxes.

The couple across the street from me suddenly moved. It happened so fast that I didn't even notice it happen, which is odd being as my home office over looks their front yard. Turns out the husband beat the shit out of his wife. I want him to have a handgun! Would have made that night more entertaining.

Years ago while living in an apartment in Livermore, California, I discovered that my house was surrouned by policemen armed with shotguns. Was there an intruder? Nope. The guy above me - exercising his legal right to bear arms - had armed himself with a shot gun and was treatening to blow his head off in the stair case less than ten feet from where I was watching TV.

You saying "this is my right to protect myself" and I'm saying I'm scared to death of the average American having their own gun. Your telling me that in the event of an emergency you'll be able to arm yourself and deal with the situation and I'm telling you that when that emergency comes you won't see it coming and it will be over before you know what happens!


New Member
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
As a former Marine I see the "value of law abiding citizens being armed". However, being I'm nearly forty I see that 70% of the general population has no right to be armed. In fact 70% of the general population shouldn't be allowed to drive an automobile (or have children).

Do I think criminals would break into houses knowing there was handguns in them? Do you think people would be scared to drive on the road knowing that 70% of all cars had handguns in them? At this point I'd be afraid to drive knowing that I might piss someone off who might decide to just shoot me.

The Constitution says we have "the right to bear arms". It does not say "the right to bear handguns" or "the right to bear assult rifles".

no offense but you are a ****ing idiot. if you choose not to arm yourself that is fine, however i will tell you again IT IS MY RIGHT TO OWN FIREARMS so STFU. also my guns have never killed or hurt anyone and they go with me to many places.

also where are you getting your "70% of the general population has no right to be armed" because once again you are WRONG. i hope your dog can save you after the Robber shoots him, and i hope your local cops have about a 30sec response time when/ if your house alarm goes off otherwise you are shit out of luck buddy.

"At this point I'd be afraid to drive knowing that I might piss someone off who might decide to just shoot me." are you ****ing serious? way to stereotype the gun owners like myself who have never shot or hurt anyone with their guns. I suppose you are one of those that think eating meat is bad and killing chickens to eat is cruel. you should go join Hitlery's campaign im sure you could maybe suck her off or something considering you two seem to think/talk alike. im pretty much done arguing your pathetic logic. :rollseyes


Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
As a current Army guy you are an enemy to society. Maybe Pornography should be outlawed? What a hypocrite. The porn industy makes for good internet surfing but surely you hands are not clean.

Turn in your guns, I'll keep mine since the wisdom of the founding fathers and my State Legislature supercede your warp idea of what I should have.

And while yes I do work in porn, I do have problems with "freedom of speech".

Freedom of speech for me = "the right to say what you want about your government". It's the freedom to be able to speak freely about your government without fearing being locked up for the rest of your life for what you've said. Freedom of speech is not burning a flag. You have the right to protest all you want, but you do not have the right to burn the American flag.


lookin 4 parts
Established Member
Nov 16, 2005
Your wrong.

Are you worried about someone breaking into your house? Then perhaps you need to move or get a very large dog. I keep my doors locked, my home alarm on, and I own a dog.

Then comes my favorite part.... You shoot someone who breaks into your house, there's a good chance your going to jail. And if you don't - the intruders family will sue you.

Hunting is the only reason anyone should own a gun. And you don't go hunting with handguns.

here is a hypothetical question for u. being a marine u are trained how to use certain weapons. so then what happens when an armed burglar kicks in your door, shoots your dog and is now shouting at u, telling u to get on the ground face down, now what are u going to do? i ask because this has happened to one of my friends. to this day he tells me that he wishes that he could have afforded a gun because he would have bought one. my buddy didnt have a dog but he heard him come into his apt. he was asleep and heard the multiple kicks that it took to open his door. i think that the outcome would have been alot different and in this state, he would have been completely justified to defend himself and his home. are u forgetting that in your own home u are no longer required by law to retreat before using deadly force? in your own home when something like this happens where are u to retreat to? i know that a few internet arguements arent going to change your mind and that isnt my intention. if u hate guns thats fine, but when people with the same arguments as u, use them to try to take my rights away then there is a problem.

u say that hunting is the only reason to own a gun, well what is hunting? how many people do u know hunt because they have to feed their family? so then they are mostly trophy hunters. well then whats the difference between hunting animals and hunting people? i dont see a difference, u are killing either way.

and now for your favorite part, when that person invades your house after killing your large dog and laughing at your worthless alarm, you had to kill him, but u did it with a knife instead of a gun because u dont believe in them, should u go to jail now?

think about it dude.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
You saying "this is my right to protect myself" and I'm saying I'm scared to death of the average American having their own gun. Your telling me that in the event of an emergency you'll be able to arm yourself and deal with the situation and I'm telling you that when that emergency comes you won't see it coming and it will be over before you know what happens!

damn man you sound like a f-ing pansy. do you know how many americans go through EVERY SINGLE DAY without everhaving their guns hurt or kill someone? stop with the stereotype bullshit and listen to yourslef for a second.

First case- Guy was obviously a POS
Second case - sounds like the guy could have offed himself with anything had he wanted to, but instead chose to make a scene, kinda like cutters do, they dont really want to kill themselves they do it for the attention.


Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
no offense but you are a ****ing idiot. if you choose not to arm yourself that is fine, however i will tell you again IT IS MY RIGHT TO OWN FIREARMS so STFU. also my guns have never killed or hurt anyone and they go with me to many places.

also where are you getting your "70% of the general population has no right to be armed" because once again you are WRONG. i hope your dog can save you after the Robber shoots him, and i hope your local cops have about a 30sec response time when/ if your house alarm goes off otherwise you are shit out of luck buddy.

"At this point I'd be afraid to drive knowing that I might piss someone off who might decide to just shoot me." are you ****ing serious? way to stereotype the gun owners like myself who have never shot or hurt anyone with their guns. I suppose you are one of those that think eating meat is bad and killing chickens to eat is cruel. you should go join Hitlery's campaign im sure you could maybe suck her off or something considering you two seem to think/talk alike. im pretty much done arguing your pathetic logic. :rollseyes

Clearly you've never been to Los Angeles.

LOS ANGELES, May 2 -- Four Southern California drivers have been shot to death and four more have been wounded -- including two last weekend -- in a seven-week epidemic of freeway violence that has stymied investigators and sent shivers through car-dependent Los Angeles.

Authorities said they do not believe the shootings are linked, but the newest rash of car-to-car shootings is the deadliest period of freeway violence to hit Southern California since five people were killed and 11 were wounded during the summer of 1987.

Those shootings prompted humor -- a local radio station gave away bumper stickers that said "Don't shoot. I'm driving as fast as I can." But they also led some anxious drivers to install bulletproof glass in their cars and many others to begin packing guns in their glove boxes.

Freeway shootings are not uncommon. Last year there were 36 reported freeway shootings with one death in Los Angeles. Four people were shot to death on Los Angeles freeways in 2003. But the tight time span and high number of fatalities in the latest string have had some Southern California drivers questioning whether the freeways are worth the risk.

"It's enough to scare anyone," said Sal LaBarbera, a Los Angeles Police Department homicide detective, "when things happen that quickly. Maybe if they were spread out over the year people wouldn't notice as much."

The dead included a 26-year-old engineer shot in the head along an Orange County freeway, south of the Los Angeles line March 12. Two weeks later, a 20-year-old Long Beach college student was gunned down in heavy midday traffic just south of downtown Los Angeles. Along that same stretch of highway, a 47-year-old father of two on his way back from a junkyard was shot on April 13. And a 32-year-old man was fatally shot on a freeway east of Los Angeles.

One of the wounded drivers over the weekend, a 19-year-old man driving on a desolate section of a freeway at 12:45 a.m., said someone in a car full of men in white T-shirts and shaved heads shot him. In most cases, police have even fewer leads.

There are no links between victims, suspects, time or motive.

"They occurred on the freeway. That's the only similarity," LaBarbera said.

California Highway Patrol officers have been saturating the areas where the shootings have occurred with officers, looking for suspicious activity and hoping their presence will help calm jumpy drivers. But Los Angeles's notoriously crowded roadways may be contributing to the violence.

"With the congestion and the traffic you have people going 90 miles an hour cutting each other off left and right. People are getting tired of it," said LAPD Detective David Peteque, who is investigating the latest shooting incident. "Then you have the thugs and the criminals who have no regard for human life. They shoot people and go home and sleep like babies at night."

The incidents have forced the temporary closure of some of the region's most congested thoroughfares as officers comb the highway lanes for evidence, frustrating already tense drivers and snarling commutes. Despite crowded freeway conditions, authorities have little to work with when it comes to freeway shootings with passing drivers often unaware a shooting has occurred as they zip by.

"Things happen so fast on the freeway," LaBarbera said. "You see something and you drive by it so fast."

<News article>


lookin 4 parts
Established Member
Nov 16, 2005
how do u know that those firearms were owned legally? why would we want to disarm the good people in our society? believe it or not there are still good people in our society. im a police officer in a city with one of the highest crime rates in america, and i can tell u that these people i arrest dont obtain their weapons legally becuase the current gun laws would prevent it, so they steal them or buy them from their crackhead friends. the world u are describing would be one of complete anarchy without the ability to defend ourselves. how do u keep guns out of the hands of gang members and the like? the answer is that u cant. the only thing we can do now is to be armed ourselves, so that if one of those shitbag criminals out there does try to take my life, at least i have some chance to come out alive.
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