PS3 vs Xbox360


Putin 2016. Yup.
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007
If it takes an article to tell you that one's graphics is better than the other's, does it really matter? Different people play different systems for different games. Who cares which is "better?"

that's what i based my decision upon, the exclusives.

metal gear, god of war, gran turismo, ratchet & clank, resistance and killzone ftw.

btw, has anyone seen the new trailer for gears of war 2? that game looks sick.


"Facts are stupid things"
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Metro Detroit
I have both and as of right now the Xbox has more titles that are actually worth playing. Graphics wise , they both look good to me and I dont see any huge difference between the two. Exclusive games are why Im glad I have both. I have to be able to get Gran Turismo and be able to get Gears of War. The blu ray is nice to have at the same time though.


Too Stock
Established Member
Apr 28, 2004
I'm glad I bought neither of them. I just can't go console dude. I have to be able to mod my games, make my own content and mess with settings and parameter variables inside the files. Consoles pin me down and I can't deal with it. They're impressive machines, I'll give'em that, but my PC will play any game and then some that these consoles will and then turn around and do an endless amount of things they can't. I love to be able to ride the edge of technological advancements when it comes to graphical/computational hardware, so being able to mod and upgrade my hardware is a must as well. Water cooled 3.9Ghz Quad Core @1.54vcore +GF8800 FTW.

So yeah, I'm a big snob in other words, but there is nothing cooler than developing your own game content and then making it available for download to the world and having everyone love it. My PC is basically my main tool to do everything I do. Communication, work, gaming, video editing, writing, HD movies,, it's basically the one machine everyone hovers around in my house.


Pray For The Dead To Rise
Established Member
Jan 18, 2005
I could care less which is better. I own a premium 360, 80GB PS3, Wii and a sick 17” laptop. I can play pretty much anything I want :)


Crazy MMA Junkie
Established Member
Nov 15, 2003
Walker, La
I own both... Have the 80GB PS3 and 360, And a Wii, PSP, PS2, XBOX, And bought my ex g/f a DS Gameboy thing. My father has the 30GB PS3... I love both machines, Because Forza 2 only came on 360 and Gran Turismo for PS3.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 25, 2002
Fayetteville NC
ps3 > my xbox froze up, not the rings of death, and they want me to pay 100 bucks to get it fixed plus i'd pay shipping too. no thanks, bought my ps3 when my 360 broke and couldnt be happier. plus my bro's 360 just got the RLOD for the 3rd time last week and i have a buddy on his 6th 360 due to the RLOD.


Crazy MMA Junkie
Established Member
Nov 15, 2003
Walker, La
I bought my 360 when it first came out, And 7-8 Months ago i went to play it and i got the Red Rings. I was pissed, Called and they sent me a box and stuff to ship it to them. I got a brand new machine back, And its working fine. I need to play all those damn games i bought like.. I have yet to play the Grand Theft Auto 4 that i just bought, Or Rainbow Six Vegas 2, COD 4, PGR 4 And Iron Man i just bought aweek ago for my 360... Also have Transformers for PS3 and is badass and looks good on the High Def TV


New Member
Established Member
May 23, 2006
New York
I love my Elite.
Its capable of 1080p gaming, hasn't given me one issue and I love the black case.
But being a tech guy, I know the ins and outs and so far no real game developer and/or publisher has really utilized the power of the PS3.

It is faster. 7 Cores compared to the Xbox's 3.
Thats why a Crysis title is being considered for the PS3 but not the 360... it don't have the power to run the game at the developer's minimum, or 60 frames per second at 1920 X 1080 pixels displayed progressivly with certain visual features turned on . (Crysis on PS3 running @ 1080p with triple buffering and 16XAf)

When they stop porting games over and really tap into its potential, you will see what I mean.
Resistance 2 is going to be pretty wild.


New Member
Established Member
Dec 14, 2004
I have both and I slightly prefer the PS3. Overall its just a more complete package seeing as how its a blueray player, media brouser/player, internet, free online etc.

My 360 deff has the better exlcusives like Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears, and Halo 3, but the system lacks. It still uses CD's for games which hold like 15gb whereas the blueray CD's can hold up to 50 = way more content. PS3 games have yet to tap into the machine's true potential and Metal Gear 4 will be the first game to do that.

Furthermore the 360 was rushed in production and put on the market before it was appropriately developed in order to capitalize on the profits they attained by releasing it a couple of years before the PS3. Thats why 2% of PS3's have catastrophic failures versus the 360's 33%. My 360 became one of these statistics since my hardrive crashed a couple of weeks ago and I just got it back. For the price of the system, the 360 has WAY less to offer than the PS3. Sony did their homework in developing an amazing piece of machinery, but failed to market it properly and implement a proper framework of media for it. Microsoft on the other hand did the exact opposite aka they made sort of a rush job of the hardware but have killer content a ton of awesome games.
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New Member
Established Member
May 23, 2006
New York
I have both and I slightly prefer the PS3. Overall its just a more complete package seeing as how its a blueray player, media brouser/player, internet, free online etc.

For its original price of $600 it better have all that stuff.

My 360 deff has the better exclusives like Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears, and Halo 3,

Resistance, Uncharted, Ninja Gaiden and Gran Turismo aren't good exclusives?

Furthermore the 360 was rushed in production and put on the market before it was appropriately developed in order to capitalize on the profits they attained by releasing it a couple of years before the PS3. Thats why 2% of PS3's have catastrophic failures versus the 360's 33%.


I'll give you a minute to think about that.
Plus, since Q4 of last year all 360's are built with the new chip and cooling setup, not to mention the lifetime replacement guarentee for anyone who owns one the the originals.

My 360 became one of these statistics since my hardrive crashed a couple of weeks ago and I just got it back. For the price of the system, the 360 has WAY less to offer than the PS3.
It also cost half as much and didn't force people to buy a media player.
Many people just wanted a game machine.

Sony did their homework in developing an amazing piece of machinery, but failed to market it properly and implement a proper framework of media for it.
The problem as that Blue Ray and HD hadn't really went mainstream and Sony tried to force it upon everyone.
Which is why for 2 1/2 years PS3's of all types sat of shelves, Sony discounted 2-3 models and re-vamped thier entire marketing scheme.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 17, 2006
PS3 here.

Had a 360 for a few months then sold it to a friend who got the ring of death.

Helped him get a brand new system, happy with my PS3 just because most people have 360''s.

It's nice to be different

Im with you, I have both plus the Wii. I love my PS3, my xbox 360 recently got Ring oF Death. Love the free online play and im just getting the biggest games on the PS3 as they come out. Graphics wise, if you don't have the equipment to support them, it don't matter! I got Xbox 360 back but hardly play it since i lent out halo 3 to a friend, maybe when i get it back i'll play more of that but for Now its the PS3 and COD 4!


Shut Up And Lift
Established Member
Oct 3, 2004
Middletown, CT
One those most of the pics are shown at different times of day in the game, so lighting is different. Doesn't mean xbox has better graphics.

i have a 250GB PS3 and will never own a microsoft xbox system. Plus blu-ray, cant go wrong with that!! The Controller enough is a shame for me not to buy an xbox. Gran Turismo will be the best game when it comes out!
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 17, 2006
I could care less which is better. I own a premium 360, 80GB PS3, Wii and a sick 17” laptop. I can play pretty much anything I want :)

Yeah its good to be able to play the exclusives for each system! Each is unique in their own way! Without a HDTV and HDMI cable none is up for 1st place.

aoc racer

Ford is hella cool
Established Member
Dec 14, 2003
Tustin, CA
i've always love the sony playstation but i have not yet purchased the PS3. I don't seem to have any reason to either because i bought the 360 first and most popular games are released for 360 and PS3. And i like the games that are more exclusive to 360 now than the PS3's exclusive games


Established Member
May 20, 2006
South Jersey
I game on PC, there's just no comparison and there never will be. I am getting a ps3 however, mainly for movies and gran turisimo.

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