Recent content by Courterman08

  1. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Sorry for all of these ones.. I hate them just as much as everyone else. It's just too damn funny not to post.
  2. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    There's a bunch of those floating around now.
  3. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    the honda sounds guy is Xavier. that was taken just before i got to his house. :bored:
  4. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Writing a resume on microsoft word and I came up with this: As you can see, I'm making lots of progress on my resume.
  5. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    apples to oranges, my friends. apples to oranges. of course everybody would like to live where the weather is nicer. but there is still plenty of fun to be had when it gets cold here. again, if you can't find something to do, that's because you haven't looked hard enough.
  6. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    exactly. the people who complain about their state/city/area are the ones who don't put forth any effort into finding stuff to do.
  7. Courterman08

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    That picture is false. Ohio doesn't have that much elevation change.
