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  • Owner said Mac muffler and borla x pipe so not sure if has cat or not but it passed in new York the other month. What you think? Also I had drag radial that were pretty bad so I’m having new 295 thrown on just to pass
    Oh I run through inspection today so wish me luck. This one I bought should be ok but if not I might need that catted x pipe if you would still be willing to do that. I think this might be ok but I won’t know obviously until tonight. I’m not sure what it is.
    Hey bro need a favor. The car has no cats and no lights on. It passes in NC. Do you think it would pass here ? Thanks
    Don't know if you received the other message. I'd gladly let you borrow a catted x-pipe to pass. It's really depends on their mood if they pass you. When I went they were complete assholes
    What setup are you running with your vortech. Just ordered one from Terry and our goals are similar to that your setup is. We are looking to adjust to just over 600hp since we dont plan on building the bottom end unless we have too.
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