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  • hey, im not to this site, but i am extremely interested in the car, i am currently deployed to afghanistan in the marine corps, i am EXTREMELY interested in the car, i dont have the ability to apply for a loan here, and prolly couldnt get one anyways since i am deployed, but if there is any way you could hook a fellow service member up i would be more than willing to work something out with you, my parents are willing to help me in any way as well (except monitarily that is... lol), not sure if my display name will show, but it is RRcobra1987, thanks for your time.
    thank you,
    LCpl Steven Branka
    USMC/ 0311
    Hey, I'm very interested in the car. Are there any problems with it? I just got back from Afghanistan so I can understand the deployment issues. If you could please send me some more pics, interior and exterior, and the VIN. My e-mail is [email protected] or call me if thats easier. (913) 523-5226. Let me know ASAP so we can work something out, hopefully.
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