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  • Oh maybe this? lol...sorry new to this site -- Maybe you can help me. I am in Canada and looking to buy a used car, finding it very daunting but someone suggested a report that might help. I believe this is the VIN if you can help.


    Thanks so much.
    Can you please run an oasis report for me. I want to see if shows any maintenance and the history for the past 10 years. Thanks in advance.

    VIN 1FMZU84P81ZA61378 if you could please email to [email protected]

    Thanks again.
    Can you run a Oaisis report for me? Here is the VIN of the car I am looking to buy. 1FAFP42R73F438434 Thank you in advance. Tried to PM you but I dont have the option to PM yet.

    Please email to [email protected]

    Do you also have the ability to run a carfax or should I just do that on my own?

    Thank you again.
    Hey man I am located in Ga also and saw you may be getting ready to sell your cobra? I'm in the market if your ready. Thanks
    I live in georgia looking for a cobra. I saw you are looking to sell soon. What are you looking to get for it? Do you have a contact number?
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