Ex Wives


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
I don't miss those days at all. I feel for ya Nick. Mine ended 20 years ago. Actually saw mine a couple years ago at my one kids second wedding and she complemented us on how good we did with the kids and was very pleasant.


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Single Barrel Sirs
Jun 4, 2012
I don't miss those days at all. I feel for ya Nick. Mine ended 20 years ago. Actually saw mine a couple years ago at my one kids second wedding and she complemented us on how good we did with the kids and was very pleasant.

I have about 16 years left, and I hope I never have to see her again haha She's just a miserable human being.


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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
ive seen plenty of horror stories play out. Im grateful we didn't have kids before we split. She kept her cat and I kept my dog and went our separate ways.

sorry you've gotta deal with all that, maybe one day shit will get easier.

Black Gold 380R

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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. My ex never messed with me. We had an amicable divorce. She got custody of the kids, but I could see them whenever I wanted. I paid child support until the second one turned 18. She never came after me to have the child support adjusted/increased. She was never a pain in my @$$ and most of all I think I had to see her twice since we divorced in 2000. Once at my oldest wedding and once at my youngest college graduation. Other than that it's like she never existed LMAO!!!

Black Gold 380R

Multiple SVT Collector
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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX
This is spot on. I took it dry!

Yep, I've heard horror stories.

Now, with my second wife..... If we ever divorced she would come after me for everything I'm worth LOL.

She thinks pictures like this are hilarious:


Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
I believe that the unfairness/risk associated with divorce and child custody/support is why so many men won’t marry anymore.

Ill only get married again for one of two reasons:

She has waaaay more money than me

I’m about to die and it’ll make it easier for the girl I’m with. Maybe…

Why would McDonalds merge financially with some one off mom and pop barely scraping by burger stand? They wouldn’t, as there is no reason to do so.

They would still be in a better position than marriage, because if you separate or sell part of a losing business, you don’t have to continue supporting it like an ex wife.

RE child support and visitation. The differences between states is significant. The states where the custodial parents income isn’t considered is BS.

Many states don’t allow LE to enforce court ordered visitation, allowing the custodial parent (mom lol) to manipulate at will.

Your only option is to get on the lawyer/court hamster wheel.

Lose lose.

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Call me Chief

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Mar 3, 2024
This is why I do not understand why gay people fought so hard for the right to get married. They had it made. They would never have to go through a divorce and all the costs and pain. They could have just kept things the way they were.

FWIW I am not against gay marriage, I am against marriage.

Black Gold 380R

Multiple SVT Collector
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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX
I believe that the unfairness/risk associated with divorce and child custody/support is why so many men won’t marry anymore.

Yep, I agree. I don't have any sons of my own, but I do have a step son (have been his step dad since he was 5. He's 28 now). I've told him for as long as I can remember.... NEVER GET MARRIED! LMAO!!!!

I would go in his room and say "See all this cool stuff you have? Now imagine you have to give half of it to some girl just because you said I DO. And then after you give her half your S#!T you still need to pay her part of your pay check every month for a certain amount of time. Could be years."

He didn't like that idea. I'm happy to report he's not married and has no intentions of being married. LOL.

Oh it also helped him to see some of his buddies get married and the going out and having fun stopped as well. He also seen his friends wives bitching at them to. Guess that solidified his decision to stay single.


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
This is why I do not understand why gay people fought so hard for the right to get married. They had it made. They would never have to go through a divorce and all the costs and pain. They could have just kept things the way they were.

FWIW I am not against gay marriage, I am against marriage.

So youre for gays, just not gays getting married?

5.0 Hatch

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Dec 21, 2005
Gulf coast
This is why I do not understand why gay people fought so hard for the right to get married. They had it made. They would never have to go through a divorce and all the costs and pain. They could have just kept things the way they were.

FWIW I am not against gay marriage, I am against marriage.
They're certainly tax advantages to being married along with healthcare insurance cost. Inheritance type stuff too. I think in some cases that's why they fought for it, not just a piece of paper.

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