NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Do tell, do tell. I'm about to turn 50 and need some help.
I wouldn’t actually recommend tren to anyone, but testosterone /TRT.. absolutely 100 percent. I am in my forties and guarantee you will benefit at 50.

Have a TRT thread in roadside



Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Screwed by the Twins
Established Member
May 29, 2008
albuquerque new mexico
I can start you on a tren and testosterone regimen that will have you looking like a caveman in no time!

Tren yeah if you wanna lose all your ****ing scalp hair sweat like a ****ing pig all night have insomnia and be pissed off the world….. **** tren it’s the worst drug there is In bodybuilding

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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
Tren yeah if you wanna lose all your ****ing scalp hair sweat like a ****ing pig all night have insomnia and be pissed off the world….. **** tren it’s the worst drug there is In bodybuilding

Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior - Fentanyl?

Also, if your own Tren your already balding. Shave it and move on.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Tren yeah if you wanna lose all your ****ing scalp hair sweat like a ****ing pig all night have insomnia and be pissed off the world….. **** tren it’s the worst drug there is In bodybuilding

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Do you have personal experience? That never happened to me, ran it for several cycles, but at low dosages and not for more than 6-8 wks.. some guys just don’t tolerate it all. Varies from man to man, the dose, duration, frequency play a big part. I also never ran it for too long, some of these insane mfers are taking a shit ton every week and running for half the damn year… no thanks.. that said I am done with it. Just sticking to TRT these days.


Screwed by the Twins
Established Member
May 29, 2008
albuquerque new mexico
Do you have personal experience? That never happened to me, ran it for several cycles, but at low dosages and not for more than 6-8 wks.. some guys just don’t tolerate it all. Varies from man to man, the dose, duration, frequency play a big part. I also never ran it for too long, some of these insane mfers are taking a shit ton every week and running for half the damn year… no thanks.. that said I am done with it. Just sticking to TRT these days.

1200mg test 600 tren 100mg anadrol 50mg dbol for an 8 week recomp after a show I did in 2014 I went from 175 post show 7/20/14 to 220 middle of September 2014 my hair thinned so bad it was literally falling out in the shower everyday my blood pressure went to 180/110 and that wasn’t from the anadrol or test as I done it many times prior. I was agitated like every day especially because I couldn’t sleep it was awful. Once I stopped the tren I felt so much better. I even to pramiprexole to combate the progesterone it was not for me it made me strong as **** though 610 squat for 2 reps 405 bench and 600 deadlift during my post show rebound

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Screwed by the Twins
Established Member
May 29, 2008
albuquerque new mexico
Do you have personal experience? That never happened to me, ran it for several cycles, but at low dosages and not for more than 6-8 wks.. some guys just don’t tolerate it all. Varies from man to man, the dose, duration, frequency play a big part. I also never ran it for too long, some of these insane mfers are taking a shit ton every week and running for half the damn year… no thanks.. that said I am done with it. Just sticking to TRT these days.

Same here I’m on 100mg test cyp/enan weekly trt by my doctor and keeps me about 1100 test level only thing that sucks is my hematocrit levels are high I’m always having to donate blood now

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Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
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1200mg test 600 tren 100mg anadrol 5g dbol for an 8 week recoup after a show I did in 2014 I went from 175 post show 7/20/14 to 220 middle of September 2014 my hair thinned so bad it was literally falling out in the shower everyday my blood pressure went to 180/110 and that wasn’t from the anadrol or test as I done it many times prior. I was agitated like every day especially because I couldn’t sleep it was awful. Once I stopped the tren I felt so much better. I even to pramiprexole to combate the progesterone it was not for me it made me strong as **** though 610 squat for 2 reps 405 bench and 600 deadlift during my post show rebound

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I never took that much tren, frankly that is a crazy ****ing dose man. I barely took half that ****ing dose at most. I can only imagine progesterone would be thru the ****ing roof. I did get night sweats and some insominia, never got too agitated or wound up though. I took cabergoline to manage progesterone and prolactin.
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Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
Same here I’m on 100mg test cyp/enan weekly trt by my doctor and keeps me about 1100 test level only thing that sucks is my hematocrit levels are high I’m always having to donate blood now

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I started off TRT around 160 mg a week, currently at 200 mg a week split into 2x injections of 100mg . My SHBG is low and I seem to use it up quickly.

EDIT: is it only your hematocrit that’s high? Mine is up there at the top of the normal range, just barely. Hematocrit is very transient and your hydration can swing it quite a bit. If your red blood cells and hemoglobin aren’t elevated out of range, then I wouldn’t worry too much.
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Screwed by the Twins
Established Member
May 29, 2008
albuquerque new mexico
I started off TRT around 160 mg a week, currently at 200 mg a week split into 2x injections of 100mg a week. My SHBG is low and I seem to use it up quickly.

EDIT: is it only your hematocrit that’s high? Mine is up there at the top of the normal range, just barely. Hematocrit is very transient and your hydration can swing it quite a bit. If your red blood cells and hemoglobin aren’t elevated out of range, then I wouldn’t worry too much.

Red cells and hemoglobin are high as well especially if I skip a round of donation and do labs it shows now that I’m older it’s hard to hydrate as much as I did now I gotta pee every damn 10 min lmao

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