Search results

  1. Rocket254

    Chasing dream cars

    You know that line from Heath Ledger's Joker where he says "I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it."? Well, yeah, I'm there... Since I was old enough to know what Hot Wheels were, I have been a dog chasing a dream car. Specifically, a Viper. What started...
  2. Rocket254

    Best Truck/SUV Daily for $5K?

    Looking to promote the Stang to weekend status and pick up a small truck or suv to drive around town in. I need a vehicle with some utility and have a <10 mile commute to work each day so gas is a non-factor. Ideally, I'd stay under $5K and under 150K miles. Can anyone give me some ideas and...
