spun bearing

  1. A

    GT350 Dealer Nightmare Part 2 (3 Month+ Engine Replacement & More)

    Was just about to post a follow-up to my 3 month and counting Ford dealer situation as the engine was finally disassembled and the warranty company field inspector approved it’s replacement. I just got the car back with the new engine and thought I’d post the good news and close the loop on...
  2. A

    GT350 Dealership Nightmare (2 months without car still)

    Hi guys, sorry for the long post but this whole thing has been going on for over 2 months now with no real end in sight. Was pointed here by others to get opinions on the situation from those with experience. Thanks in advance. TLDR: bought my dream car and it turned into a nightmare. Was...
  3. Jumonkan

    Timing kit is out

    After doing some investigation it appears either the oil pump or something else happened to the oiling system in my 97 cobra. I found Ive spun a bearing on the #4 piston and Im now looking to have the engine rebuilt with forged pistons and rods in prep for a supercharge later on. Is in one in...
