3.2" Metco alt. pulley question......


Established Member
Nov 1, 2010
Louisville, KY
Hey guys,

Long time no see to everyone! I have been extremely busy with the family and work lately. The Cobra has been on hold for some time now. My father is a gun collector and talked to me into getting an AR-15 again so we could spend more time together. Needless to say, I spend money on this thing like I do my car, so this disease we all have WILL carry over into other hobbies!! LOL!

Anyway, on to my question/problem. I got my 10% overdrive installed and went to put my 3.2" alt. pulley on. Well it came with the spacer and everything but even with the spacer the pulley rubs on the little ribs on the altenator. Any advice? Anyone else have the same issue, and if so how did you fix this?

Thanks guys and it's good to be back!!

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