a/c problem HELP Please


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Feb 17, 2007
OK heres the problem. I bought an 1998 csvt last november and replaced the evaporater and compressor since they were both bad. Then i had the car recharged hoping it would be all good and dandy. The a/c worked fine for about 2 months then i had a problem with blowing the blower motor fuse any time i hit the gas, it seemed to work when the car was just idleing. Then I replaced the resistor hoping that would help since i'd seen lots of problems with it, that didn't help at all. By the way all speeds on my vent work fine low thru high. Then i tried a different blower motor and that didn't seem to help either. It keeps blowing the blower motor fuse. Then today when going to work i tried to turn on the defrost which usually worked very rarely blew the fuse, blew the fuse also. So if anyone has any ideas what this could be let me know I appreciat the help.

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