A Sad Commentary on U.S. Values...

05 Roush

Established Member
Aug 7, 2003
Front Range

Now I'm true blue American. I vote. I get involved. I do what I can to be American. But this flag nonsense has got me steamed. Just as I suspected. Most Americans are plain lazy and don't value America.

Not 3 years ago, the U.S. flag industry nearly went out of business due to lack of sales. It was difficult to find anyone flying U.S. flags during the appropriate holidays, including Memorial and Independence Day. So, in an effort to curb costs, the flag industry was shipped overseas to China well before 2001.

All of the sudden in 2001, a terrible thing happened. Flags were flying EVERYWHERE. Cars, bikes, bumpers, houses, street signs, ads, billboards, buses, pins, clothing. You name it, the flag was IN YOUR FACE. It was littering the countryside. You couldn't buy a single thing without some blue, red, or white packaging.
Imported Japanese and Korean vehicles with "Proud to Be an American" bumper stickers on them? I never understood.

Now, in 2004, I see only a few vehicles with faded flag bumper stickers. Holidays have come and gone and flags have dwindled. People are taking down their flag holders. Companies have changed their packaging. America stands as it was in 1988, uncertain about the future and unclear about its direction.

In the background, millions of jobs have been shipped overseas to places like India and China. Proud to be American? I say proud to wave a symbol around while the U.S. continues to fall into a selfish vertigo of low cost products forsaking the jobs of their neighbors.

So I say unto you. Why is this country so fixated on a symbol it choses to ignore most of the time? It's appropriate to show this elegent symbol when necessary, but in all it's merely a symbol, not the essence of America. Then again, few people I've met know of its true significance or its care. They just want something to believe in, forsaking the American dream of liberty and freedom by fixating on a materialistic symbol. And when the symbol becomes "old" they simply discard it as they would the daily newspaper.

Enough ranting... back to work....
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2003
West Los Angeles
Before 9-11 I only flew my Flag on holidays but since then I have flown it everyday. Since it is hanging on my front porch I keep it up at night since it is properly lit.
Since they do wear out and should be replaced when worn I have noticed that it has become much harder to get a new one. I guess that the Flag flying fad is over. I only know of three other Flags that are still flown every day.


Where is the KABOOM ????
Established Member
Sep 1, 2002
Liberty MO
All so true, patriotism and religion are alot alike in the fact that alot of people only turn to them in hard times then forget about them when the crisis has past....

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