A worthy cause (please read)

BMC blown92LX

New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2004
When I was growing up, I'd see these commercials showing these poor parents/kids over-seas and a certain "company" that asked for donations. I asked "Why can't we take care of kids like this in the USA?"

Here's where "Feed the Children" steps in. You have a choice to help kids whose parents are either out of a job, or laid off or just can't work. For just $7.00, yes SEVEN dollars you help 2 familys with a box full of grocerys. There are NO commitments and NO-one will try to sell you anything. If you make a donation of $7.00, they will not ask you for anything more. If you donate ONE time in your life, please, let it be to help the kids here in Amercia.

You can help the kids over-seas as well, or if you choose, here in the USA. Either way, please help, the children need us.

(If you have ever seen the late-night commercial for FEED THE CHILDREN, the places these children have to live, the lack of food, the clothes they wear..it'll make the toughest of men/women teary eyed)

If you can help, please visit the NON-PROFIT Feed the Children site below.


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BMC blown92LX

New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2004
I'll be damned. I'm calling them tomorrow and confronting them about the above mentioned link. For now, I'll still leave in my sig that I'am a sponser. Now, after reading the above mentioned link/site, I have to wonder just how proud I'am.

I think it's pitiful that people (any organizations (sp?) ) take advantage of the American people and use innocent children to do so.

Scoriox, I appreciate the heads-up!
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BMC blown92LX

New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2004
Hummmmmm.....maybe I'll record the conversation with them and post the MP3 here.....

Can I record them legally?


New Member
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
I would love to help out these types of organizations. Well the way the talk about what they do. Then you find stuff like this and it makes you wonder. You want to help but how can u without wondering if you money is going into someone’s big pockets instead of the children. So does anyone know of a good place to donate money to these causes? I remember reading what the Red Cross pulled during the Sept 11 attacks.

BMC blown92LX

New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2004
Well after MANY MANY phone calls to FTC...and being bounced from one idiot to another, I finally gave up and emailed the link to them..

Included in my email I asked what they had to say not only about the website, but the grade "F" they were receiving from it.

FINALLY I got a response:

"Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the "F" rating the American
Institute of Philanthropy awarded Feed The Children again this year.

Daniel Borochoff and his "watchdog" organization, the American Institute of
Philanthropy (AIP), have annually published a report on Feed The Children based
on information that is altered. In fact, Mr. Borochoff usually includes in his
AIP report a paragraph in which he confesses to subjective considerations that
allow him to draw preconceived conclusions: "Some charities receive large
amounts of donated goods and services. These items can be difficult to value
and distort the calculation of how efficiently a charity is spending your
dollars. Donated items are generally excluded from AIP's calculation of the
following ratios." Mr. Borochoff also states in his Charity Rating Guide:
"Charity financial reporting is inconsistent, unclear and often incorrect. To
form a basis of comparison, adjustments have been made to the financial reports
of some of the organizations in this guide."

While Mr. Borochoff believes that he is providing a service to help the
consumer understand the efficiency of charities, the service that he provides,
unfortunately, is misleading because he does not follow the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) standards and principles
regarding inclusion of gifts-in-kind contributions (donated goods and
services). Mr. Borochoff admits that he generally excludes gifts-in-kind

Reputable watchdog groups do not exclude gifts-in-kind contributions from their calculations. That is why other watchdog groups say that Feed The Children has a higher than average efficiency rating. As reported in Forbes magazine, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the NonProfit Times, Consumer's Digest, Charity Navigator http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm/bay/search.summary/orgid/3691.htm, Better Business Bureau http://www.give.org/reports/care_dyn.asp?476and Ministry Watch http://www.ministrywatch.com/mw2.1/F_SumRpt.asp?EIN=736108657, Feed The Children's efficiency was ABOVE the average of the country's 400 largest charities.

For information purposes, I have attached an overview that should give you a
better picture of how Feed The Children works. For further information, our
complete audited financial statement and IRS Form 990 is available on our
website under "Accountability." Thank you for your consideration of this
information. If you have any further questions or need additional information,
please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (405) 945-4060.

Melissa Mercer Howell
Public Relations Director
Feed The Children
(405) 945-4060
Fax (405) 949-5194
email: [email protected] "

So I have replied back to her asking why, if this information was false against them....don't they seek legal action against the site/owner and author.

I'll post their reply here once I get it.


Established Member
Jul 6, 2003
As much as I really do not care about these big charities, I am damn glad you are actually taking the time find out where your money is going.

Nothing is worse than taking money "for charity" and limiting the amount that actually helps the people in question.

So :beer:

Look forward to the update. It is nice to see someone making an attempt to find out something :thumbsup:

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