Alton Sterling shooting - Baton Rouge, LA


Finish First
Established Member
Jul 7, 2003
Currently in Sonoma County
The few times I've been pulled over I've never had them ready. Not going to be opening the center console and be digging into my jeans when the cop is walking up to the car/truck. Hands on the wheel till he gets to my window

I tell the officer where everything is and I do it nice and slowly.

Thanks. Yes this is better.


I'm watching
Established Member
Jan 15, 2007
Hawthorne, CA
The few times I've been pulled over I've never had them ready. Not going to be opening the center console and be digging into my jeans when the cop is walking up to the car/truck. Hands on the wheel till he gets to my window

I tell the officer where everything is and I do it nice and slowly.

I had this exact conversation with my brother yesterday! I agree 100% with you. People have to remember the officer has no idea the situation he is walking into. How many officers have been killed during what they thought would be a simple traffic violation? This reminds me of an incident I encountered a few years ago. One of my co-workers and I were returning to work from lunch. I was driving. We work in a building that has a railroad track next to it. Trains are constantly at a stop there which causes traffic to stop as well. That day we were "lucky" enough to be stuck in that very situation. The tracks are placed after our building so I slowly drove on the opposite side of the road, passing a LEO in the process, to get into our building's driveway. Mind you there were no cars headed in our direction as they were stuck on the opposite side of the track. The Leo follows me into our parking lot and of course lights me up. I start rolling down all four of my windows because they're all tinted. I wanted to make sure the officer felt a bit more comfortable approaching the vehicle. While I'm doing this, my co-worker tells me, "Since you were driving and this doesn't involve me, I'm getting out." All this while reaching for the door handle and actually pulling it! Luckily I had the child locks on and the door didn't open. I immediately yelled, "No!" and explained to her why that was the worst idea. We are both lucky the situation played out that way. I can't even imagine what could have possibly happened had that door opened.
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Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Well considering he's only 19, no. However, he's on probation for a year and has a $3000 fine. The charge is a misdemeanor and as long as he stays on the straight and narrow it supposedly will not go on he record(according to him). Thing is, when potential employers run his background this charge shows up on his record and has made it difficult for him to gain employment, therefore he may not be able to pay his monthly fine which would result in a warrant for his arrest. He worked one day at a rental car place until they got his background back and informed him they couldn't keep him. So I could see how the struggle to find work would push him to looking for other ways to make money, in turn possibly obtaining a lengthy criminal record down the line. He is a college student/athlete atm.

He didn't know his rights. I and others failed him in that regard.

Nineteen years old and he doesn't know his rights? I'd say either his parents or high school failed him and and I'm leaning more towards school unless they do not teach civics anymore. I learned to shut up and ask for a lawyer from my civics teacher who happened to be a Democrat that valued the Constitution. Weird.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2007
Yeah, he was "selling CD's" outside of the convenience store. Apparently that's how he was trying to make a living. I have a feeling he was doing more than selling CD's.

It's calling hustling and its the only way they know how to earn a living, that or just steal. Ever seen a ****** work out in the heat? LOL!!! nope.

This country is so PC and pathetic. Racial profiling exists for a reason, it works. It's not the "system" keeping brothers down. It's their non existent and shitty parents to start, no work ethic, and a deserving attitude, that doesn't work, end of story.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2007
I had this exact conversation with my brother yesterday! I agree 100% with you. People have to remember the officer has no idea the situation he is walking into. How many officers have been killed during what they thought would be a simple traffic violation? This reminds me of an incident I encountered a few years ago. One of my co-workers and I were returning to work from lunch. I was driving. We work in a building that has a railroad track where trains are constantly fully stopped. That day we were "lucky" enough to be stuck in that very situation. The tracks are placed after our building so I slowly drove on the opposite side of the road, passing a LEO in the process, to get into our building's driveway. Mind you there were no cars headed in our direction as they were stuck on the opposite side of the track. The Leo follows me into our parking lot and of course lights me up. I start rolling down all four of my windows because they're all tinted. I wanted to make sure the officer felt a bit more comfortable approaching the vehicle. While I'm doing this, my co-worker tells me, "Since you were driving and this doesn't involve me, I'm getting out." All this while reaching for the door handle and actually pulling it! Luckily I had the child locks on and the door didn't open. I immediately yelled, "No!" and explained to her why that was the worst idea. We are both lucky the situation played out that way. I can't even imagine what could have possibly happened had that door opened.

I don't know about luck, but there's a whole lot of stupid in that post. And such a "incident" would happen from someone that works with, and takes a female co worker to lunch.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
I'll play devil's advocate here. I didn't see a gun in the video. I just heard the cop say "gun!" I don't think we should convict the cops or the man they shot based on the video available. Now that guy up in MN....yeah they murdered him. That was disturbing to watch. And you can tell from the cops reaction in that video that he KNOWS he ****ed up.

Regardless of who is right and wrong (it should be taken on a case by case basis), the police and especially the media are spreading a fear of the police amongst the black community. If I were a black man, no matter how innocent, logical, and compliant I was, my heart would be racing at about 145 BPM anytime I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop.

The media, especially social media, is spreading this fear much like it is spreading a fear of anything from the Middle-East amongst white people.


big reg

Gets his shit pushed in
Established Member
May 25, 2004
Brunswick NY
This place is so predictable now. The little I do log on any more does provide some great office comedy though. It's become Facebook 2.0 lately. Who the **** comes to a car forum to discuss politics and news?

Took a screen shot of the comments above as a memento as well.


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
My tolerance is getting low. I've tried to be nice, but I will not tolerate this crap. I hope we understand. I'm gonna go from easy going to ass. Beware!


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
This place is so predictable now. The little I do log on any more does provide some great office comedy though. It's become Facebook 2.0 lately. Who the **** comes to a car forum to discuss politics and news?

Took a screen shot of the comments above as a memento as well.

Im over it. Going back to LL style, not appropriate, banned. I don't care anymore what y'all think!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 11, 2008
This place is so predictable now. The little I do log on any more does provide some great office comedy though. It's become Facebook 2.0 lately. Who the **** comes to a car forum to discuss politics and news?

Took a screen shot of the comments above as a memento as well.
Have you seen the news and politics blogs? There is no common ground anymore, no middle of the road. Civility went out the window more than a decade ago and it's only getting worse. It's really a shame. It's not just this forum, it's everywhere. My family can't even have family get togethers anymore because the liberal side ends up getting in shouting matches with the conservative side. It got so bad last year at Christmas people ended up walking out and some people haven't spoken since. It wasn't like that when I was a kid. I don't know what is wrong with people but it's ridiculous.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk


Established Member
Sep 6, 2015
This place is so predictable now. The little I do log on any more does provide some great office comedy though. It's become Facebook 2.0 lately. Who the **** comes to a car forum to discuss politics and news?

Took a screen shot of the comments above as a memento as well.

So don't come to the one part of the forum that is pretty much for anything other than cars.

big reg

Gets his shit pushed in
Established Member
May 25, 2004
Brunswick NY
Have you seen the news and politics blogs? There is no common ground anymore, no middle of the road. Civility went out the window more than a decade ago and it's only getting worse. It's really a shame. It's not just this forum, it's everywhere. My family can't even have family get togethers anymore because the liberal side ends up getting in shouting matches with the conservative side. It got so bad last year at Christmas people ended up walking out and some people haven't spoken since. It wasn't like that when I was a kid. I don't know what is wrong with people but it's ridiculous.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
I hear that bud. That is exactly why I stay off of Facebook and other social media. You are so right about the middle ground aspect too. Extremist on both sides of the coin are at an all time high. If you disagree you are either a repubtard or a libtard. Heaven forbid you see both sides and arrive in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 11, 2008
I hear that bud. That is exactly why I stay off of Facebook and other social media. You are so right about the middle ground aspect too. Extremist on both sides of the coin are at an all time high. If you disagree you are either a repubtard or a libtard. Heaven forbid you see both sides and arrive in the middle.
I still think the majority of Americans are middle of the road and are reasonable, I just think they get drowned out by the fanatics on both sides. That goes for politics, race issues, police name it. With regard to the topic at hand I will be the 1st to admit that I see things through the eyes of a police officer, but I am also a realist and know that not all cops are squeeky clean and not all cops make the best decisions. Mistakes happen...bad decisions happen and sometimes criminal acts happen. That being said, IMO I think some of these things are sensationalized and made to appear as bigger problems then they really are.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
I hear that bud. That is exactly why I stay off of Facebook and other social media. You are so right about the middle ground aspect too. Extremist on both sides of the coin are at an all time high. If you disagree you are either a repubtard or a libtard. Heaven forbid you see both sides and arrive in the middle.
Assbook is the death of everything.

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