Anyone going to any track tonight (09/10/04)??


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Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
I really would like to go to get some track times tonight. Not sure if anyone's goin, but I would love to tag along.

Please let me know either here, through PM or call me (443-223-4161). Thanks a bunch fellas :-D


Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
Which track? I'm torn between going to see my fiancee, installing my catback, and hitting up MIR. I have a feeling I'll probably end up doing the first, but you never know.....


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Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Originally posted by FISHTAIL
Which track? I'm torn between going to see my fiancee, installing my catback, and hitting up MIR. I have a feeling I'll probably end up doing the first, but you never know.....

MIR works for me. Gates open at 6:30 for the "Speed Unlimited Performance Center Midnight Madness Street Car Series" Event

Are we eligible to run?? I have never been to a track before, just FYI, so I know nothing about the whole procedure. But like I said, I would LOVE to get some track times this evening.

And hey, why don't you bring the fiancee to the track?? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone :-D

P.S. Link to page for tonight at MIR I probably would be able to get up there by 6:15 at the earliest. Depends on traffic, I'm in Annapolis...
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Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
She has to leave in the am, so she wouldn't wanna go to the track. She doesnt' really like it anyway. We can run on friday nights. If you run faster than a 13.0 they will stick you in pro-street though. 13.0 and slower runs super street, 12.99 and faster goes into pro-street. Which is fine, but you'll be running guys who have alot more experiance. Then again, you can always sandbag;). I'll be leavin work at 4:00, so I'll know shortly after that if I can make it. I'd love to go, I haven't been this year. I just hav eto do some fany talkin to get my girl to let me go. If I can't go tonight, shes out of town this weekend so I can most definatly go on Sunday. And it's supposed to be nice.

Plus the added bonus of sunday is that you do'nt have to worry about elims. Its a test and tune, so you can pretty much just run all day long.


Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
If it's all the same to you, I'd really prefer going on sunday so that I can get my catback on before I run(and so I can borrow a helmet). I'd be glad to go with you on Sunday morning and show you the ropes. I might even be able to convice a few more folks to come with us if we go then.


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Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Originally posted by FISHTAIL
If it's all the same to you, I'd really prefer going on sunday so that I can get my catback on before I run(and so I can borrow a helmet). I'd be glad to go with you on Sunday morning and show you the ropes. I might even be able to convice a few more folks to come with us if we go then.

Sunday SHOULD work fine. It actually would work better for me than today also. So I guess we can plan on Sunday. Any particular time??

Again, don't hold me to it, but I THINK Sunday should be fine. Shoot me a PM or something. :beer:


Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
LOL, well I know sunday works for me, cuz I don't have jack crap to do this weekend after my fiancee leaves town(well until sunday night when she gets in I'll be heading up there). Sunday racing usually starts around 10:00 I think. I'm not sure what time it ends because I always get bored and leave before it's over.

Maybe WUTWINE will come with us? I'll call prasad too and see if he's interested in comming down. I'll PM you later after I get home with my phone number so we can corridinate a little easier.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Originally posted by FISHTAIL
LOL, well I know sunday works for me, cuz I don't have jack crap to do this weekend after my fiancee leaves town(well until sunday night when she gets in I'll be heading up there). Sunday racing usually starts around 10:00 I think. I'm not sure what time it ends because I always get bored and leave before it's over.

Maybe WUTWINE will come with us? I'll call prasad too and see if he's interested in comming down. I'll PM you later after I get home with my phone number so we can corridinate a little easier.

Wait, how come this Sunday there's an "Import" event scheduled?? Are will still allowed to run?? I'm a bit confused, but as I said earlier, I have never been to the track and I know nothing about events and such. Here's the link to the event scheduled for this Sunday:

Sunday September 12, 2004 Event

So are we still good or whatever?? Oh yea, and definitely try to get Prasad and WUTWINE (Jason) to come along. I would love to get together with those guys again at the track. Maybe I'll call Todd (RAWSN8K) too and see if he's interested. I know there's some other Waldorf-area guys that would probably be interested too.

PM me whenever. :-D :thumbsup:
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Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
awwww crap. Lousy import day, no we can't run on sunday. Crapitol has a midnight madness thing on saturday nights I believe. I don't know much about it though since I've only been to that track one time. Not exactly my favorite track(too run down, and about 4 times as far for me as MIR). Hmmmm....that sucks. I was all prepped to go racin on sunday. Lousy special event. Maybe they moved test n tune to saturday????

oh and on a random note:
Todd is about 7 minutes from my house:).


New Member
Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Originally posted by FISHTAIL
Crap dice on saturday for MIR. Still not sure about capitol....

Saturday is a definite no go for me. Dang it.... I was hoping you were going to say we are allowed to run or something :( Oh well..... Guess my first numbers will just have to wait

Let me know if anything changes :-D

P.S. Todd mentioned that I think. He said you couldn't make our meet on 08/28/04 because you had a wedding to go to or something. It was good time you missed :-D
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Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
I was bummed that I missed that meet, but I had a great time at the weddin too.

I feel your pain with the track though, I'd realy like to run my car, since I have yet to take the cobra down. Maybe next sunday? I have to double check my schedule, but I think that should be fine for me.

What are you doing saturday that has you tied up? I was gonna offer to let you come down and watch me yell at my exhaust while I change it. I don't think it'll be too hard, but I always hate exhaust work......


New Member
Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Originally posted by FISHTAIL
I was bummed that I missed that meet, but I had a great time at the weddin too.

I feel your pain with the track though, I'd realy like to run my car, since I have yet to take the cobra down. Maybe next sunday? I have to double check my schedule, but I think that should be fine for me.

What are you doing saturday that has you tied up? I was gonna offer to let you come down and watch me yell at my exhaust while I change it. I don't think it'll be too hard, but I always hate exhaust work......

My g/f would kill me... We had the whole day planned out, but I would love to come on down... My uncle lives in Dentsville, I'm sure you're familiar with the area. My whole dad's side of the family lives in the LaPlata/Waldorf area... Ever heard of Martin's Service Station up on the hill in LaPlata next to the bank and the fire station?? My uncle owns it. He also races at MIR in the Pro-Stock class with his 545-long block top fuel car. So does his son!! The whole family races too, his wife drives a 69 Nova that is well.... NOT STOCK.... Haha.... We actually just picked up our brand new German Shepherd puppy from Hollywood, MD 4 weekends ago.

Anyways, enough about the area. Next Sunday is a test and tune, according to the schedule on MIR's site. That should be just fine for me.... Just gotta check the calendar when I get home :-D


Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
hahahahahahaha I know how that feels. My fiancee and I only ever get to see one another on the weekends so it makes it hard to do things that she doesn't really enjoy(like meeting random people to talk cars).

So your uncle owns the service station that got demolished by the tornado eh? Cool. It looks much better now anyway;). Hollywood md? That's a bit of a hike for you I'd think. That's clear down near california MD. And what the hell is up with names like california and hollywood MD? That's just goofy.

Anyway, yeah I saw the thing about next sunday actually being a test and tune, which is part of the reason I picked it. lol. Plus my Fiancee is going to be at a bridal show all day so I'll have free time to run around and make a mess.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Originally posted by FISHTAIL
hahahahahahaha I know how that feels. My fiancee and I only ever get to see one another on the weekends so it makes it hard to do things that she doesn't really enjoy(like meeting random people to talk cars).

Yea, same here. She's trying to graduate college early this December. So we only do the weekend thing too. Same boat man, same boat :-D

Originally posted by FISHTAIL
So your uncle owns the service station that got demolished by the tornado eh? Cool. It looks much better now anyway;). Hollywood md? That's a bit of a hike for you I'd think. That's clear down near california MD. And what the hell is up with names like california and hollywood MD? That's just goofy.

That very same station. It was sad when the tornado wrecked it because I remember riding from there with my granddad and hanging out in the bays and whatnot. But yea, it does look a LOT better now. Thank God for insurance! :-D I agree on the wierd California names. They even had Compton! I saw a sign for it! And yes, it was more of a hike for me, but the breeder was very reputable. Besides, it's not like I hate driving :thumbsup:

Originally posted by FISHTAIL
Anyway, yeah I saw the thing about next sunday actually being a test and tune, which is part of the reason I picked it. lol. Plus my Fiancee is going to be at a bridal show all day so I'll have free time to run around and make a mess.

Good! Just let me check the calendar when I get home and I'll save you from that wicked bridal shower mess :-D We'll go have a good time at the track and stuff. Hopefully I'll get some good runs in. I'm shootin for anywhere between 12.2 (yea right; on stock F1s?!) and 12.6. Think I can do it? I can powershift and I've been practicing slipping the clutch from about 2500 RPMs. Only problem: 2-3 shift OWNZ me!

Probably will run 13.4 :) Anyways, sounds like next Sunday it is... I'm sure by then a few other MD guys will jump on board :-D
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Mid-Atlantic Cobra Assoc
Established Member
Dec 18, 2003
Hey guys,
I'm in for MIR this Sunday. I have been wanting to get down there for sometime now. If you all would like, you can meet at my house on Sunday and we can all go down from there. Let me know and I will send everyone directions.



Will Work For Mods
Established Member
Jul 7, 2004
LaPlata, MD
Hey Todd, do you remeber meeting/racing a fella with a black 5.0 GT last year at ford fever named Ben who was supposed to get you some plugs for your EGR system?

I'm still up for running sunday, I just hope it doesn't rain. We could meet at that financial place at the end of your road too.....


Mid-Atlantic Cobra Assoc
Established Member
Dec 18, 2003
Yes I do. I never got with him to get those. I still need them if he has them. Let me know. In addition, meeting at the Credit Union would be fine with me. I think that it is suppose to rain though...freakin' Ivan. Screwing up a good race day.


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