Boom! And a cloud of smoke.


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Established Member
May 27, 2012
Bay Area
Long story short, I'm driving down the highway today when I notice a Bentley on my ass, so we do a few runs with me getting the best of him. On the last one I'm in 3rd gear bout to shift, and like a dumb ass I shift into 2nd at high speeds:bash: so I hear loud boom and a bunch of smoke. Anybody know what I got going here? At first I thought I blew the tranny, but I was able to drive it and it shiffted fine, but when I let off the gas I hear a clunking noise coming from the rearend. Also noticed the differential was leaking oil, and it was all over my rear bumper. I'm assuming it has something to do with my rearend just don't know exactly what, can anybody chime in and help out. Thanks.


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Aug 29, 2004
Gibraltar, Michigan
It's quite possible that you cracked your differential cover or the differential casing hence the leakage and the oil covering your bumper. I wouldn't be surprised if it was cracked. The loud boom you heard, that was probably your rear differential mount breaking on you because of the soft rubber bushing it uses. The bushing can only withstand so much force before it becomes compromised. I had my rear differential mount break a week ago, and yeah, BOOM is all I heard. As goes for the smoke, I would imagine the fluid inside the diff gets very hot especially doing highway runs so that fluid is very hot!! Good luck, I would get it over to a tranny shop.


New Member
Established Member
May 27, 2012
Bay Area
I'm thinking there's more damage than just the cover, because I get a clunking noise in the rearend when I let off the the gas.

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