Chief Illiniwek is history...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
:fm: :fm: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:


As a person who grew up in Champaign as a fan of the Illini, with a father who was a professor at U of I for 30 years, I can't even tell you how mad this makes me.


I hope all the ****ing Chief haters are happy now that we can finally host post-season sporting events. I mean, after all, we were missing out on so much of that when the Chief was around. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Mr. Mach-ete

Liberals Suck
Established Member
Apr 13, 2004
It's 100% total bullsh*t! A local high school around my area was forced to drop their stadium name, Warrior Stadium, for a more friendly politically correct name.

25 years from now Native American Idians are going to be pissed that nothing is named after them.:bored:


Nov 7, 2006
I tried to make myself care about this issue but I was unable to do so...

//grew up in central illinois...
//do not care :shrug:


Established Member
Mar 27, 2005
Dub C, FL
Mr. Mach-ete said:
25 years from now Native American Idians are going to be pissed that nothing is named after them.:bored:
and they will get a native american history month, but since the shortest month is already taken, then what:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Chi Burbs
i went too highschool that had to change the from the Redskins to the Redhawks pretty gayyyyyyyyyyy to me


scotchy scotch scotch
Established Member
Feb 12, 2006
Thats Crap!

Sometimes I think this country has gotten so open-minded that its brains fell out.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
This is a letter to the editor of the local C-U Newspaper (The News Gazzette). It wasn't written by me, but by someone I know very well:

Dear Editor:

I offer the following as a Guest Editorial:

So now the Chief has been banished to the dustbin of history, but one more casualty to politi-cal correctness.

In his interview with the News-Gazette, Board of Trustees Chair Eppley tells us that he is hopeful that the citizens of Illinois and supporters of the University of Illinois will recognize that the University is much broader than the issue of Chief Illiniwek. He is right in his conclu-sion, but terribly wrong in his reasoning. Yes, the events surrounding the retirement of the Chief Illiniwek tradition are indeed but a small part of the University. But those events are very, very important in the broader sense, exactly as Mr. Eppley has suggested.

They represent a microcosm of all that is wrong about the current situation at the flagship land grant institution of the State of Illinois.

I was a 29-year faculty member in the College of Engineering at UI, one of the most prestig-ious of many prestigious colleges here. I won every single teaching award the University has to offer on our campus, most of them in the first year they were awarded. I published more than 70 scientific papers and consulted with the U.S. Congress and many other federal, state and local government and private industry bodies. I state these facts not to brag, but simply to indicate that I was there, on the inside, at the sharp end of things for a long time. What I witnessed during that 29-year period was the gradual erosion and decline of nearly every-thing that a great university is supposed to stand for.

As a land grant institution, we, the faculty, were and are charged with educating the best and brightest sons and daughters of the people of the State of Illinois. Here is what we are teach-ing those bright young minds, who come here so eager to learn, to be shaped into future leaders and great citizens of our states: That principles are trumped by the expediency of the moment; that the ability of the few to screech loudly trumps the majority will of the stake-holders of our state; that the administration of the university will bend to any outside pressure that involves the potential for difficulty; that the volume of a debate counts more than the soundness of its reasoning; that it is unimportant to take a firm stand on a controversial issue; that political correctness matters more than good judgment and real issues; and that success in a position of leadership means avoiding judgments and facts for as long as possible. When Mr. Eppley opines that the University is broader than the Chief issue, this is how he is right. The Chief issue and the way it was handled is merely a microcosm of all of the above.

Much has been made of the amount of time consumed by many members of the University of Illinois community over the Chief Illiniwek issue. That didn’t have to be. It was caused by the abject refusal of an administration to make a decision of any kind, by a desire and hope that someway, somehow, things would go away without anyone being responsible for taking a stand. Those in power were not interested in resolving an issue, but were mightily interested in avoiding any necessity to stand up and be counted. But things didn’t go away, as they never do. And now we have the current spectacle of the ridiculous apologia being presented by everybody in a position of trust who was unable to run for cover and hide behind silence. As for a so-called consensus, it couldn’t be clearer that what was being angled toward and hoped for was anything but a consensus, but rather was a Faustian bargain with forces whose respect, admiration and loyalty to our University and to the principles on which it is supposed to stand is nonexistent.

Are these the behavior traits we want to teach the young adults who come here to forge life-time habits, ethics and careers?

I make the following suggestion, with reluctance but with an eye toward the facts that impel me to make it: Stop supporting the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in any way whatsoever. Stop attending athletic events. Stop giving even a penny to any fundraising pro-gram put forth. If you will contains provision for a death gift to UIUC, change it. If you want to help public education, make sure your gifts go to UI Springfield or UI Chicago, or Parkland College, or to a very specific UI program that you know doesn’t hold the above “standards.” Give nothing whatsoever to the general University of Illinois cries for support of any kind.

Stop supporting the destroyers of a great academic university in the only way they will under-stand. Providing support to such people is tantamount to being condemned to a firing squad and having to pay for the ammunition too. Do not listen to pleas by the University for “loyalty.” The University and Board of Trustees have made their own “loyalty” choice, many of them actually, and could have taken any number of principled stands if courage and backbone meant anything to them. That they haven’t is indicative of the pervasiveness and deadly na-ture of the situation. Ultimately, if you stand for nothing you fall for everything. We have.

I never imagined that I would write such things. But, finally, I have seen enough. It took me a long time, it was a painful road, but I can finally, clearly see where UIUC is headed. I don’t want to be a part of it, not in the smallest way. Not ever again.


aka jamz
Established Member
Jun 10, 2005
buford ga
Maybe Illinois should rename their team "THE FIGHTING MARBLES!"

That way, noone gets offended!

I wonder is Latino Catholic Priests get offended at the San Diego Padres?

I wonder if Christians in general get mad at the New Orleans Saints?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 18, 2000
Apex, NC
I agree with the letter writter above. If that were my alma-mater it would be a cold day in hell before they ever saw another penny of support for me, and I would be destroying every single bit of related stickers, clothes, or anything that I had ever had to show my support. The best way to treat this sort of non-sense is to make their wallets bleed from lack of support.


Dead Crawlin...
Established Member
Dec 25, 2004
The Good Dale, Illinois
I am a current student at U of I and I am disgusted with this whole issue. I could go on for hours on this very issue but I really dont have time to do so. It is a true shame that such a minority of people can always get their way...but I guess that is how the world works these days with everything.

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