Concealed Carry in your Boss

Highway Star

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May 26, 2012
Burbank CA
And when you say liberal ae you referring to me? By liberal do you mean someone who is more educated than you? More intelligent than you? Has more real world experience than you? Because that is all true. And I know it because anybody who uses "Liberal" as an epithet (you may not know what epithet means btw but I am taking a chance here) is by definition less educated and intelligent than me. I am not proud of it. How much credit can I take for a rhetorical victory over the likes of you. It's like being in a butt kicking contest with a one legged man. (Google the word rhetorical so you don't get confused. :dancenana:


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Oct 2, 2012
And when you say liberal ae you referring to me? By liberal do you mean someone who is more educated than you? More intelligent than you? Has more real world experience than you? Because that is all true. And I know it because anybody who uses "Liberal" as an epithet (you may not know what epithet means btw but I am taking a chance here) is by definition less educated and intelligent than me. I am not proud of it. How much credit can I take for a rhetorical victory over the likes of you. It's like being in a butt kicking contest with a one legged man. (Google the word rhetorical so you don't get confused. :dancenana:

That is the problem with a LIBERAL, they all believe they are better educated, more experienced, and smarter than you. Most importantly, they BELIEVE they know what is best for you. The very fact that you could not provide input to the original poster's question, yet you still had to reply to "educate" us about the "civilized view" of guns and personal protection, proves your liberal beliefs.

Y'all aren't more civilized than us, you just have a different point of view, have at it. Leave us to ours, and we'll leave you to yours. We just believe our personal protection and preservation is our right, just like our founders did. I hope it doesn't, but if 4 well armed gang bangers in your "civilized" world of EAST LA decide to make you a target, I hope you physically disarm them, and give them a trouncing that would make Chuck Norris proud!

Many of us are well educated, very experienced, and are highly intelligent. I personally have Reactive Arthritis so I'll have to use a tool to preserve my life. It's plain and simple, if no one threatens my life, that gun will never see the light of day, but if they do, it's perfectly legal in the state of Virginia to stop them.
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Highway Star

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May 26, 2012
Burbank CA
That is the problem with a LIBERAL, they all believe they are better educated, more experienced, and smarter than you. Most importantly, they BELIEVE they know what is best for you. The very fact that you could not provide input to the original poster's question, yet you still had to reply to "educate" us about the "civilized view" of guns and personal protection, proves your liberal beliefs.

Y'all aren't more civilized than us, you just have a different point of view, have at it. Leave us to ours, and we'll leave you to yours. We just believe our personal protection and preservation is our right, just like our founders did. I hope it doesn't, but if 4 well armed gang bangers in your "civilized" world of EAST LA decide to make you a target, I hope you physically disarm them, and give them a trouncing that would make Chuck Norris proud!

Many of us are well educated, very experienced, and are highly intelligent. I personally have Reactive Arthritis so I'll have to use a tool to preserve my life. It's plain and simple, if no one threatens my life, that gun will never see the light of day, but if they do, it's perfectly legal in the state of Virginia to stop them.

I did not attempt to educate anyone as to the civilized view. I attempted to educate as to the common sense view and the legal view. And for my trouble you and others called me . .. . . A LIBERAL! Because, obviously to think that it is a bad idea to drive around with a loaded gun possibly illegally concealed in your car is the hallmark of Liberal thought. I would not consider myself a "liberal" But compared to you, I probably am a liberal. But as for liberals being smarter than conservatives. I believe that is now the general consensus among independents see Independent Party author Joel Hirschorn: OpEdNews - Diary: So God Made Republicans Amongst republicans as well See: Bobby Jindal republican governor of LA Jindal: Republicans Must Stop Being the "Stupid Party" | RealClearPolitics
see also: Former Rep. Congressman Joe Scarborough, Scarborough: I’m tired of Republicans being the ‘Stupid Party’ | The Raw Story see also the rest of the country: The National Memo » Can Republicans Ever Stop Being The ‘Stupid Party’?. BTW the rest of the world thinks y'all are less intelligent too: The future of the Republican Party: The politics of purity | The Economist

See also the election. So my arthritic friend who called me a "Liberal" the consensus is clear; All you gun loving second amendment tea party yahoos are considered stupid by a majority of the American people, the world, and called stupid by leaders of the party that represents you in government. So people with glass houses should not throw stones. I knew the minute I introduced some common sense into this issue, I would be attacked by you modern day McCarthyites (That is a reference to Sen. Joseph McCarthy who chaired the Infamous House Un-American Activities Committee. [I would not have to put this parenthetical in if I was talking to a more intelligent audience.]) I was willing to just debate the issue without calling anybody specific a name. But y'all would not allow that. You had to pull the "liberal" card. And that is a hallmark of stupidity, Ad Hominum arguments. (That is Latin btw. Look it up as I am getting tired of educating you) Since you are an arthritic invalid, let me suggest Aspirin as a "tool to preserve you" rather than a gun which you will most likely use to shoot yourself in your arthritic dick with anyways. And if Aspirin doesn't work, try formaldehyde as a preservative. It may suit you better. The issue is: Is it wise for a man with a generalized and paranoid fear of victimization to drive around with a possibly illegal loaded gun in his car? To ask the question is to answer it. (For anyone who can summon more than two brain cells) Because res ipsa loquiter. Look that up too.
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go on and mach me
Established Member
Jan 15, 2008
DFW, Texas
Hey guess what, you're not in Texas anymore. I can say whatever I want to say. I live in the United States. And as for the law, you don't know what you are talking about. The Supremacy clause of the Constitution says federal law is supreme over state law. Your right of privacy in your car is governed by the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States. Get an education before you spout law. If Texas lets you carry a gun in your asshole that is up to Texas. But as to your right of privacy in your vehicle, a Texas State Trooper will search your car in a heartbeat and without a warrant. :banana:

Not sure what your talking about I'm still in Texas and will prolly never leave because of people like you. And I can promise you I know more about Texas law than you do so nice try. Yes federal law is supreme over state but you tell me the last time you saw a federal agent make a traffic stop... police in texas enforce state and local laws and in Texas they have ruled your vehicle falls under the castle doctrine so you can carry a handgun concealed or a long gun out in the open. And I'm willing to bet there are far less car jackings in Texas because the criminal has to think if the victim is armed or not. And a trooper or any other Texas LEO needs probable cause to search a car. Is it that hard to get pc? No not really depending on the situation but if he has no pc all he can do is ask consent and if you say no then the stop is over. And say he does search your car and finds a gun, as long as your not a felon, arent committing a misdemeanor B or higher offense, and it was not in plain view, then there isn't anything he can because you broke no laws..... So you want to try again?


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Feb 5, 2013
Fayetteville, NC
Thank you Highway Star and everyone else and their opinion on gun rights, gun safety, and gun logic. I like the fact everyone has their own opinion, but lets try to keep this post on topic. If i wanted to be educated on gun laws and someones personal point of view on the matter I would of posted a topic regarding this subject in a different forum. But being I have spent 7 years as a paratrooper in the US army with multiple deployments overseas and the owner of a Concealed handgun license, I preferred not to be educated on a subject which I am well educated in. So please lets not get too far astray from the topic, thank you :beer:
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Active Member
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Jul 12, 2012
Denver, NC
Guys, I am on my way to the range for a little R&R, if this thread is still up when I return, I will rejoin. I have enjoyed to back and forth on the issue.


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Oct 2, 2012
In VA if you CCW a Trooper, or LEO knows because it's flagged on his computer screen when he runs your license. Funny thing though, when I have been pulled over I never had an LEO ask me if I had a weapon concealed. My Trooper sons both agree, people who legally carry are the most polite, and the majority notify the officer that they are carrying as a courtesy (in VA it is not required by law). It's people that are rude, and have an attitude, that concern them.

I lived for 49 years in New England, I'll take the SOUTH any day. People here are polite, genuine, and respectful, and like I said earlier, they don't make a big deal about firearms, my only regret I didn't move here earlier. As a bonus, people here are CAR CRAZY, it's a great place to own a BOSS!

As I tell my HS students, Northerner by birth, Southener by choice.

Too cold here for shooting (I'm fortunate I have a range on my property) I will retreat to my workshop and load some more 5.56.

I'm missing back roads bashing big time, my Pirelli's just don't hook up well in the cold!

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Resident Ford Dealer
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Single Barrel Sirs
Jun 4, 2012
^^^ Good job derailing the thread Highway Star. :nonono:

If you want to talk about political views, gun rights, etc.. please either utilize the search function and find a thread for that, or make your own.


go on and mach me
Established Member
Jan 15, 2008
DFW, Texas
Yes because bil burr, steven colbert, and chris rock are who I make sure I shape my views after. ..


Resident Ford Dealer
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Single Barrel Sirs
Jun 4, 2012
Yet he continues.

The ignorance in this one is strong.

Highway Star

New Member
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May 26, 2012
Burbank CA
^^^ Good job derailing the thread Highway Star. :nonono:

If you want to talk about political views, gun rights, etc.. please either utilize the search function and find a thread for that, or make your own.

Screw your thread. This is a car forum. Not a forum for needle dick right wing tea partyers who are concealing guns in their cars like criminals. I haven't seen a thread like this on any other car forum. This thread belongs in a gun forum. What do guns have to do with performance vehicles? Nothing.


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Oct 2, 2012
Funny thing, when I owned a Corvette, and participated on the Corvette Forum we had a thread on the exact topic, it was informative, and never turned into a gun control debate. It seems viewing all these posts, that Highway Star's view might represent the minority.

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