Damn homeless people!

Team Dave

I broke something
Established Member
Jun 17, 2004
Sacramento, CA
So recently at my apartment complex I've been noticing we have a group of homeless people who come over every morning and go through our dumpsters... ALL of them. It is really annoying for many reasons.. I throw away mail and whatnot, and now I don't feel safe dumping my trash here. Even if I shread all my documents prior to throwing em away, it's still just the principle. Even then, whenever I'm outside, the homeless guys seem to stare me down.. Like I'm a jackass for being able to afford clothes and a car. The way they look at me, I worry they might try to break into my car, or my apartment while I'm away at work. Even if that's not what they're thinking... I still would just prefer to not have to see them every morning. The neighborhood isn't bad at all aside from them.

My question is.. what should I do about it? I contacted the apartment management on a few occasions, and they said they would do something about it. Nothing happened for a few weeks, so I asked her and she said she would tell them to leave and they ignored her so she called the Police. But by the time they would arrive, the homeless guys would already be gone. Seems like she isn't putting forth more effort since it doesn't really affect her. The Police seem slow to respond as well, since they have better things to do (you know... fix it tickets and whatnot).

What should I do? Can I get out of my lease with this? I have a few other things I can bitch about to help my case..


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 20, 2006
Conway, Wa
its unlikely you will get out of a lease over it. I recommend a few phone calls to authorities about the vagrants. Tell them they are making threats, or going through cars in the parking lot.


Established Member
Jan 9, 2003
In the meat patch
Put a bag of human shit in a KFC box the dumpster. Put a note on there, "Dear homeless cocksuckers, stop digging through my trash- Sincerely, The shit bandit"


I am the liquor
Established Member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
once you throw something away in the garbage and its on the curb it's considered public property so anyone is allowed to take things out of the garbage....i own a garbage company so this is completely tru....you're not really going to be ableto stop the homeless from wondering....just watch your stuff and lock it up...if something gets vandalized call thhe cops and they'll make an attempt to patrol more....idk if this helps or not

My Cobra

Gigidy Gigidy Gigidy
Established Member
Dec 24, 2004
Franklin NC
We are not in a hurry to get to a guy digging in a dumpster when another call comes across of some guy beating his wife or somebody is in danger. Next time somebody attacks you or you feel in danger think about all the cops that are telling hobos not to dig for food. Not trying to be a jerk but we have bigger fish to fry. A homeless guy goes to jail for doing something he gets a warm place to sleep and a meal for the night.


Established Member
Nov 22, 2003
We are not in a hurry to get to a guy digging in a dumpster when another call comes across of some guy beating his wife or somebody is in danger. Next time somebody attacks you or you feel in danger think about all the cops that are telling hobos not to dig for food. Not trying to be a jerk but we have bigger fish to fry. A homeless guy goes to jail for doing something he gets a warm place to sleep and a meal for the night.

i guess you never heard of politics concerning voted members trying to "clean up the streets"


dallas, tx



Two-time SVT Cobra guy
Established Member
Aug 5, 2002
Well, since most of these people are probably just looking for food and/or clothes, its probably not going to be any more of an issue than that. Problem is if one is desparate enough to do something like breaking and entering cars or apartments. I would IMMEDIATELY get a shredder (cross-cut, at least) and be cautious about what you're throwing out bearing personal information. It doesn't matter where you live, you shouldn't throw mail away that has detailed information about you. As a sad a situation as it is, it is probably not a good environment to be in. Is there a homeless shelter or rescue mission in your town? If so fix up a flyer, tape it to the dumpster and maybe they'll go where they can be helped. I wouldn't hestitate about calling the law, however if this continues and it seems that tenants' well-being or their property is at risk.

To me, I try to always think carefully before judging someone like these people you're speaking of. There may not be any harm in them. You don't know their story. Its not that hard for a person to go from having a home to being homeless. Many people are just a few paychecks away from homelessness. Now sure there are some bums out there that would rather scratch through garbage or ask for handouts rather than work, but often we can't tell necessarily those from the unfortuates that are in dire straits.

Team Dave

I broke something
Established Member
Jun 17, 2004
Sacramento, CA
We are not in a hurry to get to a guy digging in a dumpster when another call comes across of some guy beating his wife or somebody is in danger. Next time somebody attacks you or you feel in danger think about all the cops that are telling hobos not to dig for food. Not trying to be a jerk but we have bigger fish to fry. A homeless guy goes to jail for doing something he gets a warm place to sleep and a meal for the night.

That's all fine and true, but letting them do this is just giving them the idea that we don't mind it. I would think it would be smarter to stop them before it get's out of hand. Like I said, this wasn't an issue when I moved in back in October. Now I see them every morning, and on my last day off (Sunday), I was outside for a good part of the day working on my car, and they came by three seperate times. I've begun to take my trash to work to throw away. Infact, yesterday morning when I got home from my Mom's, I looked over as one was standing INSIDE the dumpster, and I saw him grab a garbage bag I had thrown in there, hold it upside down so everything fell out, and he proceeded to go through all of my trash. I know it was mine because I have some retarded looking trash bags, ha. I don't care if he's only looking for food/cans/clothes/whatever. Just because he is homeless doesn't mean I shouldn't worry about it. How do I know he isn't a normal man who is looking for personal documents? You never know. I'm not going to assume here.

And I don't want to have to go to the Police if I don't have to. This is something my complex should be dealing with, whether it means they are the ones calling the Police, or they are the ones kicking the homeless people out.. I don't care. If it's their property, and someone is doing something not allowed, they need to be the ones who deal with it. I shouldn't have even needed to make this post. They seemed pretty quick on evicting ym neighbor for having a BBQ in his backyard, but this isn't an issue? That's why I'm thinking I might be able to get out of my lease. Horrible management IMO.

once you throw something away in the garbage and its on the curb it's considered public property so anyone is allowed to take things out of the garbage....i own a garbage company so this is completely tru....you're not really going to be ableto stop the homeless from wondering....just watch your stuff and lock it up...if something gets vandalized call thhe cops and they'll make an attempt to patrol more....idk if this helps or not

Well wouldn't a gated apartment complex be considered private property? We don't even have a code to enter the complex... You can only get in if you have the specific remote, and you can only get that remote if your name is on a lease. I'm assuming these guys just wait for someone to pull out/in.

I do remember on Junk Day, all kinds of lower class people going through everyone's junk, and I heard that is was illegal.. But it was all placed on the curb? Even local news castors said to place all the junk on the curb the morning it was scheduled to be picked up, and not a few days before. Seperate law here? :shrug:

Thats a pretty BOLD Statement there...

You know I'd like to treat everyone equally, but they way I get looked at, I feel like I just raped and murdered a girl scout troop. I don't even give them a look, I just glance up and I get the instant look of death.
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Active Member
Established Member
Nov 19, 2005
Syracuse, UT (Near Hill AFB)
Homeless in the states are a lot different than the homeless where I am currently doing my vacation...Philippines. I can tell you that there are many different levels of poverty. I have seen entire families living on the street one after another. Kids taking their baths butt naked on the streets with a hose. It is very sad. They don't use the begging money for liquor, but for a cup of rice. I had a little girl, probably 10 years old approach me yesterday. I was waiting for some packages to be wrapped and was sitting outside in my vehicle (jeepney--open van for those that don't know what that is). She asked for money and I gave her a little money. Then she asked for food. I gave some stuff that I had just bought from the store. She ate, then crawled up into the van and fell asleep. She slept for 45 minutes until we had to leave. Very dad. I have seen 5 people on a moped (including a new baby)...that was their only family transportation. I have seen 3-4 story houses made out of wood and tin roofs. I don't know how they don't fall apart. I hate seeing that stuff around the holidays. :(

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