Dtc p0060


Established Member
Sep 30, 2013
Keep getting "HO2S heater Resistance (Bank 2 sensor 2)" DTC only when its cooler then 70 degrees... This is different than the original P2629 I was getting after installing LTH... Does not happen when in the 70s or higher. Any ideas on fix?


Established Member
Sep 30, 2013
Well it's gotten a little more puzzling...FAST swapped o2 sensors between bank 1 and 2. The DTC followed the questionable sensor to the relocated bank (1). Problem solved right? Bad sensor...Re-installed bank 1 sensor to bank 1 and installed new sensor in bank 2. P0060 bank 2 DTC again... Cleared it several times and code still comes up. I have to wonder if the guys replaced the sensor in bank 1 instead of bank 2 even though they swear that's not the case...mistakes happen..

Some history: All performance mods in my sig minus CJTB installed by LMR at around 800 miles... Threw DTC P2629 within days... LMR swapped both o2 sensors just to be safe and all clear.. Around a year later same code. KP Swapped bank 1 & 2 sensors and DTC followed suspect sensor. Replaced suspect sensor, all clear. Now at 9K miles 1st time new code (rear sensor) P0060... This one, while o2 related is "heater circuit" and it was cold outside when I started to get this code...

Why am I having o2 sensor issues frequently? Has anyone else? It must have to do with my mods as I doubt I'd be having this issue stock. Could the exhaust levels actually be on the edge of what the o2 sensors are monitoring? Did FAST swap the wrong sensor as most likely issue? Should I have tune adjusted to ignore these sensors? What's worst case scenario if tune does ignore what these sensors are designed to monitor?? Looking to close this issue out for more than 12 months..

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