Established Member
Nov 10, 2003
Asheville NC
Was lying in the bed just after 11:00 pm last night watching a rerun of "Friends" and it hit. Our cat was lying at the foot of the bed and she jumps up looking around real scared-like and then we felt it. It lasted 5 - 10 seconds or so. I remember a sound in the distance that was like a helicopter that was approaching from far off. The windows rattled pretty good and we were all startled thinking something was wrong, like there was an explosion outside or in the basement, or that someone had crashed into the house with a car (we live close to the street). We then see that the neighbors had turned on their flood light so we know something had happened. I began looking around the house then the neighbors called us to say they felt it too. While my wife was on the phone her mother called and said the vibration woke them out of a dead sleep.

We find out on the news a few minutes later that an earthquake had occured. It was a 3.8 (which is really not a big deal) and the epicenter was in Hot Springs, NC which is about 25 miles northwest of us just before you get to the Tennessee line. It caused some rock slides and such but no real damage and was felt as far away as S.C. and parts of northern Georgia.

When you think of quakes you think of California, not N.C., but there is a fault line that runs through the Blue Ridge Mountains here. I think it's called the Brevard Fault. It was a little unnerving until we realized what it was.

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New Member
Established Member
Jul 1, 2005
Norfolk, VA
you know pets are apposed to beable to predict earthquakes, strange huh?, atleast it wasn't a deadly earthquake. BTW earth qaukes are good that means the planets gonna take a lil longer before it pops :)


Established Member
Sep 3, 2003
Franklin, NC
Dude I've got an earthquake story to tell too. About 11:15 my house phone starts ringing. I was like that's not good no one calls this late unless something is wrong. Well my parents are out of town and I couldn't get to the phone before it stopped ringing. So then my cell phone rings and it is my aunt saying that someone is inside my grandparents house and was trying to get into there bedroom, she is outside and afraid to go in but that she had called 911. She was scared to death which in turn scared me to death so I told her i'd be there in a second.We all live within like a minute of each other so it doesn't take long for us to get there. So I jump up throw some pants on and grab my dads pistol and head out the door. The cops beat me there(thank God because I would have probably shot anything that moved) and checked the place out. Anyway they said that there had been reports of an earthquake in the area and that must have been what shook the door. So we checked the house over good one more time and then wrote it off as a quake. Then I wake up this morning and see the front page of the paper. So I for one am glad it WAS an earthquake :p

Seriously though that shit is pretty scary here in the little old mountains of NC I am used to seeing it on tv in Cali and Japan not here. There was a minor one here about a month and a half ago. I felt it as I was walking outside to go to work about 5:30 in the morning. Scary stuff.


Learn to Swim
Established Member
Jun 24, 2004
Indian Trail, NC
I didn't feel a thing, and I was awake. I live about 15 miles south of Charlotte, NC. That's got to be a freaky thing to go through, I couldn't imagine living in Cali where that shit happens all the time.


Established Member
Nov 10, 2003
Asheville NC
It really did startle us and made me edgy. All sorts of things ran through our minds. Damage to the house, explosion, aircraft crash all came to mind. I'll chalk it up as a "cool" experience, but I can't imagine a major quake where stuff crumbles to the ground and people really get hurt. People in Cali are probably laughing at us, but we're not used to that sort of thing. Here you think the mountains are falling in around you.


Moderately Modified
Established Member
Mar 6, 2005
Houston, Texas
I used to live in Japan. Been in about three or four. First one was when we were on the 30th floor of the Hilton in Tokyo. Entire building was swaying and it was dead at night. I was passed out through it, but my parents said you could see the entire city swaying being up so high. Crazy...

The other two were the bad ones. Was in a 6.0 on the richter. First the movement is side to side which isn't as bad, its the up and down where things start breaking. Cracked all our walls up and as I was running down the stairs to get out of the house, an A/C wall unit sitting above the stairs broke apart. Cover of it came down on my head as I was running out. Still kept running though, I was scared shitless. Did some damage to the walls and dishes and shit, but now I look back and say it was fun.

The one that creeped my out was when I was in 3rd grade. Laying on the floor in school when I felt something extremely unnerving. Stood up and told my teacher that there was gonna be an earthquake. She looked at my like I was crazy but sure enough, about 2 or 3 minutes later, an eq (probably about 4 on the richter) hit.


Read It Upside Down
Established Member
May 7, 2005
Skid Row
I was in CA once when a 5.2 hit, not huge but big enough. Some friends and I were standing in a big Wal-Mart sized parking lot and when it hit the parking lot turned into a huge wave machine that seriously felt like we were standing on water. It’s really weird watching asphalt move up and down underneath you. After it was over it took about an hour to get my equilibrium back.

SB Lightning

Young Buck
Established Member
Jul 10, 2004
Santa Barbara, CA
lol We had I think ~5 earthquake and I was lying in bed watching sportscenter and all of a sudden I hear the sound of thunder and everything starts shaking really hard and 2 pictures in my room fell to the ground. Luckily my TV which is on a cabinet type thing didn't fall. I looked at everything in the house and mostly pictures and stuff just fell. And I also looked at my TV and it was right on the edge about to fall, so I pushed it back on and went back to watching sportscenter :D . But I had to go back downstairs because we lock our 2 dogs up in the garage at night because they love to bark and chase coyotes, so we thought we would be nice neighbors and nice to ourselves to lock them up at night, so I get down there and they're barking up a storm because they had no clue on what just happened. They were freaking out so I hung out with them for a while and gave them a treat and they were all good again.

It sucks living here with all the earthquakes, but living in a earthquake proof house makes up for it :p .

SB Lightning

Young Buck
Established Member
Jul 10, 2004
Santa Barbara, CA
lol and its kinda funny now that you mention it...there was a earthquake this morning. Small one though, 2.5 just off the coast. I didn't even think it was an earthquake. :shrug:

black10th vert

New Member
Established Member
Sep 29, 2003
If you go in the caverns at natural bridge va you can see the fault line. I think they said it is the only known visible fault line. Luckily I didn't see it move while I was there.

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