Expat Aussie


Established Member
Jun 14, 2005
Frederick, MD

I'm a noobie to SVT. Moved to the U.S. from Australia in March 1999 after meeting my now wife on the internet. We took our time and dated for 2 years.

When I moved to the states I saw a car on a lot and exclaimed wow, what is that and my wife laughed and said "don't you know what a Mustang is?". So began my education.

We have now had 3 mustangs. The 1st was a red '99 6 cyl auto coup. The 2nd we still have is a white '99 8 cyl GT Ltd Edition auto vert. Now we have a black '01 Cobra vert that we call "Bad Sally".

We are slowly modding the Cobra and have joined a couple of mustang clubs locally and have started to learn a lot from the members and their message boards about how to best way to go about it.

My wife has taken the Cobra to the track twice now and is ready to take it again in July. Her best time so far is 13.89. With the D/R's she is hoping to do better but is concerned about overcomming wheel hop.

Thanks for listening

Kind regards :)

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