Finally Got the 01 Cobra

sssSnake 01

New Member
Established Member
Sep 13, 2001
Dallas/Fort Worth
I think that the pdf files you guys are talking about are required for all of the uneducated dealerships out there.

Would you mind posting those files in a reply so all that need them can ref this thread?

I just visited my dealership and was totally set back by the lack of customer service in general especially with regard to SVT policies.

I have not made a stink about it but they have yet to wash my car while it was in the shop for routine servicing.

When I got to the service department I was one of 2 customers in the service bay area. One service rep was busy with the other customer. Meanwhile I followed the instructions on the entranceand stayed with my car and waited.

I sat and observed as mechanic and the other service rep sat and continued a non-business related conversation. Becoming impatient I went and stood at his glass bayside office and waited.

The Rep finished his conversation looked at me standing there and turned and dialed the phone to return the calls he had been putting off.

Meanwhile I waited through 2 calls and finally interrupted him as became apparent that he had no intention of even asking me what I was there for.

I told him I was there to schedule my car to troubleshoot the detonation problem and clutch noise I am experiencing.

He asked "are you getting a check engine light?"

I answered "no but it is pinging under heavy acceleration".

He said "well there is not much we can do, we cannot adjust the timing. All I can do is hook it up to the machine and see what it says".

So I thought okay and expected him to schedule me for an appointment....nothing and he seemed less than anxious to do anything.

When I asked about a loaner car he acted like I was the first one to ever mention it. His exact response was "I think that might be in the owners manual or something".

It became increasingly apparent that this guy was done working for the day as he said "give me call later on this week and I'll see if I can work you in".

My feeling on the subject is....If I took the time to drive across town and there is nothing going on except returning phone calls...why could he not "check to see if he could fit me in right then."

I was completely and masterfully blown off. This seems typical of my experience both with the service and part department.

I would like your advice and the ammunition I need to get these guys off top dead center.

I have a trump card that I intend to play but am saving it for a more serious situation. I have made initial contact and am documenting each time I go in.

I have held onto both my Ford and dealership survey for just such an emergency.

I am going to have the last word on this increasingly annoying behavior at my dealership.

Are you with me? If so, please post the files as I will need all the help I can get.

Next I will put the word on the street about the dealership and how they are treating their customers. (note I have not yet mentioned them by name).
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Your View
Established Member
Sep 26, 2001
O'Fallon, MO
i've never posted an attachment, but here goes my best shot
here's the jpg files of the docs.

ok, that didn't work, anyone want to help me in how to post .jpg attachments?


The Joe is rockin'
Established Member
Oct 19, 2001
Here they are: *note, I originally found this over at the BON forums, someone kindly posted them up there*
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