Gas Price Rant


Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
Back in the USA!
Really? Is that why our national debt is in the trillions?

Yes really. Its amazing how many countries owe us money. In addition the US out of the kindness of its heart wrote off almost all of the debts owed to us during WWII. All that borrowing countries did in order to buy our exports. Basically a bunch of IOU's for beans, bullets, fuel and equipment.

The world economy is ****ing weird. We borrow money from China to lend to (insert country) and then give money to (insert country) who then will turn around and buy stuff from us? :bash: Its hard to comprehend a lot of the time. Much in the same way trying to understand how oil will go up in ANY situation, it doesn't matter what the hell it is good or bad oil will go up for some obscure reason.

I need to learn how to create my own bio-diesel and convert my daily over. Most resturants would be happy to give away thier used grease, since its a huge PITA to deal with.


Brown Recluse Slayer
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
Hunting spiders
It will suck... But I can live with it. Hopefully it won't though. I'll just drive my Z06 more this summer then.


Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
Back in the USA!
I guess the only thing all of us mere mortals can do is bitch about it or figure out a solution. Both myself and my girlfriend drive 35-40 minutes one way to get to work, which happens to be just a couple miles appart from each other. This summer we will move close to our jobs so we can drastically reduce the amount we spend on gas a month. Right now it would save us roughly $250-300 a month, If gas hits $5 a gallon that will be closer to $400 a month in savings.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Chi Burbs
That's because oil companies increase exports of domestic crude when demand decreases in the US to stabilize oil prices here. It's a conspiracy to make us pay more for a resource mankind isn't capable of living without at this point in our evolution.

bullshit, we can with 10% of the oil we use, i remember GM had the electric car that disappeared over night, and its said Electric cars can be made to run faster and strong then our oiled cars. with that said you will always need oil for lubrication and trust me they can use hydrogen and other forms of energy to to replace oil but they wont because they think clean energy will cripple our economy much like in the graphic novel and movie The Watchmen. I can say this purely on my tinfoil-ed head that they have many solutions but neglect to do so because they enjoy taking in a currency into their pockets thats is about as valuable as my left over lunch in the toilet
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Disoriented Poster
Established Member
May 13, 2008
someplace warm
bullshit, we can with 10% of the oil we use, i remember GM had the electric car that disappeared over night, and its said Electric cars can be made to run faster and strong then our oiled cars. with that said you will always need oil for lubrication and trust me they can use hydrogen and other forms of energy to to replace oil but they wont because they think clean energy will cripple our economy much like in the graphic novel and movie The Watchmen. I can say this purely on my tinfoil-ed head that they have many solutions but neglect to do so because they enjoy taking in a currency into their pockets thats is about as valuable as my left over lunch in the toilet

Really?! What did you have for lunch? :poke:


New Member
Established Member
Jan 14, 2004
Right now OPEC is producing oil that outpaces demand so it's not OPEC at the moment that is driving up prices, it's speculators.

That's right.

I didn't say OPEC was currently driving up prices. I said they would adjust their output if the US dramtically increased theirs. :)


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 23, 2009
Sparks, NV
The profit margin on gasoline is in the neighborhood of 10%. Domestic companies like Exxon make what seems like a huge profit but you need to keep in mind the revenue it took to get there in the first place. The margins on it aren't as great as people like to think. Even if they gave you gasoline at cost it wouldn't make the kind of dent in the price that people want.

It's true that as of this moment we have adequate supply and in fact there is even a surplus on crude. However this isn't the way the commodities market works. They are betting that there will be a disruption in the supply in the future right now. Israel rattling the sabers isn't helping nor is Iran's response to all this talk. The oil market is flat out schizophrenic. But if you think about it why wouldn't it be? This isn't orange juice or pork bellies here. This is the energon that drives all economies pretty much everywhere. We get short on OJ oh well. Short on gasoline? Crap hits the fan. So at least to some degree it is understandable why this particular market is so crazy.

And as has been pointed out unless you nationalize the entire industry domestically and put in place price controls then any increased capacity will simply get dumped on the open market not kept here to artificially drive down the price.

Regarding comments about CEO compensation. I agree with much of that, they are overpaid. However it's really chasing our tail here. Even if took every last penny of the Exxon CEO's paycheck and used it to subsidize fuel prices - it would literally be a drop in the bucket. It would make practically zero difference.

People are grasping at straws and the only real control you have over this is to drive a more fuel efficient car, not drive at all, or suck it up and pay the costs involved in operating an expensive vehicle with bad fuel economy.


Established Member
Feb 14, 2012
I don't disagree with the comments from above. I just try to keep it in perspective.

I put 4,000 miles on my GT500 last year. I figure the gas cost me $950. Assuming it goes to $5 per gallon my gas bill goes to $1350. An additional $33 a month in fuel prices will not impact my use or enjoyment. Especially when I consider I have been "investing" several thousand in mods just to make my car more enjoyable.

Oh and the second we have a market correction in equities look for a pull back in the price of oil.

This is a good point. I'll prolly only drive a muscle car 5,000 miles a yr, so it wont be alotta out of pocket for myself.

But it still agravates me that it will be going up that high for my commuter car (4cyl toyota camry)

Gas spiked back when george w was in and I distintcly remember the price of gas in northern NJ was $1.89 a gallon. Why hasnt there been a market correction down on crude oil?????

Since then I dont think gas has come lower than hi $2.80's and has hovered in the mid $3.00's range for several yrs.:cuss:


corn fed
Established Member
Mar 20, 2005
you dont like the gas prices? then walk!! who are you to tell some one what they can charge? hell if i had oil i would charge as much as possible to fatten my wallet, just like everyone else here would.

Fast Freddy

GPS'D 225
Established Member
Jun 7, 2004
Tucson, Arizona
the price of gas has more than doubled since Obama became President and he blocked the Keystone pipeline this year too :bash:

i am makin bank off of my oil drillers right now :rockon:

when the price of oil hits $150 a barrel i am gonna buy me a cobra jet :pop:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 5, 2005
My drive into Intel is only 1.3 miles. My gas expense is fixed. I'll continue to drive my gas guzzling GTO :)


Went from 6.0 to 5.0!
Established Member
Apr 4, 2005
Orlando, FL
The profit margin on gasoline is in the neighborhood of 10%. Domestic companies like Exxon make what seems like a huge profit but you need to keep in mind the revenue it took to get there in the first place. The margins on it aren't as great as people like to think. Even if they gave you gasoline at cost it wouldn't make the kind of dent in the price that people want.

It's true that as of this moment we have adequate supply and in fact there is even a surplus on crude. However this isn't the way the commodities market works. They are betting that there will be a disruption in the supply in the future right now. Israel rattling the sabers isn't helping nor is Iran's response to all this talk. The oil market is flat out schizophrenic. But if you think about it why wouldn't it be? This isn't orange juice or pork bellies here. This is the energon that drives all economies pretty much everywhere. We get short on OJ oh well. Short on gasoline? Crap hits the fan. So at least to some degree it is understandable why this particular market is so crazy.

And as has been pointed out unless you nationalize the entire industry domestically and put in place price controls then any increased capacity will simply get dumped on the open market not kept here to artificially drive down the price.

Regarding comments about CEO compensation. I agree with much of that, they are overpaid. However it's really chasing our tail here. Even if took every last penny of the Exxon CEO's paycheck and used it to subsidize fuel prices - it would literally be a drop in the bucket. It would make practically zero difference.

People are grasping at straws and the only real control you have over this is to drive a more fuel efficient car, not drive at all, or suck it up and pay the costs involved in operating an expensive vehicle with bad fuel economy.

The issue with this statement is that it's incomplete. There are other things you can do that are just as unrealistic (millions of people need to drive in order to get to work). While we're talking about things that aren't realistic, let's keep in mind that if you don't want fuel prices affecting you, you can also stop buying food and consumer goods. After all, the prices of ALL those commodities has gone up as a result of fuel prices increasing. As we all know, companies don't pay for anything, you, the customer do. If it costs more for a milk concern to bring its product to the stores, you're paying for it, not the company.

But hey, what's the problem? Buy a couple cows, you'll be all s...oh wait, livestock feed (I have family who raise livestock) has gone way up in price also.

Well, golly gee. I guess we're just stuck with the prices all around, while the companies continue to rake in record profits.

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