HDTV tip and tricks


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Established Member
Jan 24, 2004
Someone had posted about HDTV reception so I thought I would add this.

Here are some things I have learned about HD TV cable reception and wanted to pass on, maybe these will help you, maybe not.
First let me say I have COX cable and a Vizio HDTV with a QAM tuner built in, this is the tuner you will need for the HD reception and to get FREE cable channels.

I want to make it clear I have a cable line into my tv, no box of any kind, no HDTV service, just COX basic cable. This is where your QAM tuner comes in, if a
broadcast is in HD you will recieve it, more and more HD channels are being added at all times.

You will know if you can receive FREE movie channels by doing this......tune to say channel 3(non-HD), then go up a channel and you should see channel 3-1(HD channel), if this
works then go scan all your channels, after your channel scan( better at night or weekend when lots of people are watching those paid movies on your grid ) check your channels in the 80,s and
see what you found, the FREE channels will all be like 82-4, or 85-44, something like that. These are the same channels people are watching on there HD box in the 700's.

This works because there are so many houses on one grid, so if the guy down the street ordered porn you will get it too, if another ordered the PPV fight you will
get this as well. But you have to scan and rescan because these channels are always changing. Give it a try you will be surprised at some stuff you get.

All paid channel will not be in HD, only one they ordered in HD will. The down side to this......well if the guy pauses a movie to go piss you will have to wait.
If they go foward or rewinds it you have no control, which is kinda funny.

Some nights I have about 15 Free channel to watch at one time................so go try this tonight, or now and see what you been missing.:pop:


New Member
Established Member
Jan 24, 2008
that is so true i also have a vizio , i have comcast hd on the hdmi and then i got my tv tune to pick up the free ondomand movies , and if you have a dvd recorder you record them as the are playing

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