Help an American POW!!!!!

Big 8

New Member
Established Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ok leaving politics out. Thats every one! Their is a kid aged 20 a PFC from Ohio who was recently captured after an attck on his convoy on the road to Baghdad. He is being held by Iraqi forces.

The US goverment has stated that we do not negotiate with terrorist! (this has been the policies of the current and last three administartions)

This kid was sent to war in Iraq! After the first 24 days the war in Iraq was pretty much declared over. That is a crock of sh!t! Over the last year our guys have been fighting and dying in a WAR! A full fledged WAR!

There may be some truth to forgien fighters, or radical militas, maybe some truth to fighters being a minority. But minoritys do not launch cordinated attacks 70 at a time in over 52 places seperated by vast distances. Gangs and thugs dont keep 2,700 Marines and M1A1 Abrams, Appaches etc from taking a city.( falluja)

The US has always negotiated with our enimies when it comes to prisoner exchange. We traded pows in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and in Bosnia. This kid has been abandoned!

He is a prisoner of war, and not a terrorist hosatge! Civilians may be labled hostage but not our POW's! He acted like a soldier, he fought in this war as a soldier and he should be treated as one by his own goverment!

I urge all of you to write your congressmen/senators whatever as soon as possible and let them know that this kid should be treated as a POW. We should do what we have always done for all of our POWs. Hes 20 years old and has a four month old daughter, dont let our goverment abandon him!


And Then Some............
Established Member
Nov 25, 2000
Fort Thomas, KY BENGAL Country ! Cincy
:( :nonono: :( :( From Cincinnati area ! I hope to god they let him go ! :( ! Really gives me goosebumps ! 20 years old and paraded around like a prize for some worthless zealots.. I hope a seal team or something get some good info and lay waste to those pieces of crap !


It's Not Your Concern
Super Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
He has not been abandoned. They negiatate (sp?) AFTER the wars are over, not during. And how can you negiatate with radical people? YOU CAN'T!!! And IF you do, then it will only lead to MORE of this kind of thing. This is one of the risks you know of when you sign your name on the dotted line. I'm sure that there are lots of SF guys working on getting this kid right now. Just because you don't see it in the public doesn't mean that things aren't being worked on. Believe you mean, any CG, or CO, wants his men to come back alive and will do whatever they have in their means to get them back. I'm sure Cheney / Rumsfield aren't holding back the guys in this instance.

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