HPDE ("open track") day at PIR, next month


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Mar 23, 2005
Vancouver WA
OK, all you Pacific NW listmembers who think your car's fast and you're good, here's your chance to find out, on the road course at PIR on Monday, July 11. The Portland Shelby club will be doing its first HPDE event that day, from 7 am until 4 pm; it's the "perfect" opportunity to put in up to 4 20-minute sessions, drive 80 miles or more for the day...at the highest rates of speed you can manage--SAFELY.

Go to our website--- http://www.saacnw.org/ ---and follow the links to our track day page and the trackpack page (which is where you'll find the details of what it's like and what it takes to participate...and most importantly at this point, where you'll find the APPLICATION page, which you need to PRINT out & SUBMIT, WITH the early registration fee, ASAP).

What does it take? (1) SIGN UP--submit your app & early registration fee of $119 by the end of this week; (2) Make sure you've got the REQUIRED GEAR--helmet & gloves that meet our safety standards; (3) make sure your CAR is ready--adequate tires, brakes, fluids, suspension components (all can be stock, O/E components, they just need to be SAFE at track speeds) and capable of meeting all the check points on our TECH inspection list (also in the trackpack); (4) SHOW UP on Monday, July 11.

Oh...and, to borrow a quote from Cool Hand Luke, "get your mind right"; we don't race. We DO have maximum fun enjoying driving our cars as they were designed, built AND modified to be enjoyed, and learning (yes, I'm still learning, after doing HPDE events for over 10 years) how to be both safer AND faster, without worring about officers, pedestrians, other traffic, live stock or any of the other obstacles that are ALWAYS out there waiting to ruin your day on the public streets & highways.

Feel free to contact me with any question you might have; on our website you'll also find contact info for our track steward, and other club members.

Oh, and we're "non-denominational"--we welcome EVERY marque, and (in additon to Shelbys & other hi-po Fords, SVTs, & Ford-powered cars) we're expecting to see Cobras--(kits/reproductions), BMWs, Porsches, Corvettes, Alfas, probably a vintage racer or two, and hopefully a Noble and an Ultima from up WA way. AND there'll be pedigree Shelbys (GT350s, GT500s, and maybe a REAL Cobra or two) touring the track during lunch break. What BETTER way to spend a day, eh?

There're at least some of you folks that have GOT to do this, right? And even if you--for some inexplicable reason--can't participate THIS time, you should think about coming out & watching (and maybe riding "shotgun" with a participant?) during the day, eh?

How 'bout it? Let us hear from you.

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