I love you Cali...I'm gonna miss you!


I've gone to the darkside
Established Member
May 31, 2006
In front of you
Well boys,
My Cali days are over for right now and I'm gonna miss you. The only place i've ever lived is in Cali and i'm gonna die not being there.
Moving to the midwest (haven't bought a home yet), as I just sold my Condo in the City of Orange:(
Tennessee/Kentucky area most likely...but haven't made up my mind. Anyway pray for me as i'll be in the middle of redneck country! :bash:


2V Power
Established Member
Dec 29, 2005
tenn/ken is the south not midwest!

Why do you have to move? work?


New Member
Established Member
Oct 19, 2003
fresno, ca
Try Nashville TN or franklin to the south. Not too bad there, the best thing being NO SMOG LAWS!!!

Anyway, sorry to see you leave this great state.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 12, 2006
The Boondocks
Im about to start a massive war with this post. Dude if you have never been to the midwest you will kick yourself in the nuts when you get there and settled in. Because you will wish you had woke up decades earlier and realized California is one of the most stupidest states in the US and you should have been over there(point to the midwest).

Maybe Im biased because I grew up in the midwest my whole life. Ever since I was a kid I couldnt wait to get older because I wanted to leave Missouri. Because it sucked, so I thought. I joined the service at 17. Since then I have lived in MT,AK,Guam,CA,TX, and visited many other states and countries. Ill say that there is no other place Id rather live than boring old Missouri.

Your moving to the home of gearhead country. There may not be a lot of exotics in the TN area, but you will see how obsessive people are with their hot rods. TN has some of the most gorgeous white girls in the country. Along with the other surrounding areas. People in the midwest may be alittle country, but their not like the deep south. Accents arent real strong. And they dont all wear roach killer boots with Wrangler jeans and cowboy hats.

I dont want to even get started on CA. With their retarded laws. Their nazi police. Their outrageous cost of living. Their homos/Mexicans. And their shitty roads. Youll appreciate lower crime rates. Decent respectful people. Privacy and not having to worry about some crackhead breaking into your home or car. The midwest is cleaner and cheaper to live. CA is overrated. I will give CA one good thing. That is that their is always stuff happening if you want to drive a little to get there. CA people are so fake. Never in my life have I seen so many posers.

If youve been a CA resident your entire life you may not like it in the midwest at first. Give yourself time to adapt. I bet youll think redneck country isnt so bad after all.
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I've gone to the darkside
Established Member
May 31, 2006
In front of you
MarlboroMan said:
Im about to start a massive war with this post. Dude if you have never been to the midwest you will kick yourself in the nuts when you get there and settled in. Because you will wish you had woke up decades earlier and realized California is one of the most stupidest states in the US and you should have been over there(point to the midwest).

Maybe Im biased because I grew up in the midwest my whole life. Ever since I was a kid I couldnt wait to get older because I wanted to leave Missouri. Because it sucked, so I thought. I joined the service at 17. Since then I have lived in MT,AK,Guam,CA,TX, and visited many other states and countries. Ill say that there is no other place Id rather live than boring old Missouri.

Your moving to the home of gearhead country. There may not be a lot of exotics in the TN area, but you will see how obsessive people are with their hot rods. TN has some of the most gorgeous white girls in the country. Along with the other surrounding areas. People in the midwest may be alittle country, but their not like the deep south. Accents arent real strong. And they dont all wear roach killer boots with Wrangler jeans and cowboy hats.

I dont want to even get started on CA. With their retarded laws. Their nazi police. Their outrageous cost of living. Their homos/Mexicans. And their shitty roads. Youll appreciate lower crime rates. Decent respectful people. Privacy and not having to worry about some crackhead breaking into your home or car. The midwest is cleaner and cheaper to live. CA is overrated. I will give CA one good thing. That is that their is always stuff happening if you want to drive a little to get there. CA people are so fake. Never in my life have I seen so many posers.

If youve been a CA resident your entire life you may not like it in the midwest at first. Give yourself time to adapt. I bet youll think redneck country isnt so bad after all.

Let me address other posts before this one.
I'm moving to be closer to my Bro and my Dad who both live in NW Tennessee. The real-estate market was prime for me to get rid of my Condo and move. With the $ I made off the Condo, I can buy a house outright and still have $ left over:)

Now, you're right about alot of the things you said in you're post......but I never said I had never been to TN or the surrounding states. I have stayed in OK for a couple of months visiting family and also TN and MO. I'm not bashing these places, but as you said in your post, i'm coming from a place where if you're willing to drive an hour in any direction...you can find just about anything you wanna do. I was in the Music business in Cali and had a chance to meet alot of Artists and now I've gotta drive down South to see Lil Jon LOL!

Cali list-
The beach (10 mins), Angels Baseball game (10 mins), Dodgers game (45 mins), Padres game (1.5 hours), 1/4 dragstrip (30 mins), Skiing (1.5 hours), Lakers/Clippers game (1 hour)....etc

My TN list-(this is from my Brother)
1/8 dragstrip (15 mins), you can visit 3 states in a 5 min period WOW!, cow tipping, cow patty tossing and mullet hunting.

I admit, the 1/8 mile strip only 15 mins away put a smile on my face....but the others-- :dw: and I admit, Tennessee does have some of the most beautiful corn-fed women i've ever seen and they're not gold diggers like most of the sushi eaters in Cali!

I've been "away" from Cali as much as 6 months and I missed it everytime, regardless of where I was.
I miss cruising PCH with the top down at 8:00 at night 70 degrees, no humidity, and that beautiful Ocean breeze....and the smell..........
i'm gonna stop now or i'm gonna go crazy!!!

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