I need to gain weight!

Team Dave

I broke something
Established Member
Jun 17, 2004
Sacramento, CA
To put it plain and simple, I really need to gain some weight.. Lately for some odd reason I have been loosing weight, no matter what or how much I eat. About 2-2.5 years ago I weighed ~210 lbs, and today I BARELY cracked 150 lbs. I am 6'0 even and in good health. I broke up with a GF a little over 2 years ago, and the stress I went through with that helped me loose the first 20-25 lbs (I was a fatty). Then I got a job at UPS, and started running, and got in very good shape.. This was winter of last year. This past May I had recunstructive knee surgery (Torn ACL, cartilege, ligements.. the whole 9 yards). I was unable to continue my running routine, so I figured I may gain a few lbs. I have lost 20 lbs since then for some odd reason. I don't do drugs, or anything negative that would result in this (I do smoke on occasion, but that should help me gain weight if anything... and I'm not reffering to cigerettes, LOL). I do have a small appetite, so I figure that is a factor. I don't eat nearly as much quantity-wise as I used to. I get full VERY easily.

Now there's two ways to go about this. I can eat every fattening ass food I can and gain some fat back... but then I'll be a self concious fatass again. Eff that. Plan B (and the route I'm taking) is that I can start a new work-out routine and gain some more muscle. Only problem is, I don't want to do too much cardio or I'll continue to loose weight. But on the flip side, I NEED to rehab my knee to 100%. Right now it's weeker than my other knee. I don't have access to a gym for lifting weights, and I don't really have the time. I work 40 hours a week and go to school full time, so throwing the gym in there 4 days a week and I can kiss my social life goodbye.

What should I do? I am familiar with creating a new workout plan, so that's not an issue. I just wanted some advice as to what others think I should do. I figure I can do cardio 4 days a week (Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun). We have a gym at my apartment complex, but it consists of a treadmill and I think a stationary bike, in a room the size of my bathroom. Weights-wise, I figure to start I can just buy a pull up bar and do pull-ups every morning (and/or evening), along with push-ups and situps, lunges, etc. Basically stuff that does not require weights. If the pull ups or pushups get too easy, then I'll be some ankle weights to help me. I am not looking to be buff, I just want to be in very good shape and not skinny anymore!! Be back to the all star basketball player I was in high school.

Also, input as far as what I should be eating would help me a TON! Lately I've been eating junk to at least get a little size back in me. Protein shakes, whatever. I don't know what to eat. I'm low on food, so hopefully I can get some ideas for when I go to the grocery store this evening.

Any input would be greatly appreciated! :beer:


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2007
To put it simply.

Weight+, eat carbs, try to eat healthy though<it's somewhat an oxymoron I know.
Sleep, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep, for some people not sleeping is just as bad as stress.
-Pm, killer2003cobra, he is into this, he might be able to point you in specific direction.
-Join Bodybuilding.com and start this same exact thread.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 8, 2006
St.Louis, MO
Screw cardio, you're 6'0" 150lbs. Find a workout program that focuses on compound movements like a 5x5 program. Eat like there is no tomorrow, but focus on foods that are clean and high in protein. Drink alot of water and get 8hrs of sleep a night. That advice alone will be enough to get your noob gains out of the way.

Team Dave

I broke something
Established Member
Jun 17, 2004
Sacramento, CA
I sleep a decent amount right now. I go to bed around 10-10:30 pm and wake up at 7:45 AM every day. Is that too much sleep? I usually feel like death if I get anything under 8-8.5 hours of sleep a night.


Insane SVT Poster
Established Member
Jul 10, 2005
New Jersey
What you want to do is called a clean bulk in the lifting world, depending on how much labor you do a day, you can calculate how many calories you need to be eating. I eat 6 times a day, mostly red meats,fish,chicken,potatoes,brown rice etc. I come out to about 4000 calories a day with my protein shakes, when you eat this much a day, you want to make sure to pick some kind of vitamins from GNC. I would not go with a 5x5 program, I am a firm believer in if your trying to bulk you want to do 3x5, and all barbell lifts. Some would include squatting,bench,dead lift,military press,rows to start with. PM me, I will help you out if you have any other questions or want to go into it more detailed.
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Bullets and Cars n stuff
Established Member
Jun 2, 2007
Saint Louis
to build off these guys( i played soccer and rugby in high school) but i was never "big" i was 150 ish and since then joined the military, and took an interest in muscle building. ive gained 35 lbs since then, and most if not all of it good weight!

eating and TONS of calories is key. if your doing protien, i would say try the CYTO gainer by muscle milk. they have 860 calories. in ONE shake with milk in it.

also, when working out, do heavier weights, max out sparatically, use a partner to push yourself more. concentrate on form, and intense workouts, so when you get those calories, they build mass, and not just Fat,( that you will run off and will become temorary weight).

eat 4-5 itimes a day, complex carbs up untill about 5 at night, then just do lighter foods but still eating up until 8 at night.(ish). do lots of pasta, meats veggies and tons of water.

this basic regiment works for anyone , wether they want to gain muscle, get stronger or just bigger.

hope this helps.
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Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2007
I sleep a decent amount right now. I go to bed around 10-10:30 pm and wake up at 7:45 AM every day. Is that too much sleep? I usually feel like death if I get anything under 8-8.5 hours of sleep a night.

Drinking a lot of water is a myth. Screw that, eat foods high in carbs just to get started, then eat healthier and healthier as the time goes by.

+1 On 5x5 compound comment.


Bullets and Cars n stuff
Established Member
Jun 2, 2007
Saint Louis
What you want to do is called a clean bulk in the lifting world, depending on how much labor you do a day, you can calculate how many calories you need to be eating. I eat 6 times a day, mostly red meats,fish,chicken,potatoes,brown rice etc. I come out to about 4000 calories a day with my protein shakes, when you eat this much a day, you want to make sure to pick some kind of vitamins from GNC. I would not go with a 5x5 program, I am a firm believe in if your trying to bulk you want to do 3x5, and all barbell programs. Some would include squatting,bench,dead lift,military press,rows to start with. PM me, I will help you out if you have any other questions or want to go into it more detailed.

this is very good info. the only thing i would say is steer away from GNC vitamins. take something that works:lol1:. put a gnc vitamin in vinager, and see how much it disolves:nonono: only about 40 percent of it.

anyway, whatever you do , give it your all, the hardest part is eating that much.
im eating 3700-4000 calories a day, and sometiems i dont think i can get it all down!


Insane SVT Poster
Established Member
Jul 10, 2005
New Jersey
this is very good info. the only thing i would say is steer away from GNC vitamins. take something that works:lol1:. put a gnc vitamin in vinager, and see how much it disolves:nonono: only about 40 percent of it.

anyway, whatever you do , give it your all, the hardest part is eating that much.
im eating 3700-4000 calories a day, and sometiems i dont think i can get it all down!

I have used GNC mega-men sport, and honestly ingredient to ingredients its up there with the best. I am a long time fan of the Animal Pak, When I swapped out the Animal Pak, for the mega-men I felt a little less energy but thats about it.


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Established Member
Apr 21, 2007
protein protein, and rehab the knee with weights, running is not good for rehab for your knee, too much force every time you land on that leg, trust me I have had surgery three times 2 acl compleatly torn and meniscus the other, concentrate on eating lean meats and lifting weight, its the only way to build muscle thats gonna stay...don't be tempted with any miracle pill only hard work will do it


Bullets and Cars n stuff
Established Member
Jun 2, 2007
Saint Louis
I have used GNC mega-men sport, and honestly ingredient to ingredients its up there with the best. I am a long time fan of the Animal Pak, When I swapped out the Animal Pak, for the mega-men I felt a little less energy but thats about it.

i love animal pak as well


Insane SVT Poster
Established Member
Jul 10, 2005
New Jersey
Also to the OP, if you want to look like a freak you have to eat like one. 70% is diet, the other 30% is the gym. Dont listen to random people that tell you you have to eat junk food, and fast food to gain weight. And when you go to buy supplements from GNC, remember a supplement is its name thats what it doess. You will need protein powder, and also your going to want a good quality creatine.

P.S. Muscle milk blows, do not buy it.


Bullets and Cars n stuff
Established Member
Jun 2, 2007
Saint Louis
^ you dont like MM? i love it for weight gaining, but i get my other protien from BBing.com

and plus one...too many people substitute supplements for eating right.


Insane SVT Poster
Established Member
Jul 10, 2005
New Jersey
^ you dont like MM? i love it for weight gaining, but i get my other protien from BBing.com

and plus one...too many people substitute supplements for eating right.

It works for some people, I personally have had success with muscletech nitro-tech hardcore. You wont put on no 8lbs like the bottle claims, but I put on a good 4lbs. I like it cause it has more then just regular whey.


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Oct 16, 2005
Deer Park, Texas, United States


I am the liquor
Established Member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
just smoke a blunt of some bomb and go to a buffet!

im 100% with you on that :banana: lol.....no seriously to gain a lot of weight you need to eat 6 times aday with as much protein as possible and work out for at least an hour a day.....im like you i could eat an entire cow and only gain a pound its all about maintaining a good diet and workout routine

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