Losing Job; Opinions


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
Cuts maybe, but I doubt my job will ever be done by an Indian/South East Asian.

Either way I don't see myself in any sort of jeopardy.

Like Korea? Yeah, I can't think of any Korean that doesn't love mathematics and physics.


Active Member
Established Member
May 8, 2004
In my experience, outsourcing support positions is not saving money, regardless what the compnay doing it says publicly. I have seen that first hand in my organization..... They cannot admit it was a flawed decision, and opt to keep throwing money into floating it, instead of bringing it all back inside.

Exactly. Once the decision has been made and they discover how bad it really is they can't go back - if they do it looks like they made a huge mistake, laid of tons of people, and spent tons of money to change it.... They can't go back and undo it!


With that said.... You have what seems to be a low level job in a call center. Go and find yourself a decent job.

I stumbled through life always worried about trying to make more money, wondering when that big break was going to happen.... When it happened it was beautiful. For me it happened at age 31 when my employer told me I was getting promoted - and was getting bumped from $60k a year to $120k a year. What I thought was going to be a temp job turned into a career for me.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 31, 2005
Daytona Beach, Florida
Bravo! I work for a bank, and ironically, yesterday I heard of two business groups being outsourced over to India effective this June (mostly call-related positions I believe). Moving American jobs overseas is a punch to the gut of our own economy right now.. a government tax on this type of activity definitely has my vote. IMO, its the well-paid executives of large companies that should be the ones taking a pay, but that's another thread.

As long as it is profitable for corporations to have the work done out of the country, they will continue to do so. No one has stepped up to the plate to stop this. There are some that believe their jobs are safe, but if the US continues with business as usually, no one will be safe.
The very foundation of our great country is being undermined by fat cats for a few extra bucks, at the risk of our national security.
There is a one liner that still keeps hope alive, and that is “We the People”
If we continue to borrow money from foreign governments and running up a trade deficit, we will go broke and be up for grabs by a foreign country.


Established Member
Feb 6, 2007
U.S. of A.
Ouch, some harsh responses to my post.....When I got this job through Expedia its a Level 2 job that I thought would be semi-safe and I keep looking to move up, not everyone in the world knows how to handle sabre with ease but it is just another computer system you can teach people willing to work for nothing. I think the airlines outsourcing the repairs and services to their aircraft fleets is a joke, its really scary but I guess we will see in the long run if flying is stil safer than any other type of travel......


AKA ColdFusion
Established Member
Nov 20, 2007
So, you want the government to artificially keep consumer prices high for the benefit of a few losers?

Last I heard, the United States was a free country and guaranteed employment is not in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

Go out and find another job. Can't? Maybe you should of stayed in school.

Now go ahead and vote for Obama.

Plenty of non-losers have their jobs outsourced. And there's a difference between guaranteeing employment for an individual and trying to fend off outsourcing. Do you really think companies send jobs overseas to keep prices low rather than to simply increase their profits?

Companies are in the process of outsourcing every job possible. The government is in the process of importing cheap labor to take over the jobs that can't be outsourced. How long before people wake up and see what's being done to our country?
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