Manslaughter or self-defense??


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 11, 2019
Jesus, can we get back to real insults? “You’re a lefty!” “No, you’re more lefty” Quit being a bunch of faggits.

I got banned from the website for insulting someone. I know calling people **** is allowed. It's beside the point anyway. I was making a point about the retarded person's initial attempt to argue by calling me a democrat. Haha


Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed

Oh, Danny, this isn't Smack Down. Is this Smack Down? This isn't Smack Down, is it? I didn't think so.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
I got banned from the website for insulting someone. I know calling people **** is allowed. It's beside the point anyway. I was making a point about the retarded person's initial attempt to argue by calling me a democrat. Haha

Next time say it with your chest…
you are a ****ing ******. Be glad I dont crush you like the sour grape that you are. Left leaning cuck.


Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
St. Simons Is. GA.
Maybe, maybe not…

I’m almost certain had the dad gotten a good hit on the shooter he would have knocked his ass out cold.

I agree had the shooter been indicted it would have been very bad, however, the shooter was not in fear of his life, had he been in fear for his life he would have:

A. Retreated into the house and called the police.

B. Not have argued and instigated in the first place.

C. If he did grab a gun, he would have stayed inside and waited for the police. If the dad entered the house it would have obviously been self defense plain and simple.

D. Never gotten involved in shit he shouldn’t be involved in, in the first place.

Bottom line is shooter brought the gun out to intimidate the dad. Once that in itself didn’t work, he fired a warning shot to try and scare the dad away, which still didn’t work. Once he started getting man handled he was afraid that dad was going to take his gun (which he introduced into the situation) away from him and shoot him with it, making him afraid for his life. Kinda self inflicted huh.
"I’m almost certain had the dad gotten a good hit on the shooter he would have knocked his ass out cold." ~~ Again, might makes right even when you are someone else's property and already been asked and then told to leave!

"I agree had the shooter been indicted it would have been very bad, however, the shooter was not in fear of his life, had he been in fear for his life he would have:" ~~ It's Texas you don't have to be in fear for your life!

"A. Retreated into the house and called the police." ~~ He had no obligation/duty to do that!

"B. Not have argued and instigated in the first place." ~~ His property and again has no obligation/duty to do that! The dead guy did have a civil obligation/duty to not argue and LEAVE! If he thought the shooter had violated the law, he SHOULD have left and called Law Enforcement!

"C. If he did grab a gun, he would have stayed inside and waited for the police. If the dad entered the house it would have obviously been self defense plain and simple." ~~ Again has no obligation/duty to do that! The dead guy was behaving aggressively towards a female that was LAWFULLY invited to his house!

"D. Never gotten involved in shit he shouldn’t be involved in, in the first place." ~~ Correct the dead guy should have stayed off the property if he could not be civil in the first place! He was an aggressive hothead [dumbass] and good riddance to dumbasses!

"Bottom line is shooter brought the gun out to intimidate the dad. Once that in itself didn’t work, he fired a warning shot to try and scare the dad away, which still didn’t work. Once he started getting man handled he was afraid that dad was going to take his gun (which he introduced into the situation) away from him and shoot him with it, making him afraid for his life. Kinda self inflicted huh." ~~ Bottom line is the dumbass [dead guy] though he could intimidate physically weaker individuals "might make right" instead of bein civil!


Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
St. Simons Is. GA.
And until you’ve had your kids taken away by an angry ex, while waiting for our bullshit justice systems wheels to turn, knowing nothing will change but the amount of your kids life you missed out on, and your bank account balance after paying lawyers…you have no ****ing clue.

That’s the closest I’ve ever been to committing homicide.
Don't put your unit in chicks you are not going to spend the rest of your life with!


Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
St. Simons Is. GA.
There was never any threat to the pipsqueak's life until he brought out a deadly weapon that the other guy could have taken and used.
Sure it was his property and all, but it's not like the dad was a stranger who was breaking into his house. I love guns and I'm 100% for using them to shoot and kill bad guys. That's just not what happened there. He used a gun to end an argument.
There would have never been an argument had the dead guy been civil, his actions led him the medical examiners office!


Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
St. Simons Is. GA.
You can go **** yourself. Seriously. Call me a ****ing Democrat then go on and argue some imagined point of view I never expressed. Who the **** are you calling a democrat?

I didn't say who's fault it was, I said he used a gun to end an argument. That's what inner-city thugs and complete bitches do.

When someone calls me a democrat, it makes me want to go inside get my gun and get in their face to see what happens next.
Might makes right with you as well?! The dead guy was in the wrong with every single thing he did and the DA knew he could never get a conviction in Texas!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 11, 2019
Might makes right with you as well?! The dead guy was in the wrong with every single thing he did and the DA knew he could never get a conviction in Texas!
What are you talking about? I never talked about the legality of the kill. There are a lot of ways you can legally kill people. That doesn't always make it right. I'm from Texas, I don't need a lesson in what flies there. You can't be convicted of farting in an elevator, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do. Most of your arguments are based on what people had to or didn't have to do. I'm not even talking about that. I'm talking about what they should have done.

I'm not sure if you saw the comment I was responding to there either. There was this mentally retarded person who couldn't talk about my post he disagreed with. It jammed up the gears in his head. He blew a gasket trying to come up with something to say and called me a democrat right after I said I like guns and using them to kill bad people.

I appreciate the fact that you responded to the comment I made, even if we don't see eye-to-eye.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 29, 2019
North Texas
"I’m almost certain had the dad gotten a good hit on the shooter he would have knocked his ass out cold." ~~ Again, might makes right even when you are someone else's property and already been asked and then told to leave!

"I agree had the shooter been indicted it would have been very bad, however, the shooter was not in fear of his life, had he been in fear for his life he would have:" ~~ It's Texas you don't have to be in fear for your life!

"A. Retreated into the house and called the police." ~~ He had no obligation/duty to do that!

"B. Not have argued and instigated in the first place." ~~ His property and again has no obligation/duty to do that! The dead guy did have a civil obligation/duty to not argue and LEAVE! If he thought the shooter had violated the law, he SHOULD have left and called Law Enforcement!

"C. If he did grab a gun, he would have stayed inside and waited for the police. If the dad entered the house it would have obviously been self defense plain and simple." ~~ Again has no obligation/duty to do that! The dead guy was behaving aggressively towards a female that was LAWFULLY invited to his house!

"D. Never gotten involved in shit he shouldn’t be involved in, in the first place." ~~ Correct the dead guy should have stayed off the property if he could not be civil in the first place! He was an aggressive hothead [dumbass] and good riddance to dumbasses!

"Bottom line is shooter brought the gun out to intimidate the dad. Once that in itself didn’t work, he fired a warning shot to try and scare the dad away, which still didn’t work. Once he started getting man handled he was afraid that dad was going to take his gun (which he introduced into the situation) away from him and shoot him with it, making him afraid for his life. Kinda self inflicted huh." ~~ Bottom line is the dumbass [dead guy] though he could intimidate physically weaker individuals "might make right" instead of bein civil!

Sounds like you’re just as big a pussy as the shooter. Carry on.

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