Need workout help


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May 6, 2012
Odessa, TX
Ok so heres the deal, I want to gain 20-25lbs of mass. I'm sick of being skinny and out of shape. I know this sounds weird but here are some of my problems.

1. 6' 140lbs (weight varies between 135-140lbs I'm guessing because of the way I eat)
2. I'm 20 and live by myself and 80% of my diet consists of junk.
3. I work rotating shift (days and nights)
4. I'm not very good a grocery shopping

Now theres probably more stuff I can add to the list but I'll just go from here. Basically my biggest challenges are my work schedule and I'm not always motivated enough to cook the right things.

Usually I workout Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri. With my schedule I sometimes workout at 5am when I get off work and then the rest of the days I workout at 5pm either right after work or just on a day off.

For the shopping part, I know I need supplements but for food I need a good list of what to buy. I've seen meal plans saying "eat 8 eggs" or "1 cup of nuts" but that doesn't tell me how much to buy at the grocery store for say a weeks worth of meals.

So if anyone here is a workout buff and could help out I'd appreciate. I could always post some before and after pics of my body if you guys would like :-D


Nov 9, 2005
Cincinnati, Ohio
You will still be a toothpick if you gain 25lbs. 6' 140lbs, god damn. Eat a bunch of foods high in protein.

I found your before pic.

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Established Member
Feb 25, 2007
St Petersburg, Fl
You need a lot of time to gain that much mass. Set your goals for long term, eat better and lift smart. The size will come eventually. I was never able to get over 200 lbs until I hit 27. Sounds like your an ectomorph like me but your metabolism will slow down a little as you get older and it will be easier to put on size so stick with it. Make lifting a part of your lifestyle and you'll be happy you did.
Anyways, I'm just going to quote a bunch of good stuff I've read over the years that has helped me.
1. You overtrain and under eat. These are listed as the main primary reason because they go hand in hand and BOTH must be balanced or you can forget growth. The most perfect training regimen will fail miserably if diet is not there to support it. And conversely, the most perfect diet will be wasted if the trainee is doing more workload than they can recover from—most do WAY too much!

2. The training workload is not varied. Doing the exact same lift the same way stops being productive for most trainees within 3-6 weeks. Once the body has adapted to the loading it must be changed if you are to continue to force the body to adapt.

3. Too much focus on isolation exercises, not enough compound work. You can do all the “small” lifts until you are blue in the face, but until you are moving big poundage’s in the big lifts you will remain small. Which brings up point #4.

4. You MUST squat and deadlift if you are going to reach your bodies growth potential. Think it through. Doing squats or deads activates 70-85% of the bodies overall musculature in one move. Doing a set of curls maybe 3-5%. Which sends a big signal that the body better get better at synthesizing protein and better at handling the need to grow as a unit? You will NEVER reach your potential without doing the squats and deads.

5. You constantly fluctuate between lifts that have bad carry-over. Here is an example:

I have seen many times, and one I have done myself. The trainee burns out on benching and decides to do Hammer Strength Benches for a change. He makes the switch and is jazzed. His Hammer press is going up every week and he is stoked. After a time he has added 50 lbs to his Hammer bench and decides to go back and hit the bench, only to find it’s up a whole 10 lbs!!!!!

That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with Hammer Benches. It just means that the lifts are dissimilar enough that an increase in one may not necessarily help increase the lift on another. Use of stabilizers and inter and intra-muscular coordination are two primary reasons, along with neural recruitment pattern gains that don’t apply well to the other lift.

6. You don’t know when to de-load/cruise , or take time off. NO ONES body takes a constant pounding of hard training without periods of active or full rest recovery. Until you learn how and when to don this your training will never be optimal

7. Your micro-nutrient support SUCKS! I can’t count the number of guys I have seen trying to build great physiques taking a “one a day” vitamin and thinking they have it covered. If you want great things out of your body, you need to put great fuel in it.

8. You train with the intensity of a arthritic old lady. Nuff said.

9. You have no clearly defined goals. Most people just “lift to get bigger”, and while this is a fine goal, not having and strength related goals will kill your progress in the long run. Your primary goal should be getting stronger on the big lifts on a CONSTANT basis. Setting short and long-term strength goals and achieving them is what equals a big strong trainee in the long run.

10. You are inconsistent. Getting excited about your training and killing yourself in the gym only to burn out and few weeks later and miss a bunch of sessions ends up being 1 step forward, 3/4 steps backward for many trainees. Getting and staying consistent and racking up sustainable gains over the long-term is what it’s about.
1) I believe in general that the majority of people don’t work hard enough. If there’s one thing we can learn from the old Eastern Bloc countries, it’s that they worked harder than us, and that primarily, is why they always beat us in the Olympics. Work hard in the gym (even if your program sucks) and you will be rewarded.

2) I also believe that most people don’t put near enough emphasis on lower body and core work. The key to getting big is full squats and deadlifts. If you are looking at your routine and you see that you are training upper body 3 or 4 days per week and lower body once, you have a serious problem. The majority of athletes should live and die in the squat rack.

3) And for that matter, EVERYONE’S program should be centered around these exercises: Full Squat, Deadlifts (or cleans or both), heavy barbell rows, bench press, and Standing Barbell Military/Push Presses. Add pull ups, barbell curls, dips, heavy abdominal work, and some core work (back extensions, reverse hypers, or glute hams) and that should make up 95-100% of the total number of exercises you do. The most effective training is simple and hard.

4) Training a bodypart once per week (and one bodypart per day) is one of the worst ways to train. It will create a rut in your training that you can’t dig out of.

Training a bodypart twice per week has always been shown to be superior to once per week training of a muscle. The problem is with the influx of "Weider Principles" and other bodybuilding trash that's posted in the magazines, the masses have been stuck in the one-bodypart-per-day-per-week rut for years.

No strength athletes train a bodypart once per week. Most olympic lifters, powerlifters, and strongman train their backs at least four times per week, and last time I checked, they weren't lacking in back width.

The simple fact is that training using an upper/lower split or a push/pull split or 3 full body days will provide double or triple the training stimulus than training a muscle once per week and thus, if done correctly will lead to much, much greater growth and strength gains.

5) Training to near muscular failure has shown to induce identical hypertrophy gains than training to all out muscular failure. The reason you guys can’t train a muscle more than once per week is because you are destroying it when you do train it. Learn to hit or miss that last rep and then call it done. Don’t do ridiculous amounts of forced reps, negatives, etc. until you literally can’t move the muscle. Take it to near failure and then your muscles will recover enough so that you can train them again in 3-4 days.

Understand that there is a huge difference in training to near failure and not training hard. I would never advocate to not train hard. Actually, quite the opposite – try to squat for 5 sets of 5 reps using only 10lbs less than your five rep max. That’s absolutely brutal. But when you get done, don’t go to the leg press machine and keep pounding out sets and stripping off weight until you literal can’t do a single leg press with only the sled. That’s absurd, and you can’t recover from it in 3 days.

6) Squat at least below parallel every time. Are you kidding me? I can’t believe some people are still quarter squatting and saying that riding a squat all the way to the ground is bad for your knees. Learn the facts. Stopping at or above parallel puts much more strain on your knees than going ass to grass. Plus going all the way down in an Olympic style back squat will put more mass on you than any other exercise. Period.

7) Isolation exercises are absolute crap. 90% of your routine should be made up of full squats, deadlifts or cleans, bench press, standing overhead press, heavy barbell rows, pull-ups, dips, and core work (abs, glute ham raises, back extensions, reverse hypers). Isolation exercises and machines are the worst thing that ever happened to the weight training world.

8) Quit using pyramid rep schemes like 10,8,6,4,2 – Instead, your time would be better served doing boring (but effective) gut busting sets of 5x5 or 4x8-10 using the SAME WEIGHT for each set. They WILL produce better results than the pyramid scheme. BTW, check your ego at the door when you do these.

9) I’ll quote my good friend, Glenn Pendlay (the best S&C coach in the nation) for the next one:
Originally Posted by Pendlay
"Most athletes do too many exercises. Many times they look over other peoples programs like they are at a buffet. They pick a little of this and a little of that from a variety of programs, and end up with something useless. People think you have to train each muscle with a different specific exercise. Many guys in college athletics would do better if they would just randomly slash off half of what they are doing, and then work twice as hard on the half that is left."

10) Another of my favorites from Glenn:
Originally Posted by Pendlay
"im so sick and tired of hearing people who just started training who say they cant gain weight. jeez ive heard this crap so often. every day it seems i have some stupid kid ask me about how to gain weight... in resturants, at the grocery store, yo uname it. for some reason there seems to be a sign on my back or something. usually i know its worthless to talk to them, sometimes i actually waste my time. talked to a kid at the golden corral a couple of days ago. took almost an hour when i should have been enjoying my all you can eat steak night... 3 days later i see him in the gym when i just happened to go in to talk to a friend who i knew was there... kid was there doing preacher curls. said hi to me, then said well i talked to my friend about what you said and he said he tried it once and overtrained so i decided to do this thing i read about... on the other hand about 6 months ago i talked to this 6' tall, 150lb kid who wanted to know about getting stronger. kid had done well in judo, won some titles, also after that had done cycling, turned pro then quit a year later, quite a good road racer. he actually did what i told him i guess, about 3 months after i saw him the first time i saw hiim again, he weighed about 185... he wanted to try olympic weightlifting so i let him train with the team i coach. now hes weighing 204 and clean and jerking about 300lbs, 54lbs gained in 6 months. no drugs. olympic squat from 175lbs to 385lbs, front squat from 150lbs to 330lbs. hell be a good lifter, has a good work ethic. needs to be 240 and fairly lean, will compete eventually in the 231 pound class. will take about another 12-15 months i suppose. why is a kid like this the exception and not the rule? why will kids do the same old thing for years in the abscense of results, and not try anything new? what the hell is wrong with people. there is a gym in town, i know the owner so i go and talk to him sometimes, there are all these kids in there, skinny little ****s, doing curls. they never progress, you see the same faces one year to the next, same bodies too."
11) Ultra slow reps or TUT is, for the most part completely worthless. Will it work? Yes. But the total amount of work that one can complete is much lower when utilizing slow reps. Just go natural. Don’t try to be super fast, and bouncy, and don’t try to go ultra slow. Just do it naturally and controlled.

12) “The burn”, “the pump” and “the feel” have nothing to do with the effectiveness of an exercise. Yes, even I have been caught on upper body days looking at myself in the mirror when I’m all blown up, but that has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the last exercise. You do hammer strength bench presses and flyes for sets of 20 and I’ll do heavy barbell bench presses and deep dips. One of us will “feel the pump” more and the other one will grow.

13) Likewise, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) also gives no clue as to the effectiveness of a workout. It just means A) you have a ton of microtrauma in a muscle or a lot of lactic acid/ waste products. Congratulations.

14) “Core stability training” is not done on a swiss ball or a stability board. It’s done by pulling heavy deadlifts, standing overhead presses, full squats, heavy barbell rows, heavy farmer’s walks, Atlas stones, tire flipping, reverse hypers, heavy back extensions, glute ham raises, and heavy abdominal work.

15) A good gym has nothing to do with how nice the machines are or if they have a pool or tanning beds or even if it’s air conditioned. A good gym smells like a mix of body odor and liniment and supplies their members with a big box of chalk.

Kelly Baggett, one of the best strength coaches his take as well on how to get bigger
Originally Posted by 0311
This is not to attack anyone but I'd be willing to bet a lot more natural muscle has been built using the recommnedations of Matt and Glenn over the years then all the complicated bodybuilding schemes out there. The problem with bodybuilders is they try to overcomplicate everything and lose site of the big picture.....that's making strength gains in the gym on basic movements along with scale weight increases on a week to week basis. Now you can complicate that as much as you want but those are the only 2 things it takes to get big. It doesn't take any sort've fancy specialized training routines and special diets. If more people would spend more time in dark stinky ass gyms worrying about putting weight on the very basic movements and spend more time eating in high volume (note the golden corral reference) with an emphasis on gaining scale weight then a lot more muscle would be built.

For every bodybuilder who has success building a physique naturally I'll show you at least 20 who don't get jack **** in the way of results because they sit around with their thumb up their butt worrying about this and worrying about that and basing everything off of their "pump"...worrying about the "feel" of this exercise and trying to trash the muscle every workout without any regards to periodization and failign to realize that if they would've just strived to put 50 lbs on their squat and 15 lbs on the scale their problems would be taken care of......They go starving themselves to death on boiled chicken and broccoli while spending $300 per month in supplements thinking they can get "bigger" and "smaller" at the same time spending 5 years wasting time not gaining 10 lbs of scale weight all while looking at strength athletes with their nose up in the air when what they don't realize is that fat powerlifter they like to make fun of has actually put on 50 lbs of muscle in the last year and he could spend 3 months stripping that fat off and hand you your ass and balls in a bodybuilding contest simply because he trained very simple, focused on strength gains and most importnatly wasn't afraid to sit down at the dinner table and do some serious eating.

Give me 2 twin brothers one who hangs around with and reads bodybuilding related info for a year and another who hangs around with and trains at a powerlifting gym both without steroids and after that year is over let's see which one builds more muscle. Nine times out of 10 I'll take the powerlifter.

Having said that a strenght athletes routine may not be 100% optimal for a bodybuilder but there are a lot of things people could learn from strength trainers.


Ex-Ford/Kia/Hyundai Tech
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Premium Member
Jan 29, 2006
EDIT:^what that guy said.


j/k, i would check out some kind of KFC or popeyes style diet. 140 is sickly skinny for someone as tall as you. dont work out and grab the 10pcs bucket each day and make sure to grab some biscuits and fries. :pop:
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Active Member
Established Member
Jul 15, 2009
Get ready to spend the larger part of a year to gain 25lbs in good clean mass. What 03GTinFLA is pretty good info. He is right, exercises that use multiple muscle groups per exercise will help you in your gains. Squats, dead lifts, pull ups and push ups all utilize a large number of muscles which will help in breaking down and using the protein you eat and to to stimulate you natural production of HGH.

I would suggest 3 sets of max effort pushups every morning, make it routine. Then check out a good 5x5 program such as this... - What Is The Best 5x5 Workout That Will Produce Amazing Muscle Gain? and add extra squats and dead lifts. Or maybe even better Jim Stopannis 12 week guide to mass, Lots of muscle confusion to eliminate plateauing... - Jim Stoppani's 12-Week Shortcut To Size - Build Muscle & Gain Strength! . If you dont like that, just checkout the actual website and find a plan you like. Spend plenty of time learning about a good diet for your goals and finding the right workout plan for you. And please dear god learn proper technique. Direction for the proper way to do each and every exercise is on that website. Proper technique is also key to health and growth.


Established Member
Feb 25, 2007
St Petersburg, Fl
Love 5x5 and couldn't agree more with proper technique. Take it from an older lifter. I wish I didn't have chronic shoulder impingement from years of heavy benching by whatever means necessary instead of with good form and bad knees and on and on. You can get away with bad form now because your young but it's just limiting your ability to lift and perform other sports and activities later on in life. Also, after reading your original post again, I think you were asking more about diet and food so let me try again.
In general, you want to not ever be hungry and drink tons of water. You can find coconut milk in most stores and it's somewhat cheap and is high in calories. I love it and I know it's a little high in saturated fat but I can live with that. Best cheap after workout drink....chocolate milk. Love it. ALso, I keep one desk drawer full with unsalted mix nuts or almonds, instant oatmeal, peanut butter, granola bars, trail mix or dried fruit and luckily I have a minfridge to keep milk to mix with my muscle milk powder and I also keep cottage cheese and hummus. I used to do the hard boiled egg thing for years but I got sick of egg farts. Canned tuna is cheap and high in protein. I used to eat that on crackers with Franks Red Hot and a slice of cheese. It sounds like you don't eat at home or cook a lot but this thread has some great food ideas in it. I've tried a lot of his stuff and most everything came out awesome. TESTOSTERONE NATION | La Cucina Anabolica Italiana - Page 32
Here is another bit of food info from a Tnation thread that I thought was well written...Protein. Most people set it at 1 to 2 grams per pound of bodyweight, or if going by percentage of a diet, 30 to 40% of total intake -whatever floats your boat. This topic has been beaten to death!

Protein list
cottage cheese
protein powder
egg whites
all kinds of fish - oily (salmon, trout, sardine, mackerel) and lean (tuna, halibut, cod, flounder, and so on)
yogurt (has carbs too - actually more carbs than protein)
Greek yogurt (less carbs, more protein)

> Starchy carbs. Most people set it as 30 to 50 percent of the diet, depending on how good they do with them. I personally do quite bad with a ton of starchy carbs, but if you do good with them, so be it.

Starchy carb list
whole-grain bread
whole-grain pasta
brown rice
oat bran

> Fruits, beans, veggies. This is what has been recommended to make up most of your carbs throughout the day, thanks to nutritionists Lonnie Lowery and John Berardi. I'm with them. Eat these with most of your meals and leave the starchy carbs for the post workout and breakfast meals, unless you're extremely active, have an insane caloric allotment, or do great with them.

All veggies
All fruits
All beans

> Fats. Make up 30 percent of the diet. 1/3 saturated, 1/3 monounsaturated, 1/3 polyunsaturated. I don't bother counting this, but make sure I get a blend of fats.

olive oil
fish oil (I don't take caps. I eat a piece of salmon or a can of sardines.)
flaxseed oil
coconut oil
macadamia nut oil
egg yolks
full-fat cheese
medium- to high-fat meats

> P + C and P + F versus mixed meal war. Do what works for you and what you have faith in. I'm with Berardi and Lowery.

> Peri-workout. Whey and/or milk protein or can of tuna and whatever simple carb floats your damn boat! Yeah, it can be a can of coke, low-fat chocolate milk, Surge, OJ, grape juice, or Kool Aid powder. I've used all sources and I've not noticed one damn difference in my physique, strength, or recuperative ability. Or you can actually live on the edge and go next door to the Chinaman and order a SOLID MEAL (gasp) of brown rice, steamed chicken, and veggies.

> Supplements. Most are crap and unnecessary. If you're eating 6 to 10 servings of veggies and fruits per day and eating enough nutrient-dense food overall, you don't need much, if any, of them.
With that said, try creatine if your haven't already. Just buy the quality bulk monohydrate and make sure you drink tons of water. If you drink beer at night, coffee or caffeine during the day and then take creatine you may not be getting enough water, due to beer and coffee being diuretics, you might damage your kidneys. Creatine has tons of research and is effective as long as you stay hydrated. Most larger people don't like creatine because it makes them retain water and they feel puffy. I'm a natural skinny dude like yourself so retaining anything makes me look big so I love creatine.
Alright I'm done. Let me know if you have any other specific questions and I'll try to stay on topic next time. :)


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 15, 2009
In general, you want to not ever be hungry and drink tons of water. You can find coconut milk in most stores and it's somewhat cheap and is high in calories. I love it and I know it's a little high in saturated fat but I can live with that. Best cheap after workout drink....chocolate milk. Love it.

Just heard this a few days ago to be honest. Whats the deal with chocolate milk? And why is it praised upon for a post workout? Forgive the ignorance, please haha.


New Member
Established Member
May 6, 2012
Odessa, TX
Hmmm chocolate milk? I love that stuff. A LOT of good info in here and I havent even finished reading. Thanks guys keep it coming. I've got a pretty good workout plan I think, so yes my big problem is nutrition. I've heard good stuff about creatine so I'll have to look more into that.


Established Member
Feb 25, 2007
St Petersburg, Fl
Just heard this a few days ago to be honest. Whats the deal with chocolate milk? And why is it praised upon for a post workout? Forgive the ignorance, please haha.
This is milk vs gatorade.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2008, 5:15
Abstract: There has been growing interest in the potential use of bovine milk as an exercise beverage,
especially during recovery from resistance training and endurance sports. Based on the limited
research, milk appears to be an effective post-resistance exercise beverage that results in
favourable acute alterations in protein metabolism. Milk consumption acutely increases muscle
protein synthesis, leading to an improved net muscle protein balance. Furthermore, when postexercise
milk consumption is combined with resistance training (12 weeks minimum), greater
increases in muscle hypertrophy and lean mass have been observed. Although research with milk
is limited, there is some evidence to suggest that milk may be an effective post-exercise beverage
for endurance activities. Low-fat milk has been shown to be as effective, if not more effective, than
commercially available sports drinks as a rehydration beverage. Milk represents a more nutrient
dense beverage choice for individuals who partake in strength and endurance activities, compared
to traditional sports drinks. Bovine low-fat fluid milk is a safe and effective post exercise beverage
for most individuals, except for those who are lactose intolerant. Further research is warranted to
better delineate the possible applications and efficacy of bovine milk in the field of sports nutrition.

I know probably has a ton of post workout drinks out there with good reviews but I don't like to get too crazy with the chemicals I put in my body, plus I haven't seen any actual studies done with those. Besides the ones that are done by the manufacturer or a company that benefits from sale of that product. So I'll stick to chocolate milk.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 15, 2009
This is milk vs gatorade.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2008, 5:15
Abstract: There has been growing interest in the potential use of bovine milk as an exercise beverage,
especially during recovery from resistance training and endurance sports. Based on the limited
research, milk appears to be an effective post-resistance exercise beverage that results in
favourable acute alterations in protein metabolism. Milk consumption acutely increases muscle
protein synthesis, leading to an improved net muscle protein balance. Furthermore, when postexercise
milk consumption is combined with resistance training (12 weeks minimum), greater
increases in muscle hypertrophy and lean mass have been observed. Although research with milk
is limited, there is some evidence to suggest that milk may be an effective post-exercise beverage
for endurance activities. Low-fat milk has been shown to be as effective, if not more effective, than
commercially available sports drinks as a rehydration beverage. Milk represents a more nutrient
dense beverage choice for individuals who partake in strength and endurance activities, compared
to traditional sports drinks. Bovine low-fat fluid milk is a safe and effective post exercise beverage
for most individuals, except for those who are lactose intolerant. Further research is warranted to
better delineate the possible applications and efficacy of bovine milk in the field of sports nutrition.

I know probably has a ton of post workout drinks out there with good reviews but I don't like to get too crazy with the chemicals I put in my body, plus I haven't seen any actual studies done with those. Besides the ones that are done by the manufacturer or a company that benefits from sale of that product. So I'll stick to chocolate milk.

Thats good to know. I love milk, just never drank it post workout, nor have i ever thought about it. So since this just covered milk in general, im assuming the chocolate helps to create an insuline spike? And contain good carbs for muscle recovery? Good stuff to know.

Im like you about putting stuff into your body, Protein, creatine, multi-vitamin, and omega 3 fish oil are all I take.

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