New Netflix Series "Dear White People"


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
Newer mods who may be a tad more tolerant? Now, if it gets ugly, it will be gone. I've read almost every post in this mess, and while there may be a few digs which I could have popped members with, I'm actually very impressed with how civil is has been.
Keep in mind, one of use is always watching and will not let it run wild. Thanks for playing nice for the most part guys.


I'm more stupid than I post
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
myrtle beach
items of interest ignored in this thread:

Why do we never ear of the black service members that were the first to invade Normandy?

Why didn't the black service members from WW2 get their entitlement of gi bill education?

Why didn't the black service members from WW2 get their entitlement of VA home loans?

just because i mention race that shouldnt minimize the importance of the question.

Hassellhoff, Zemedicj, Blown would you feel if your grandfather was one of the first to storm the beaches of Normandy, somehow survive then upon returning home, all of the things promised to him was denied because he was white? On top of that, no process of recourse and no due process?

Now, I dont blame a single one of you for what happened in the past. its done and over, however, i do get a bit upset when someone says that the effects of the past dont matter today. if thats the case then what would America be if Chris Columbus never set sail? History matters.


I'm more stupid than I post
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
myrtle beach
I'd gladly buy GT Premi, KingBlack, 2KBlack a drink and listen to why their view point is what it is.

As far as I am concerned, Deceptive is the only true winner from this thread. Willing to LISTEN to other perspectives and learn. If one person is willing to do this, it was worth it

Decpetive, if you ever come on vacation or whatever to myrtle beach let me know. I'll reach out to my friends and make sure you are taken care of. And I'm buying the drinks


Established Member
Mar 9, 2009
New Orleans, LA
items of interest ignored in this thread:

Why do we never ear of the black service members that were the first to invade Normandy?

Why didn't the black service members from WW2 get their entitlement of gi bill education?

Why didn't the black service members from WW2 get their entitlement of VA home loans?

just because i mention race that shouldnt minimize the importance of the question.

Hassellhoff, Zemedicj, Blown would you feel if your grandfather was one of the first to storm the beaches of Normandy, somehow survive then upon returning home, all of the things promised to him was denied because he was white? On top of that, no process of recourse and no due process?

Now, I dont blame a single one of you for what happened in the past. its done and over, however, i do get a bit upset when someone says that the effects of the past dont matter today. if thats the case then what would America be if Chris Columbus never set sail? History matters.

I'd be pissed off, & I never dismissed the effects the past has on today..That shit right there hits me hard, cuz they earned it. I'm sure you & I would get I would with GT & 2k, etc...I commented because he dismissed the labors of my father & so on, because of a racial dispute. That shit didn't fly with me & honestly, those stats that I can easily throw that'd devalue a certain race, I can also state reasons why those stats are skewed and make it look not so in their favor as well..theres always two sides to thing & I try to see that... there is alot of injustices that still do exist, but you gotta understand..labeling an entire race based off of even a majority of that races actions, that's what you're against..and so am I. So two wrongs don't make a right. I guarantee you, there's white folk out there that had it harder than other black folk, and that's vice versa as shouldn't dismiss one's struggles or accomplishments due to a preconceived notion of privileges or even hardships that's tossed around so easily nowadays. Yeah, there's white folks out there in positions of power, whether it be cops, judges, or ceos..they are prejudice against others. The same can be said for black folks in power too. An overwhelming majority of the US is white though, so there should..purely based off of the numbers... there should be an overwhelming number of racial issues experienced by blacks from whites..thats just the numbers game. It's also a regional thing, because you can travel to the "We don't like your kind around here" part of the country & then go to the "I love black culture..blah blah blah" part of the country that'd probably make you sick about how much they rejoice about blacks & all..there's all that & everything in between. It'd be an insult to me either way, on either side of that spectrum...because on one end its just sickening hate & on the other its just too damn fake & overwhelming..

All I'm trying to say is, I know...I'm not dismissing any injustices, but you also have to agree the media stretches, exaggerates, & pretty much incites riots over race issues..while they profit off of doing so. It's wrong & they're really trying their hardest to make us hate each other...I'm not ashamed of my past, nor are you. We just need to develop mutual respect for one another, & once that happens..that'll open the door to communication & then..maybe just then..things can start becoming better..but sadly that time will never come, at least not anytime soon. I voted Trump, so I may be generalized as a racist or whatever, but I am for equality & justice...We can only learn from the past my we should do so & try not to repeat such atrocities as the ones mentioned. I can assure you though, the VA home loan issue & gi education bill issue is corrected now. I can say alot more, but hopefully you can get the jist of what I'm saying.


Established Member
Jan 9, 2007
Should be in a different section by this point...
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I'm more stupid than I post
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
myrtle beach
So yeah...I just realized we've all been played...hard. Growing up as a kid, I had a friend Leonard that was smart enough to get two people heated enough at each other to start a fight, then step back to watch the wildfire that he had just created burn.

Good job, Gravik. You are a CIA worthy instigator. I'd call you a coward, but that may be crossing the line.

You habitually find power keg topics, insert a fuse then leave a book of matches nearby hoping that someone lights it. Again, good job.

Maybe isolation has gotten to you? I don't know, and I don't care. But do this ENTIRE community a favor; stop trying to divide us. Its time to grow up and move on to bigger, better, more adult things.

BTW, if you're going to be an internet troll, do a better job. Does this ring a bell:

1A YC??5
Yup... you just had your ah ha moment. Cut it out dude.


Established Member
Jan 9, 2007
That was the best point made in this thread thus far.



Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
items of interest ignored in this thread:

Why do we never ear of the black service members that were the first to invade Normandy?

Why didn't the black service members from WW2 get their entitlement of gi bill education?

Why didn't the black service members from WW2 get their entitlement of VA home loans?

just because i mention race that shouldnt minimize the importance of the question.

Hassellhoff, Zemedicj, Blown would you feel if your grandfather was one of the first to storm the beaches of Normandy, somehow survive then upon returning home, all of the things promised to him was denied because he was white? On top of that, no process of recourse and no due process?

Now, I dont blame a single one of you for what happened in the past. its done and over, however, i do get a bit upset when someone says that the effects of the past dont matter today. if thats the case then what would America be if Chris Columbus never set sail? History matters.
Just as you say that post went unnoticed, you completely missed my post in direct response to Normandy veterans. Go back and read it.

As for the rest of it, I don't know enough to answer. I just know that when it comes to veterans, I love hearing about war stories; a warrior is a warrior, plain and simple. Doesn't matter what color skin they are. The men that fought back then were real men and not the poor excuses we have now screaming everyone is a Fascist or that all cops are killers. To me, the current generation that feels disenfranchised pretty much deserves everything they are getting and I hope their lives get even more difficult if they want to keep up these antics. May sound cruel but real struggle is the only way to truly grow. Some embrace it and throw themselves in it... they are the successful ones. The ones who are repeatedly hit with struggle while trying to avoid it their entire lives are the ones who end up living paycheck to paycheck and blaming their plight on others.

*Drunk rant off*

Sent from my SM-G935P using the mobile app
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Resident Ford Dealer
Established Member
Premium Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Jun 4, 2012
Now, I dont blame a single one of you for what happened in the past. its done and over, however, i do get a bit upset when someone says that the effects of the past dont matter today. if thats the case then what would America be if Chris Columbus never set sail? History matters.

Leif Eriksson discovered America. Columbus was one of the last explorers to set foot in the Americas. So I believe America would be just fine if Columbus had not ever set sail.

History does matter.

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
So yeah...I just realized we've all been played...hard. Growing up as a kid, I had a friend Leonard that was smart enough to get two people heated enough at each other to start a fight, then step back to watch the wildfire that he had just created burn.

Good job, Gravik. You are a CIA worthy instigator. I'd call you a coward, but that may be crossing the line.

You habitually find power keg topics, insert a fuse then leave a book of matches nearby hoping that someone lights it. Again, good job.

Maybe isolation has gotten to you? I don't know, and I don't care. But do this ENTIRE community a favor; stop trying to divide us. Its time to grow up and move on to bigger, better, more adult things.

BTW, if you're going to be an internet troll, do a better job. Does this ring a bell:

1A YC??5
Yup... you just had your ah ha moment. Cut it out dude.

Seems just like that dude OhIIICobra. Thank GOD he's not around anymore. All he ever did was start racist crap and quote disparaging crime stats all day.

Not even remotely comparable.

Seems exactly the same to me. What's different to make it not comparable, other than you simply saying it's not?

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Seems exactly the same to me. What's different to make it not comparable, other than you simply saying it's not?
The 150 year gap for starters. One is happening to people right now, the other never happened to you.

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
The 150 year gap for starters. One is happening to people right now, the other never happened to you.

Your point was [supposedly] about you guys being told to shut up and get over yourselves when you complain. I posted that you guys do the same thing to Black people when we bring up grievances. What's the difference? Because modern day Blacks weren't/aren't slaves (which isn't the only grievance we have, BTW) means it's fine for you to tell us to shut up and get over it, but because your feelings are hurt by something today, means we have to listen to you complain all the time? Is that what you're saying?

I still don't see the difference. There's a grievance. People complain about said grievance. Said people are told to shut up and move on. Break it down for me.

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