Ordering my Cobra, would like to see some color combination pics


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Established Member
Oct 20, 2002
SoCal-Santa Clarita
Hello all. I'm brand new to SVTperformance, but I do post on The Corral.

I just sold me my highly mod'ed 1995 GT convertible and have ordered a 2003 Cobra convertible. My order number has not had the final color codes set yet, but I have to let the dealer know in the next couple of days.

I know I want either a Sonic Blue/Black top one, or a Redfire one. I don't know if I'd want the Redfire with a Black or Parchment top. My 1995 convertible GT was Laser Red/Parchment. But it had a vinyl top and was easy to keep clean. I'm wondering about the cloth top on the 2003. Will it absorb dirt more easily? I'd appreciate your experiences with the tops if you'd care to share them.

Also, I've never seen photos of either the convertibles in either Sonic Blue or Redfire with their tops up so that I can see them. Everyone always photos the cars with the tops down.

If you have photos of any of the following convertibles with the tops up, I'd love to see them either by posting here or e-mailing me. Of course, if you post them, then everyone can enjoy them!

1 - Sonic Blue with Black top
2 - Redfire with Black top
3 - Redfire with Parchment top


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