Quadrant/Firewall Adjuster Issues


Turd Burglar
Established Member
Aug 16, 2009
Just installed MM aluminum quadrant and firewall adjuster. When installing the quadrant, I used the 2 thick and 4 thin spacers on one side, and on the other side I only used one and the pin is kind of loose. I couldn't get the pin in with one more washer on. Also, when I installed the firewall adjuster, it came supplied with a screw, and I used that one instead of the two stock ones. Well, it is loose in the firewall, and I can move it because the screw they supplied seems like it stripped out the hole. The actual issue since all of this is my TOB is making noise now. I've tried tightening up the adjuster and loosening it, but it doesn't seem to help much, and it doesn't seem to make my pedal engage any different after I adjust. Just seems like it only engages at the top of the pedal, and I would like it to engage closer to the middle. Anyway, if you guys have any ideas, I would sure like to hear them. I was wondering if the LDC freeplay mod might be required to get the TOB to shut up.

Thanks guys.

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