Ran that 03GT


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Established Member
May 7, 2004
Well I sorta ran him. It wasn't a three honk go or anything, but it was close enough to find out what the outcome was. We were on a 3 lane highway, with little to moderate traffic. I was in the center lane and he was in the passing. We were probably traveling aroun 75 or so.....+/- 10mph. He pulls up next to me, and so I thought he was gonna shout out something, since he had his windows down. So I start to roll down my window, as soon as my window is half way down I hear him down shift. I'm thinking ohhh crap here we go! So as he starts to gas it, I'm in the middle of my downshift. I gas it maybe a second after he does. So, we take off, with him never walking. At this time, I'm already at my shift point, so I slam it into 5th. Out of no where I start catching up faster and faster as we increase speed. Problem was the up comming traffic. We ran out of room before we can see the outcome. I think if we did a 3 honk, I would have just pulled as speed increased. Over all it was good time. Now I can't wait to see this when he has his gears put in and my header and up pipe go on. We'll definatly get in on video.


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Established Member
May 7, 2004
I own an 04 STi. I posted not long ago about this race to get info before I ran. It was pretty much like evryone had said. I would take him, but close from a roll. That's exactly what it turned out to be. From a dig, I think I would have run away and not even looked back. From the roll is much closer.

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