SOME of the latest 9/11 info.

Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
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Here's some updated 9/11 info for anyone who's curious.

There's so much more info out there, but I thought I'd just add some to this popular forum for anyone who cares. "Don't shoot the messenger!"

I have no motive to post this other than to get people to consider that there may be more to know about 9/11 than the "official story" tells because I think that in order to have a free society protecting the best interests of the people in it then you need to have a civil exchange of information that considers all sides of a story in effort to have as much information as posible to discern truth from. Truth is only going to benefit honest people and incriminate liars. Truth is the best way to serve victims of any tragic event.
Unfortunately, I do not have much time to participate in forum discussion. Also, I don't want to spend all of the free time that I do have online more than I already do. My absence to any replies herein does not mean that I do not have anything of substance to add. Those who really care to research will do just that after finding interest in some of the provoking information herein and do not need me to reply to this thread.

My best to all.

"Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds and many more."

James Fetzer of Scholars For 9/11 Truth

James Fetzer is Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus,
University of Minnesota Duluth Department of Philosophy.

James H. Fetzer was born in Pasadena, California, on 6 December 1940. At graduation from South Pasadena High School in 1958, he was presented The Carver Award. He was magna cum laude in philosophy at Princeton University in 1962, where his senior thesis for Carl G. Hempel on the logical structure of explanations of human behavior won The Dickinson Prize. After being commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, he became an artillery officer and served in the Far East. After a tour supervising recruit training in San Diego, he resigned his commission as a Captain to begin graduate work in the history and philosophy of science at Indiana in 1966. He completed his Ph.D. with a dissertation on probability and explanation for Wesley C. Salmon in 1970.

Here is an 8 minute video of his top 10 Reasons for thinking official stories of 9/11 Plane Hijackings were fake. Feel free to transcibe them from the video since you are so interested.

This is a 4 minute video of Fetzer on Hannity and Colmes, or Ollie North a la Iran Contra and Colmes ... on Fox News of course ... on June 22nd, 06:

They had a tough time interviewing him since "they got their facts foxed".

Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds and many more.

Here's a video of David Shayler from MI5 (like the CIA for the UK):

14 Minutes Part 1:

4 Minutes Part 2:

Lt. Colonel Robert Bowman:
Robert M. Bowman (born 1934) was the former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions. He holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from the California Institute of Technology.

Speeches from Robert Bowman:

Richard Andrew Grove:

John O'Neill:

Daniel Hopsicker's excellent investigation to "Mohammed Attah and the Venice Flying Circus" , focusing on life of alleged hijackers in Florida and in relation to pilot schools."venice+flying+circus"

George Humphrey - The Great Illusion:
Part 1:"george+humphrey"
Part 2:"george+humphrey"

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions
David Ray Griffin

Description: David Ray Griffin takes a critical look at the official 9/11 Commission Report. Professor Griffin argues that "omissions and distortions" in the report amount to a cover-up by government officials and says that the available evidence suggests that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Professor Griffin covers topics he says have been inadequately answered by the commission. These include questions surrounding the attack on the Pentagon, the way in which the World Trade Center towers collapsed, and the behavior of President Bush and his Secret Service detail following notification that a second plane had hit the WTC. The talk was hosted by the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth ( and took place at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Includes Q&A.

Author Bio: David Ray Griffin is professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, where he taught for over 30 years (retiring in 2004). He has authored or edited over two dozen books, including "God and Religion in the Postmodern World," "Religion and Scientific Naturalism," and "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11."

He talks about very practical stuff, like how the 9/11 Commission Report never even reported that World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed around 5 PM on 9/11:

.... hence the name of his book:
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions

Video Stream , from his appearance on CSPAN from the University of Wisconsin -
Source 1: ray griffin


Here's an article about how "BYU Professor Steven Jones proves that the twin towers were demolished by means of incendiary devices and the release of the conclusive evidence is imminent."

"The material that was first brought into question on the back of photos and video clips of the twin towers showing a dripping molten substance and floating white ash can now be confirmed as being thermate, combining thermite which is used as an incendiary device to bring down structures and sulfur, which cuts through steel quicker and leaves a yellow residue."

"Jones says that, "using advanced techniques we're finding out what's in these samples - we're finding iron, sulphur, potassium and manganese - these are characteristic of a variation of thermite which is used to cut through steel very rapidly, it's called thermate."

"In order to have thermite in these buildings in this way, to help bring the buildings down, that means that thermite had to be planted in the buildings which of course implies directly and inside job - someone had to have access into the buildings," said Jones.

Jones' has conducted over 40 peer reviewed scientific studies two of which were published in Nature and Scientific American."

"Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham Young University physics professor has identified the material as Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.

Prof. Steven Jones, who conducted his PhD research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and post-doctoral research at Cornell University and the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, has analyised materials from WTC and has detected the existence of thermate, used for "cutting" the steel support columns, as evident in the photo below.

Dr. Jones is a co-founder of Scholars for 911 Truth.

Dr. Jones in earlier work pointed to thermate as the likely explosive that brought down the WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 skyscrapers. But only recently was physical material analysed in the lab and the presense of thermate announced. The samples were provided Dr. Jones team from redundant sourses."

Some videos from BYU Professor Steven Jones about WTC 7:

Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
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By the way, I am certainly not the only person being a messenger of some of this information. There are millions worldwide and more and more, as you can see from my first post, mainstream media is providing some coverage. The best coverage (quantity and quality, neutral and intellectual) by mainstream media, as many used to mainstream media may expect, has been by CSPAN.

CSPAN will be airing excerpts from the 9/11 Scholars for truth Symposium at 8PM EST (7PM CST) on Saturday, July 29th and then air again for the West Coast at 11pm EST (10pm CST). You can watch the program online at the times stated above by clicking here: .

Articles about the airing:

Article 1:

24 Second advertisement on CSPAN: 911 truth


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Jan 20, 2005
so in what way did our government or president gain anything from this? (if u say it was planned by them.)


Sebring SVTOA
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SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Crazy people need shit to do too. Hell the government can't keep little secrets out of the press. Imagine the enormity of trying to keep this one secret for so long. The conspiracy is laughable.


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Jan 27, 2006
MonkeysL said:
so in what way did our government or president gain anything from this? (if u say it was planned by them.)
i know wtf. why do people always think its set up or somthing when somthing bad happens. i guess hurricane katrina. i bet there is gonna be a video or somthing of the government making fake storms or some shit. its rediculous what people thing these days.


My shit don't stink
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Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, sun, hotter girls
MonkeysL said:
so in what way did our government or president gain anything from this? (if u say it was planned by them.)

Considering his highest ratings ever happened after 9/11, and he currently uses the '9/11 excuse' everytime he needs a new way of expanding government or new war to start...a lot.


Established Member
Jan 26, 2004
Sarasota/ Florida
carrrnuttt said:
Considering his highest ratings ever happened after 9/11, and he currently uses the '9/11 excuse' everytime he needs a new way of expanding government or new war to start...a lot.

Give me a break....thats such :bs:

He doesn't need a excuse to sart war with anybody...the country's we are having problems with right now, we have been having problems with for LONG time.

2003 Silver

Aug 12, 2004
Not this shiat again......

It would hold a lot more water if the attacks happened on a weekend when the occupancy of the towers would have been at it's lowest...probably a Sunday.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
1268Melberger said:
Not this shiat again......

It would hold a lot more water if the attacks happened on a weekend when the occupancy of the towers would have been at it's lowest...probably a Sunday.
You see that is part of the "plan". The government's super secret murdering agencies, Department of Defense, FAA, hundreds of passengers, and CIA directed by the President, did not want it to look too perfect.


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, sun, hotter girls
stangd1909 said:
Give me a break....thats such :bs:

He doesn't need a excuse to sart war with anybody...the country's we are having problems with right now, we have been having problems with for LONG time.

I'm not saying I believe the conspiracy nuts. I am just reiterating that the President did, indeed gain something from 9/11. Personally, I believe he's just using it as a personal silver lining. Taking advantage of a bad situation, if you may, which is reprehensible in itself.

Everytime there's an opposition to a new law he wants, there's always the 'terror card' and the '9/11 play' to make his opposition seem unpatriotic. And when I say opposition, I mean Reps too, and not just and Dems.


Established Member
Jan 26, 2004
Sarasota/ Florida
blu88notch said:
Time will tell. Evidence is powerful.

*Off subject*
Well if thats the case it won't be in my lifetime see how long all the :bs: has been going on with Kennedy, you ask 5 different people (what happened) and you will get 5 different anwsers LOL.

*ok back on subject*


Established Member
Jun 8, 2005
Laurel, MD
Hard to believe what is sadder: The 9-11 incident, or the people that believe or spew shiat like this.


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Dec 1, 2002
WTF? It happened, its done and nothing we can do about it. Our government didn't protect our country and ignored that these people for the most part were in our country. You can't just blame Bush, but his administration and the Clinton administration. Our government is too stupid to know how to protect our country. This whole situation could have been prevented but your politicians don't really give a rats asss since most of them grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths. Next time when you are at the voting booths, make sure the person your voted for isn't a retard. If you have any doubt that he is, DON'T VOTE FOR HIM! If you do, well I really don't have to tell you what happens, do I?:rollseyes


Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
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It's called problem, reaction, solution or The Hegelian Dialectic.

Controllers have an agenda. Their agenda is not possible because not enough people support them and laws may even forbid it. They create a problem or use an existing problem to embellish. The problem is quite threatening in appearance or reality. The predicted reaction to the problem becomes reality, due to the natural social scientific reaction of fear. The predicted reaction begs for security and other solutions to bring it about. These securities and solutions are the agenda the controllers wanted from the beginning and or allows this agenda and other agenda to go forth in conjunction with it.

The government has gotten away with almost if not entirely anything and eerything they've wanted, profited billions, gotten all sorts of oil, weapons manufacturing, security etc contracts, perpetuated violations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the name of National Security, soughts out war in Afghanistan and Iraq and looking like Iran as well and more.

There is no way even half, maybe even 1/4, of the stuff that has happened could have happened without 9/11.

Henry Kissinger Quote from The Bilderberg Group:
Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will willingly be relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.
in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991. As transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates."bilderberg"

Out of the late Neo Conservative Globalist Project for a New American Century aka PNAC ("PNAC" ) , which has evolved over the past decade or two and is implemented into policy today by founding members such as I quote this statement:

"the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and cataclysmic event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

After the 2000 election of George W. Bush, many of the PNAC's members were appointed to key positions within the new President's administration:

Name Department Title Remarks
Elliott Abrams National Security Council Representative for Middle Eastern Affairs President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center
Richard Armitage Department of State (2001-2005) Deputy Secretary of State
John R. Bolton Department of State U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Previously served as Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs in the first administration of GWB.
Richard Cheney Bush Administration Vice President PNAC Founder
Seth Cropsey Voice of America Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau
Paula Dobriansky Department of State Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs
Francis ***uyama President's Council on Bioethics Council Member Professor of International Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University
Bruce Jackson U.S. Committee on NATO President
Zalmay Khalilzad U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq U.S.Ambassador to Iraq Previously served as U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan from November 2003 to June 2005
I. Lewis Libby Bush Administration Chief of Staff for the Vice President Indicted by Grand Jury on charges of Obstruction of Justice, False Statements and Perjury and resigned October 28, 2005.
Peter W. Rodman Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security
Donald Rumsfeld Department of Defense Secretary of Defense PNAC founder and previously Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences Developer of Tamiflu
Randy Scheunemann U.S. Committee on NATO, Project on Transitional Democracies, International Republican Institute Member Founded the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq.
Paul Wolfowitz World Bank President Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2001-2005
Dov S. Zakheim Department of Defense Comptroller Former V.P. of System Planning Corp.
Robert B. Zoellick Department of State Deputy Secretary of State Office of the United States Trade Representative (2001-2005);
Other members
Gary Bauer, former presidential candidate, president of American Values
William J. Bennett, former Secretary of Education and Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, co-founder of Empower America, author of the Book of Virtues
Ellen Bork, deputy director of PNAC, and wife of failed Reagan Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork
Rudy Boschwitz, former US Senator from Minnesota
Jeb Bush, governor of Florida
Eliot A. Cohen, professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University
Thomas Donnelly, director of communications, Lockheed Martin
Steve Forbes, multi-billionaire publisher of Forbes Magazine, former presidential candidate
Aaron Friedberg, director of the Center of International Studies
Frank Gaffney, columnist, founder of Center for Security Policy
Reuel Marc Gerecht, director of the Middle East Initiative
Fred Ikle, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Donald Kagan, Yale University professor, conservative columnist with various State Department ties
Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. ambassador
Charles Krauthammer, conservative columnist
William Kristol, a PNAC founder and chairman, editor of the Weekly Standard
Christopher Maletz
Daniel McKivergan
Richard Perle, a PNAC founder, formerly of the Defense Policy Board, fellow of the American Enterprise Institute
Norman Podhoretz, Hudson Institute
Dan Quayle, former vice-president
Stephen Rosen, Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs, Harvard University
Henry Rowen, former president of Rand Corporation
Gary Schmitt
George Weigel, political commentator
R. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA for Bill Clinton, vice-president at Booz Allen & Hamilton
Vin Weber, Minnesota congressman

Look up Operation Northwoods: Carrying out attacks on our citizens and blaming it on Cuba to justify Cuba attack. From the George Washington University National Security Archives:

"In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of Secrets, author James Bamford highlights a set of proposals on Cuba by the Joint Chiefs of Staff codenamed OPERATION NORTHWOODS. This document, titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” was provided by the JCS to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962, as the key component of Northwoods. Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban airforce attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage. Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”

Related Historical Reference: The McCollum Memo ... The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor was not about war with Japan -
It was about war with GERMANY

OBJECTIVE: War with Germany. How do you bait Hitler to declare war on you? You don't get it by looking unbeatable!
2. Direct provocation in Atlantic had failed - Hitler didn't bite.
3.FDR knew from "magic" (some past experience identified by such title) that if Japan attacked, Germany would declare war.
4.Therefore: the problem was how to maneuver Japan into firing the first shot or make the first overt act.
5.Japan must succeed or Hitler would renege.

"On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum of the Office of Naval Intelligence submitted a memo to Navy Captains Walter Anderson and Dudley Knox (whose endorsement is included in the following scans). Captains Anderson and Knox were two of President Roosevelt's most trusted military advisors.

The memo, scanned below, detailed an 8 step plan to provoke Japan into attacking the United States. President Roosevelt, over the course of 1941, implemented all 8 of the recommendations contained in the McCollum memo. Following the eighth provocation, Japan attacked. The public was told that it was a complete surprise, an "intelligence failure", and America entered World War Two."

"This memo, which proves that the government of the United States desired to lure Japan into an attack, was declassified in 1994. It took fifty years for the truth about Pearl Harbor to be revealed. Will we have to wait that long for the truth of 9-11 to come out?

More about the Pearl Harbor Deception is at Pearl Harbor: Mother of all conspiracies (at least until 9/11)

THE BONES OF STATION H The remains of the radio intercept station on Oahu that picked up Admiral Yamamoto's order for the attack."

Here's the 4th of 6 pages, detailing the 8 step plan to provoke Japan:

The remaining scans of the memo are here:

There were about 60 documented warnings of the attack from January 27th, 1941 to December 7th, 1941 ... the day of the attack.

The BBC made a documentary on this "Sacrifice". Links to the BBC documentary, a list of documebnted warnings, and info on a documentary book on the subject can be seen here:

""Wllley's book is nothing if not exhaustive. He includes several hundred decrypted Japanese pre-Pearl Harbor military messages, examples from the main Japanese codebook, incriminating U.S. Navy and diplomatic memos leading up to December 7, and more in eight appendices, an extensive bibliography and 30 pages of footnotes."
Book Review, December 9, 2001"

Problem, Reaction, Solution events alleged or proven by PrisonPlanet:

VERY INTERESTING VIDEO ON 1993 OKC BUILDING composed mostly if not entirely by local news in OKC and including testimony of eyewitnesses and recording of audio that shows FBI knowledge: bombing

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Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
where I am
And how in the hell would we have an Iraq War and "War On Terrorism" aka war on dissent from Neo Con agenda without 9/11?

WMD AND 9/11 were alleged to be linked to Iraq.


The Whole Truth About The Iraq War

Robert Greenwald - 87 minutes: Windows Media

An impressive roster of experts is assembled to provide a generally withering commentary on the quality of evidence and possible motivations of the Neo-conservatives who provided the momentum and muscle behind America's venture into preemptive war. Among them are veteran CIA analysts and operatives, military officers, diplomats, politicians, arms inspectors, and U.S. and British government officials. The fig leaf of the possibility of an honest mistake on the matter of WMDs is stripped away; what is left is the stark and disturbing anatomy of deliberate deceit.

This film also has some smoking guns about Iraq ... but I disagree with the way it portrays George Bush Jr's true religious views ... even though it accurately shows he is an easily influenced puppet:

The World According To Bush:"world+according+to+bush"

There is no doubt that Saddam is a wacked out, murderous, megalomaniacal asshole who doesn't deserve to rule over anyone, but it seems that:

Saddam was helped to rise to power by the US Government.

Saddam was given and sold WMDs by the US to fight Iran and used much of them on Iran.

The remainder of WMD was destroyed during the first Gulf War at the rule of Bush Sr, which bolstered support from a fake testimony by a Kuwaiti princess about Iraq soldiers murdering "incubator babies":
... and from the fake satellite pictures of Kuwait tanks at the Iraq border. (too bad we didn't have Google Earth back then .... though CIA could screw with imagery too I suppose.)

Then Saddam realized he was being screwed over and would lie about his WMD power in hopes to bluff .... and make people fear his power.

There is sooooo much dirt about the lie about Iraq.

Paul O'neil, Bush's former Secretary of the Treasury, was sued because he published a document dated Feb 2001 Entitled "Plan For Post-Saddam Iraq". Book he published it in is "The Prince of Loyalty, George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill by Ron Suskind, winner of the Pulitzer Prize."

David Kay, who had been tasked by the CIA with finding weapons of Mass Destruction or related programs found none after 8 months of searching. Bush still sated that he did during the Jan 20 2004 State of the Union speech. David Kay's conclusion is that Saddam had been bluffing all along since he used up much of the weapons he bought form US to fight Iran and got the rest destroyed when we invaded Iraq in "defense of Kuwait". David Kay resigned shortly after Bush lied about it in the State of the Union Speech.

The Valerie Plame leak came form the White House in response to Valerie Plame's husband blowing the whistle on the White House ... because he gave a report that Niger did not sell uranium (or whatever it was) to Iraq .... and then in Bush's State of the Union speech .... Bush told everyone that they did and this guy's report confirmed it.

LMAO .... tow totally bold faced lies ... told in the State of Union Speech ... TOTALLY OPPOSITE to the actual reports ... in front of the people who assembled the reports ... and to all of the people of the world.

THEN there was recently, sometime towards the end of April 2006, the CIA guy on CBS 60 Minutes:

BRADLEY: According to Drumheller, CIA Director George Tenet delivered the news about the Iraqi foreign minister at a high level meeting at the White House.

DRUMHELLER: The President, the Vice President, Dr. Rice…

BRADLEY: And at that meeting…?

DRUMHELLER: They were enthusiastic because they said they were excited that we had a high-level penetration of Iraqis.

BRADLEY: And what did this high level source tell you?

DRUMHELLER: He told us that they had no active weapons of mass destruction program.

BRADLEY: So, in the fall of 2002, before going to war, we had it on good authority from a source within Saddam’s inner circle that he didn’t have an active program for weapons of mass destruction?


BRADLEY: There’s no doubt in your mind about that?

DRUMHELLER: No doubt in my mind at all.

BRADLEY: It directly contradicts, though, what the President and his staff were telling us.

DRUMHELLER: The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policy.
Script and video here:

I'm happy Saddam is gone, but the reason for being there are treasonous lies, part of the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) as strategic move for Global Governance ... the Neo Conservative way. On the side, weapons, security and oil contracts are won as well to help fill pockets, but PNAC and Global Governance is the reason for invading."PNAC"

Iran is probably next.

Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
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Iranian President has recently sent the Bush administration a letter that questioned the events being an inside job:
"September eleven was not a simple operation."

"Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess."

"Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren’t those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial? All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens."

Plus, the Chavez administration of Venezuela and basically the whole country of Venezuela believes that 9/11 was an inside job:
The Venezuelan Govt is making efforts to launch an international investigation:

Jimmy Walter is offering 1 Million US Dollars to anyone who can prove that the official governt conspiracy theory is true, specifically by proving that the WTC buildings collapsed as the official story/911 Commission claims:

...That's just scratching the surface.

Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
where I am


This was from CNN'c showbiz tonight back in March 2006 when Charlie Sheen came out about his beliefs and questions about 9/11 being an inside job.

Here are two updates that I sent to a friend view email during that time:

(UPDATE: Poll closed -
"After talking with CNN we were able to confirm that Showbiz Tonight's poll asking whether viewers supported Charlie Sheen's comments on 9/11 finished 83% for and 17% against Sheen. Total votes ran to 53426, with 44519 for and 8907 against.")

UPDATE 2 : Ed Asner (Lou Grant from Mary Tyler Moore Show) was supposed to be on CNN's Showbiz Tonight ... last night March 28th ... in support of Sheen with a lot of facts to spit out on national tv in a confrontation with a 911 Omission member. It WOULD HAVE been great! Unfortunately, the segment was KILLED very shortly before airing. The segment promo was displayed on the show website even within 10 minutes of the start of the show, but it never aired -

Zogby International Poll:
"Released: August 30, 2004
Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed” To Act; 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York’s Attorney General, New Zogby International Poll Reveals."

Here's a good website with good supporting facts about 9/11. I find most of the links to be of excellent caliber, although there are some that leave more room for speculation than others. ... mirrored at:
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Ex-'93 Cobra

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Aug 29, 2003
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Osama Bin Laden never admitted that he attacked on 9/11. Quite the contrary; he has always mainstained his innocence and has said that he is being framed.

I'm not saying Osama is a good guy, but stating a fact.



The tape presented by our gov't to our media that they wanted all of us to believe showed Osama admitting/celebrating that he was responsible for the WTC Attacks on 9/11 WAS A TOTAL FAKE.

A,B,C,D is the real Osama. E is the "Osama" on the tape ... the fake.

They screwed that up big time.

This proves gov't complicity in attempting to frame Osama, and media stupidity and or complicity.

On December 27, 2001, a second video containing the pale skinned and very real Osama 'C' was broadcast on al Jazeera. The tape was reportedly made on November 19, 2001 - that's ten days after the "lucky find" tape was reportedly made. Are we supposed to believe that Osama's skin, hair and beard changed color in ten days?

The broadcast of the tape caught the US government completely off-guard:

The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration ... as sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa'eda leader was already dead. "He could have made the video and then ordered that it be released in the event of his death," said one White House aide. [Telegraph]

This was a very telling response.

Also, his comments caused quite a stir because because they contradicted the "confession" video:

American officials argued that bin Laden's frequent references to US support for Israel were a bogus justification for his terrorism because in the "dinner party" tape of a private conversation there was no mention of the Middle East. [Telegraph]

This is very odd indeed because in bin Laden's September 28, 2001 denial of involvement in the 9/11 attacks he had plenty to say about the US and Israel:

This system is totally in control of the American-Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word. [Public Action]
And his views were the same in 1998:

"We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests, not the interests of the Jews." [American Free Press]

Not only do the real Osama and the "lucky find" Osama look totally different, they also write with different hands and have different faiths and priorities.

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

By Ed Haas

06/18/06 "Muckraker Report " - June 6, 2006 – This past weekend, a thought provoking e-mail circulated through Internet news groups, and was sent to the Muckraker Report by Mr. Paul V. Sheridan (Winner of the 2005 Civil Justice Foundation Award), bringing attention to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist web page for Usama Bin Laden.[1] (See bottom of this web page for Most Wanted page) In the e-mail, the question is asked, “Why doesn’t Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster make any direct connection with the events of September 11, 2001?” The FBI says on its Bin Laden web page that Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. According to the FBI, these attacks killed over 200 people. The FBI concludes its reason for “wanting” Bin Laden by saying, “In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorists attacks throughout the world.”

On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

It shouldn’t take long before the full meaning of these FBI statements start to prick your brain and raise your blood pressure. If you think the way I think, in quick order you will be wrestling with a barrage of very powerful questions that must be answered. First and foremost, if the U.S. government does not have enough hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11, how is it possible that it had enough evidence to invade Afghanistan to “smoke him out of his cave?” The federal government claims to have invaded Afghanistan to “root out” Bin Laden and the Taliban. Through the talking heads in the mainstream media, the Bush Administration told the American people that Usama Bin Laden was Public Enemy Number One and responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2001. Yet nearly five years later, the FBI says that it has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.

Next is the Bin Laden “confession” video that was released by the U.S. government on December 13, 2001. Most Americans remember this video. It was the video showing Bin Laden with a few of his comrades recounting with delight the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States. The Department of Defense issued a press release to accompany this video in which Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said, “There was no doubt of bin Laden’s responsibility for the September 11 attacks before the tape was discovered.”[2] What Rumsfeld implied by his statement was that Bin Laden was the known mastermind behind 9/11 even before the “confession video” and that the video simply served to confirm what the U.S. government already knew; that Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

In a BBC News article[3] reporting on the “9/11 confession video” release, President Bush is said to have been hesitant to release the tape because he knew it would be a vivid reminder to many people of their loss. But, he also knew it would be “a devastating declaration” of Bin Laden’s guilt. “Were going to get him,” said President Bush. “Dead or alive, it doesn’t matter to me.”

In a CNN article[4] regarding the Bin Laden tape, then New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that “the tape removes any doubt that the U.S. military campaign targeting bin Laden and his associates is more than justified.” Senator Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said, “The tape’s release is central to informing people in the outside world who don’t believe bin Laden was involved in the September 11 attacks.” Shelby went on to say “I don’t know how they can be in denial after they see this tape.” Well Senator Shelby, apparently the Federal Bureau of Investigation isn’t convinced by the taped confession, so why are you?

The Muckraker Report attempted to secure a reference to the U.S. government authenticating the Bin Laden “confession video”, to no avail. However, it is conclusive that the Bush Administration and U.S. Congress, along with the dead stream media, played the video as if it was authentic. So why doesn’t the FBI view the “confession video” as hard evidence? After all, if the FBI is investigating a crime such as drug trafficking, and it discovers a video of members of a drug cartel opening talking about a successful distribution operation in the United States, that video would be presented to a federal grand jury. The identified participants of the video would be indicted, and if captured, the video alone would serve as sufficient evidence to net a conviction in a federal court. So why is the Bin Laden “confession video” not carrying the same weight with the FBI?

Remember, on June 5, 2006, FBI spokesman, Chief of Investigative Publicity Rex Tomb said, “The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.” This should be headline news worldwide. The challenge to the reader is to find out why it is not. Why has the U.S. media blindly read the government-provided 9/11 scripts, rather than investigate without passion, prejudice, or bias, the events of September 11, 2001? Why has the U.S. media blacklisted any guest that might speak of a government sponsored 9/11 cover-up, rather than seeking out those people who have something to say about 9/11 that is contrary to the government’s account? And on those few rare occasions when a 9/11 dissenter has made it upon the airways, why has the mainstream media ridiculed the guest as a conspiracy nut, rather than listen to the evidence that clearly raises valid questions about the government’s 9/11 account? Why is the Big Media Conglomeration blindly content with the government’s 9/11 story when so much verifiable information to the contrary is available with a few clicks of a computer mouse?

Who is it that is controlling the media message, and how is it that the U.S. media has indicted Usama Bin Laden for the events of September 11, 2001, but the U.S. government has not? How is it that the FBI has no “hard evidence” connecting Usama Bin Laden to the events of September 11, 2001, while the U.S. media has played the Bin Laden - 9/11 connection story for five years now as if it has conclusive evidence that Bin Laden is responsible for the collapse of the twin towers, the Pentagon attack, and the demise of United Flight 93?
No hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11… Think about it.

Freelance writer / author, Ed Haas, is the editor and columnist for the Muckraker Report. Get smart. Read the Muckraker Report.

[1] Federal Bureau of Investigation, Most Wanted Terrorists, Usama Bin Laden,, [Accessed May 31, 2006]

[2] United States Department of Defense, News Release, U.S. Releases Videotape of Osama bin Laden, December 13, 2001,, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

[3] BBC News, Bin Laden video angers New Yorkers, December 14, 2001, Peter Gould,, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

[4] CNN, Bin Laden on tape: Attacks ‘benefited Islam greatly”, December 14, 2001,, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

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