Someone followed my daughter home...


Well Seasoned
Established Member
Jul 21, 2009
Gotta agree with gimme11s. That video comes off like a comedy sketch on SNL. It took about half the play time to realize it might just be serious. Had to watch it twice because the first time it was so hard not to laugh.

Could be some useful info anyway. Last night my wife said it's time to collect the trash to put out for pickup. I flashed her the horn sign and said, 'Make it habitual... Rock and roll."

It didnt work. Maybe I didn't say it right...
It sounds like she knows yer Canadian.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 17, 2018
AB, Canada
It sounds like she knows yer Canadian.

Yep, she knows it alright. But you gotta understand there are a few different versions of Canada.

I met her in a little border town called Vancouver. It's basically the California of Canada. She knew nothing but socialist provincial governments and a homo dominated society. Alberta, where I'm from, combines only the best traits of Texas and Wisconsin. She had never seen anything like it and had to make it her own. In effect, I saved her.

So I know a little bit about protecting a woman.

If you want a serious opinion on how to protect a daughter (I have 3) I'll give it to you. Teach them which gun and how to use it as your last lesson. They will likely have zero opportunity to ever use the knowledge so other things need teaching first. There are far too many clearer and more present dangers.

Teach them:

- self respect. So they know they don't deserve to ever be treated poorly.
- the difference between a good and a bad guy. And how to walk away from the bad ones.
- the importance of managing and earning money. And how this will always give them options instead of being locked into a bad situation.
- the importance of education for a girl. Again, to open up higher paying jobs for women which allow them to have more choices.

By far the larger danger for a girl is being stuck in a bad relationship with no way to escape it. You are doing them a huge parental favor by helping them avoid this. And, if it were to happen you have given them the ability to handle it. I'm proud to say that my daughters, mid twenties, average over $100K and seem to be making good choices.

The reduced parental stress in not worrying about your daughters is a good thing. So you are really doing her AND yourself a favor when you take this on early and often in their lives.

On a more important note, I see Powerball was won in Wisconsin. Anything to announce on your end?


A Member Well Known
Established Member
Jan 18, 2007
You should trace her steps all the way back to where she came from looking for cameras. Where was she coming from? Stores sometimes have cameras. Was this person waiting for her to leave a place? This should be job # 1 for you to try and figure out. Preventing something from happening rather than giving her a crash course on how to handle an attack and hoping for the best. Both are important.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 14, 2012
I agree on all points. With her being young she's only been in 1 "relashionship", which she ended when he tried to tell her how to act.
She is smart, selecting a college now for aerospace engineering.
Powerball, waiting to hear who won it, wasn't me. But we have family and friends up there, hoping I can mow their lawn in the future.

RRMike, she was coming home from school. Only remembers the car close to home, she is not sure where it came from. I've looked for local cameras, not seeing any. Interestingly, where she first saw the car behond her I see 3 that match the discription. I've got my eye on that area looking for a young red head.


A Member Well Known
Established Member
Jan 18, 2007
I agree on all points. With her being young she's only been in 1 "relashionship", which she ended when he tried to tell her how to act.
She is smart, selecting a college now for aerospace engineering.
Powerball, waiting to hear who won it, wasn't me. But we have family and friends up there, hoping I can mow their lawn in the future.

RRMike, she was coming home from school. Only remembers the car close to home, she is not sure where it came from. I've looked for local cameras, not seeing any. Interestingly, where she first saw the car behond her I see 3 that match the discription. I've got my eye on that area looking for a young red head.

You'll finally catch up to him and find out he's special/slow lol.


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
You are inferring things that are not there. This opinion, and no you don’t have to like what he says or listen to him.

He does make his living trying others and no I would not like to go against him. He’s damn good.

Did you miss the part where i said it was my opinion?

I dont want to disrupt your love affair with Mr Military. You can have him all to yourself. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2011
Not saying don't take this stuff seriously because you have to. Just in case...

But, for every creeper out there who might do something to a young girl I'm guessing there are about a thousand guys who have followed a car after thinking they were cut off or screwed over in some way.

Possibly this dude intended to ream out the 'guy' who dissed him in traffic, saw a girl and reacted with the lame, "I like your music." I would expect a true creeper/abuser to have done more.

Again, definitely important to anticipate and know how to handle a confrontation but it's also important to not live your life in abject terror and fear of the world around you. Hopefully you can help your family strike a good balance.

and you have no way of knowing what that person is intending to do when they follow you so yeah.......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
The guy in the video is Pat McNamara. I dont pay too much attention to him but he did a podcast with Joe Rogan a few weeks ago. First time I really listened to him and I got a little annoyed listening to him, but the fact remains that he is a certified killer. 22 years Army SF and he was SOF the entire time (guessing he started as a Ranger?) There aren't too many people with his expertise but he is definitely selling his brand which makes it annoying sometimes but he seems like a decent guy.

As for OP, teach her how to stay in condition yellow and how to avoid condition black. 99% of women, and probably men, are condition white all of the time. White means they are basically oblivious to their surrounding and unprepared for any type of threat that could arise. Being in this state when a violent confrontation arises will likely push them into condition black meaning they are shutting down and their senses will be overwhelmed because they cannot comprehend the actions that are being carried out against them. This is why people freeze up during intense situations. You want to teach her to be in condition yellow to where she is cognizant of all of her surroundings and she is paying attention to everyone around her, noticing if anyone is following her or watching her while she is out in public. It's basically a controlled paranoia except you are not actually paranoid, but are always prepared and always ready to act moving you to condition orange if you need to act. After a while of learning and practicing this it becomes second nature and you will just do it subconsciously. 50% of the battle in a violent confrontation is controlling the chemical cocktail your body dumps on you (Tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, time-space compression, electodermal stimulation, and mental track). Whatever you teach her for self defense needs to be done enough that it becomes drilled in her subconscious. It is your subconscious that acts for you during a violent confrontation, not your conscious mind. You would have to be a complete master or professional in combat in order for you to be able to act with just your conscious mind, but regardless of that your subconscious is half a second faster at making decisions than your conscious mind is so that is why you drill, drill, drill to develop the muscle memory for you subconscious to act from.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 17, 2018
AB, Canada
FJohnny said:
Not saying don't take this stuff seriously because you have to. Just in case...

and you have no way of knowing what that person is intending to do when they follow you so yeah.......

I think we agree on this completely.

The point I was trying to make was simply that if we are concerned about our girls we have to make sure they are prepared for both strangers and people they know doing the wrong thing with them.

A woman is three times more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped by someone she knows than a stranger.

A woman is five times more likely to be murdered by someone she knows.

So, learning how to handle people they know and are close to and how to pick good people to be around will make statistically the greatest benefit. That does not exclude the need to teach them how to be aware of strangers, as they can be unknowable in their intentions like you mentioned.

Teach them well. I think we can all get on board with that.



Active Member
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Aug 30, 2010
Came here just to echo the camera thing. Talk to a couple neighbors. It sounds like you live somewhere nice where they’ll have at least a Ring setup that likely recorded the cars driving past. If not a plate, it’d sure be easier to at least catch a make / model.

Imo girls are freaking idiots. They are horrible at paying attention to anything much less their surroundings and are more often that not so ridiculously niave that they’d be gone before they understood the situation.

If the daughter is anything like my wife, it’s all a lost cause. The best you can do is fit cameras and try to monitor. I just don’t think they have a mentality where they realize how awful people can be. We shelter females and it’s not like they get it socially as they aren’t running out to see gritty action films or murder dramas.

Life is a scary place. You live in your little bubble and hopefully nobody intrudes.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 16, 2010
My camera system for what it's worth.

4mp Hikvision IP cameras hooked to a NVR. Had my IT man from work put it in.

Well worth it. I feel the quality in the screenshot doesn't really accurately depict the quality

Glad to hear the situation didn't deteriorate any further

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 14, 2012
If my daughter carried a rifle like that it'd be dragging on the ground! But I understand your point.

Having her armed would be nice, but she would do it in an under stated way. We don't do stickers on our cars, we don't wear GLOCK t-shirts, ...


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
If my daughter carried a rifle like that it'd be dragging on the ground! But I understand your point.

Having her armed would be nice, but she would do it in an under stated way. We don't do stickers on our cars, we don't wear GLOCK t-shirts, ...
When it comes to firearms and the ownership of them, you're doing it right. that young lady in the pics is how all good, loving fathers should raise their daughters. Raise them to be smart, confidant in themselves and deadly with a rifle to at least 100 yards. :D


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 16, 2016
Seattle (GO HAWKS!)
I'm sorry this happened OP and glad to hear your daughter was not harmed. Hope you have a positive takeaway from this.

I like the stun gun/pepper spray ideas, to start with anyway.. ;)

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