Staying ahead of headaches/migraines


Established Member
Apr 26, 2008
I never had headaches until I was probably 30. Over the last couple years they've progressed to migraines, which as some of y'all surely know, come with nausea. They blow. HARD.

The only thing ive found that alleviates and helps me stay ahead of one is coffee. Has anyone else found a remedy, outside of pills, that works?


Male and Female He created them.
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Jan 25, 2022
Fly over country
Water helps me a lot when I start getting headaches, granted I don’t consider my headaches migraines but that is a simple thing anyone should do…stay hydrated.

I also echo, I would go see your doc to make sure nothing major is going on.

How much caffeine are drinking a day?


Well-Known Member
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Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
Had the same issue when I got into my 30’s.

I would get headaches that would turn into blinding migraines where I would have to sit in a dark room until it passed.

I got a prescription for Sumatriptan (imitrex) that helped but didn’t address the root cause.

My wife, a RN, eventually convinced me to get a sleep study and as it turned out I had sleep apnea.

Doctor got me a CPAP and I’ve been migraine free for going on 10 years.


Resident Ford Dealer
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Single Barrel Sirs
Jun 4, 2012
I used to get migraines and headaches at least twice a week, sometimes 3. The migraines were nearly debilitating.

I found a new chiropractor that took x-rays and different range of motion measurements before we started therapy. From being in front of a computer so often, playing football age 5-22, and being in a few high speed off track oopsies, my neck had started losing it's natural curvature and was nearly straight...yellow line is my 'curve' while green is where it's supposed to be.


This pushed on something in the base of my skull that would cause the headaches/migraines. I've been going to the chiropractor since the end of August...haven't had a headache or migraine since September 8th.


Superfleck Moonbird
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May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
See and work with your doc.

Wife's had them for +20 years. It's a touchy subject. She's tried almost everything. Taken her to the ER several times for "super treatment".
She's been an Imitrex user for years. It helps, but doesn't eliminate them.

Hope you find a solution.


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Mar 11, 2017
Houston, TX
I get migraines to the point I have to fall asleep for 20 minutes or so. I used to take medication for it but it didn’t seem to help. I take pre-workout every morning before the gym and usually take more pre-workout on the way to work. I guess it’s the caffeine rush that helps. If I don’t work out or take pre-workout then I’m usually screwed.


Established Member
Apr 26, 2008
Before people start coming in here with copy and paste jobs from wikipedia and webmd, have you gone to a doctor who specializes in this type of thing?
Admittedly, no I haven't. I'm the guy who has to be literally dying to seek medical attention. Im an idiot that way..
Any issues with your sinuses?
As long as I remember to take my nose spray during my morning routine, there's no breathing issues. But yes, I have a slightly deviated septum but it's never held me back, not even from long distance running. Good thinking though. Thanks.
Water helps me a lot when I start getting headaches, granted I don’t consider my headaches migraines but that is a simple thing anyone should do…stay hydrated.

I also echo, I would go see your doc to make sure nothing major is going on.

How much caffeine are drinking a day?
I drink water like it's my job. Always have since childhood. I couldn't tell you in milligrams how much caffeine a day, but between 1 and 1.5 cups. Not nearly as much as I see other people drinking. Thank you.
Had the same issue when I got into my 30’s.

I would get headaches that would turn into blinding migraines where I would have to sit in a dark room until it passed.

I got a prescription for Sumatriptan (imitrex) that helped but didn’t address the root cause.

My wife, a RN, eventually convinced me to get a sleep study and as it turned out I had sleep apnea.

Doctor got me a CPAP and I’ve been migraine free for going on 10 years.
That may actually be the issue, but im single and there's nobody to tell me what im doing when I'm sleeping. I really, really don't want to wear a cpap.... ****...
If you have one when you wake up, you make be clinching your teeth when you sleep. I do that and during the day. It's a pita. They make teeth guards to stop it.
That is actually when they start. Usually around 4-5am and once I get up it's game on after that. Straight to the coffee pot quick! I'll look into mouth guards. Thank you.
I found that being inebriated on alcohol either mitigates the headache completely or you just DGAF...
Believe it or not, as I get older alcohol brings on headaches and intensifies headaches that I already have. Only way around it is to eat a full meal right before drinking. But im really not a drinker.


. . .
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Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
Have you had a MRI done?

I had a stretch of 3 months straight with a headache.
After the 1st month, got a MRI done which showed that my Cerebellum extended 6mm into my spinal canal. And then a neurosurgeon saying that on top of that my C2 vertebra was higher than it was supposed to be. Probably from a bad dirtbike wreck where I landed head first.

Now, when I get a cold, I can tell I'm coming down with something as any increase in head pressure sets it off.


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
"I'm the guy who has to be literally dying to seek medical attention. Im an idiot that way.."
I'm the same exact way. I have not been to a doctor for a check-up in over 30 years.

"That may actually be the issue, but im single and there's nobody to tell me what im doing when I'm sleeping. I really, really don't want to wear a cpap.... ****..."
That's the perfect reason to hire a hooker for the whole night!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
Admittedly, no I haven't. I'm the guy who has to be literally dying to seek medical attention. Im an idiot that way..

As long as I remember to take my nose spray during my morning routine, there's no breathing issues. But yes, I have a slightly deviated septum but it's never held me back, not even from long distance running. Good thinking though. Thanks.

I drink water like it's my job. Always have since childhood. I couldn't tell you in milligrams how much caffeine a day, but between 1 and 1.5 cups. Not nearly as much as I see other people drinking. Thank you.

That may actually be the issue, but im single and there's nobody to tell me what im doing when I'm sleeping. I really, really don't want to wear a cpap.... ****...

That is actually when they start. Usually around 4-5am and once I get up it's game on after that. Straight to the coffee pot quick! I'll look into mouth guards. Thank you.

Believe it or not, as I get older alcohol brings on headaches and intensifies headaches that I already have. Only way around it is to eat a full meal right before drinking. But im really not a drinker.

I didn’t either brother and I fought my wife on it every step of the way. I’m not old or overweight and I’m not a drinker or smoker. It’s just one of those things that happen.

Now, however, I can’t sleep without it. I always get a good nights sleep and most importantly no ****ing headaches.

Trust me, get a sleep study and at the very least eliminate sleep apnea as the cause.

Good luck.


Established Member
Apr 12, 2006
Assuming it's hormone related as usual, raise your sodium intake by drinking celery juice. Good amounts of magnesium and many other beneficial properties also.

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5.0 Hatch

Well-Known Member
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Dec 21, 2005
Gulf coast
I've had terrible headaches nearly daily for years. I've been to a handful of doctors and had numerous tests done and never really found a problem. Then about 3 years ago, I made a job change that is way less stressful and a minute drive from the house vs 1.5hrs each way. Since then, I get maybe one headache a week.


Established Member
Apr 26, 2008
Have you had a MRI done?

I had a stretch of 3 months straight with a headache.
After the 1st month, got a MRI done which showed that my Cerebellum extended 6mm into my spinal canal. And then a neurosurgeon saying that on top of that my C2 vertebra was higher than it was supposed to be. Probably from a bad dirtbike wreck where I landed head first.

Now, when I get a cold, I can tell I'm coming down with something as any increase in head pressure sets it off.
No sir, never done an MRI. No head first injuries, at least that I can remember. Haha. I hope it doesn't come to an MRI...
"I'm the guy who has to be literally dying to seek medical attention. Im an idiot that way.."
I'm the same exact way. I have not been to a doctor for a check-up in over 30 years.

"That may actually be the issue, but im single and there's nobody to tell me what im doing when I'm sleeping. I really, really don't want to wear a cpap.... ****..."
That's the perfect reason to hire a hooker for the whole night!
The only hookers I could afford would leave me making a thread about how to get rid of ghonnasiphaherpalaids! A high class hooker does sound like fun though. But those are probably 5k a night.
I didn’t either brother and I fought my wife on it every step of the way. I’m not old or overweight and I’m not a drinker or smoker. It’s just one of those things that happen.

Now, however, I can’t sleep without it. I always get a good nights sleep and most importantly no ****ing headaches.

Trust me, get a sleep study and at the very least eliminate sleep apnea as the cause.

Good luck.
I'll look into a sleep study if the mouth guard doesn't help. Going to start simplest first. There's actually a sleep study place not far from me. Thanks bro.
Assuming it's hormone related as usual, raise your sodium intake by drinking celery juice. Good amounts of magnesium and many other beneficial properties also.

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That's interesting, I've never even heard of celery juice. I'll check it out. Thank you.


up the bayou
Established Member
Jul 24, 2007
Lockport, Louisiana
Admittedly, no I haven't. I'm the guy who has to be literally dying to seek medical attention. Im an idiot that way..

As long as I remember to take my nose spray during my morning routine, there's no breathing issues. But yes, I have a slightly deviated septum but it's never held me back, not even from long distance running. Good thinking though. Thanks.

I drink water like it's my job. Always have since childhood. I couldn't tell you in milligrams how much caffeine a day, but between 1 and 1.5 cups. Not nearly as much as I see other people drinking. Thank you.

That may actually be the issue, but im single and there's nobody to tell me what im doing when I'm sleeping. I really, really don't want to wear a cpap.... ****...

That is actually when they start. Usually around 4-5am and once I get up it's game on after that. Straight to the coffee pot quick! I'll look into mouth guards. Thank you.

Believe it or not, as I get older alcohol brings on headaches and intensifies headaches that I already have. Only way around it is to eat a full meal right before drinking. But im really not a drinker.
When i dont drink enough water, i get a head ache. Which is often since i drink coffee ALL morning at work. So Id recommend cutting the coffee as well for a while.

My dentist actually kept recommending that my mount was clinching because I kept complaining teeth hurt yet he found nothing wrong. Id give you dentist a call to see if he offers a guard or can check to see if that might be the issue. Mine was about $125. Insurance didnt cover it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 25, 2012
Shawnee, OK
I'm not overweight, have a deviated septum and was diagnosed with really bad sleep apnea in my mid 30's, I was experiencing major headaches all the time, but was tired all the time, which I didn't read you had mentioned. I couldn't sleep with the cpap machine, I would rip it off in my sleep and wake up with scratches all over my face. I tried every type of mask, even the nostril pillows... No luck. I opted for the surgery to alleviate the sleep apnea. Nothing compared to the pain after the surgery, not even all the surgeries I went thru after after getting out of the Marines, nor the injuries. I lost 30 lbs in 30 days do to not being able to consume anything for the first 30 days, post surgery, except sipping water and jello. The outcome was like night and day. No more sleep apnea, no more head aches and not tired after waking up. Knowing how much pain I endured after the surgery, I would still get the surgery, rather than sleep with that damn machine. Every individual is different, but just sharing my experience with headaches, the cause and results. If I were in your situation, I would definately get a sleep study done to eliminate one major cause. Just like working on our cars, eliminate causes thru process of elimination, to get to the problem.

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