street racing in florida


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 1, 2007
That isnt how our system works. If the prosecution was proven "malicious," then there would be such a claim. The reason being, no one is ever found innocent following a hearing/trial. There is a presumption of innocence. But after adjudiciation the defendent is either guilty or not-guilty.

Not-Guilty is far different from a finding of innocent.

Of course thats not how it works...

They are free to break into homes unannounced, trash the place, and try the guy for murder who woke up in the middle of the night and shot at people breaking into his home in the middle of the night with guns.

Then when it's the wrong house, there is little more than an "oops" and it's completely dropped and covered up while a family's life is completely ruined. All because of some plants that LOOK like $3 in pot, or a shotgun barrel that is 0.0001" under the limit if you measure it on a certain side, and some prick in power with a political agenda who can do no wrong in the eyes of the media.

Total BS. Law enforcement is getting out of hand in these cases with no check and balance to reel it in. You have a bunch of psychotic gun toting urban ninja wannabes who got rejected from BUDS who use local law enforcement as an avenue to pursue their wet dream of carrying full automatic weapons amongst unarmed civilians to feel like a man.

So yeah, lets keep walking over the concept of private property rights and the Constitution by using one person's subjective opinion after a bad day on what the law is to confiscate and destroy private property (ie: you revved or chirped your tire, you were street racing, we're going to crush your car). I have a "zero tolerance" policy as well.
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Established Member
Jul 3, 2003
Murder capital of USA
Total BS. Law enforcement is getting out of hand in these cases with no check and balance to reel it in.

Having been a victim of "questionable law enforcement practices" in the past, I'd have to agree with you. However, while the abuse of police authority is nothing new it does seem to be getting worse for some reason.

The question is, how do we stop it from happening? How do we add checks and balances to the system? How do you keep a few bad cops from ruining the reputation of all the good ones that just honestly want to their job?

Is there is some failure of the LEO recruiting / training process that is letting all these unstable personalities into the system?

Is it a cultural thing? Education?

It's complicated.


Aug 12, 2007
Cody, Wyoming
Isn't it strange that some people seem to have "problems" with law enforcement while most of us do not?

I've known dozens of LEOs. From street cops to highway patrol, officers to chiefs and motor patrol to pilots. I've been on patrol with them in the worst areas of south central and east Los Angeles and flown in police helicopters during felony chases.

I have yet so see an officer engage in "questionable law practices" - even after the police car I was in took a couple of rounds in the trunk. Does it happen? I'm sure it does, but it is not the norm.

What I have learned is that if you do not give officers a reason to pull you over, they won't. It is really simple. Make sure your vehicle is legal and you're halfway home. Don't give your three stupid drunken "friends" a ride home so they can hang out of your windows with the stereo turned up to 11, and no cop will bother you. Don't put limo tint on your windows and you'll see the cop car behind you at 12:00 AM. Gee, maybe those drag radials and sponsor decals on your car make you look like a street racer.

When you do get pulled over, drop the stupid attitude towards the officer. Often, it is the difference between a verbal warning and a citation.

I'll bet none of you guys complaining about LEOs have ever been on a ride with the cops. Why not get in touch with the watch commander at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Century Station and tell him you want to go for a ride in east L.A.? I suggest midnight on Friday / Saturday in August. Someone should have an extra flack jacket for you to wear.

So yeah, lets keep walking over the concept of private property rights and the Constitution by using one person's subjective opinion after a bad day on what the law is to confiscate and destroy private property (ie: you revved or chirped your tire, you were street racing, we're going to crush your car). I have a "zero tolerance" policy as well.

Boy, it sounds like you're ready for 'em! I can hardly wait so see what happens the next time you get pulled over for street racing!
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ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Having been a victim of "questionable law enforcement practices" in the past, I'd have to agree with you. However, while the abuse of police authority is nothing new it does seem to be getting worse for some reason.

The question is, how do we stop it from happening? How do we add checks and balances to the system? How do you keep a few bad cops from ruining the reputation of all the good ones that just honestly want to their job?

Is there is some failure of the LEO recruiting / training process that is letting all these unstable personalities into the system?

Is it a cultural thing? Education?

It's complicated.

Not really complicated. Give the police power to shoot people caught with "the smoking gun" as it were ON THE SPOT. That will accomplish a couple of things. First it will let them take out some of the frustration they feel when putting the same idiots in jail over and over and over again. Secondly it will immediately rid society of repeat offending morons, thereby saving some poor schmuck down the road as well as society the cost of their continued idiocy.

idiots that run like the video posted the other day deserve what they get in my opinion. let the cops beat their ass and teach them a thing or two about being stupid.

and before you liberal morons spout the usual drivel like "what if it was you on the receiving end" it would never be me on the receiving end. I don't run, and I don't do stupid shit that will get me locked up either.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Of course thats not how it works...

They are free to break into homes unannounced, trash the place, and try the guy for murder who woke up in the middle of the night and shot at people breaking into his home in the middle of the night with guns.

"Free to break into homes unannounced?" That requires a special type of warrant, known as a no-knock warrant. That must be issued by a neutral magistrate who find probable cause in the affidavit. As far as trashing the place, it the search goes beyond the scope of the warrant there is recourse.

As to trying a "guy for murder," I hate to enlighten your little rant/diatribe, but the police arent trying anyone for any crime. That would be the prosecutor and the judge.

exdeath said:
Then when it's the wrong house, there is little more than an "oops" and it's completely dropped and covered up while a family's life is completely ruined. All because of some plants that LOOK like $3 in pot, or a shotgun barrel that is 0.0001" under the limit if you measure it on a certain side, and some prick in power with a political agenda who can do no wrong in the eyes of the media.

In the wrong house scenario, those people also have recourse. But you obviously dont want to hear that, because it wont go along with your "I hate Law Enforcement" attitude. If you dont like the laws and enacted, vote your legislatures out of office and replace them with people that reflect your views.

exdeath said:
Total BS. Law enforcement is getting out of hand in these cases with no check and balance to reel it in. You have a bunch of psychotic gun toting urban ninja wannabes who got rejected from BUDS who use local law enforcement as an avenue to pursue their wet dream of carrying full automatic weapons amongst unarmed civilians to feel like a man.

There are plenty of checks and balances on the L.E.O.'s themselves and their actions. Your problem seems to be with the application and what the courts and legislators have decided is appropriate and lawful.

"Psychotic gun toting urban ninja wannabees, who got rejected from BUDS?" Are you serious. Is this your knowledge of L.E.? I think you are typing out of frustration and not fact. I will warn you this is NOT the forum to insult L.E.O.s Additionally, I can guarantee you that training and education of those agents in my tactical unit far surpass that of BUDS in relation to street tactics and civilian target assault, as I have two former SEAL operators on my team.

exdeath said:
So yeah, lets keep walking over the concept of private property rights and the Constitution by using one person's subjective opinion after a bad day on what the law is to confiscate and destroy private property (ie: you revved or chirped your tire, you were street racing, we're going to crush your car). I have a "zero tolerance" policy as well.

Again, if you disagree with the law and the way the courts interpret them, take it up with your elected officials. But the vast majority of your BS is directed at the wrong people.


law abiding citizen
Established Member
Apr 20, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Not-Guilty is far different from a finding of innocent.

I guess I don't get it. When is it that you are innocent in the eyes of the law?

Sometimes it's easiest to explain by example but lets not focus on my example only because it's true for any, as you put it, "allegation" you receive from a LEO. The issue is compounded when you factor in attorney fees, holding cells, bail bond fees, continued days missed from work, the months of anxiety, etc, etc.

A while back, a good friend of mine received a ref ticket. This person when out of his way to ensure his parts were California legal with CARB certs and EO numbers displayed on each modification to his car. As you probably know, most mods aren't CARB legal and usually you have to pay more for the product that is and/or they don't perform as well as those that didn't bother paying the "tax" (because we all know, it's really about money). The LEO didn't even care nor knew anything about cars well enough to prevent him getting the ticket. He showed him the EO numbers but the LEO wasn't having it. He simply gave him the ticket and said, I'll let the ref sort all that out.

Now I understand it isn't the job of the LEO to be an expert on car modifications. And sure enough the ref did pass him. But how is that fair when he had to miss work to have it taken care of? What happens when the next LEO tells him to pop the hood without any knowledge or care? He gets to be inconvenienced with this, loses money, (missed work = loss of money) every time just because the LEO continuously suspects he's breaking the law? If the LEO doesn't even understand what he's looking at, how can he just assume a law is being broken? There needs to be some sort of recourse! If someone is "not-guilty" as this person was found here, how is it fair? Or is it, sorry buddy, life isn't fair, you lose? You can see why people give attitudes when they're being pulled over... because the officers allegation is a huge inconvenience. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. Even if you win, you still lost because of said reasons above on my second paragraph.

The bottom line is, the system is broken. Very broken. And to those who blindly support it, tooth and nail (ie. LEO nutswingers), to acknowledge these facts and still be OK with it, I sincerely question your judgment and character.
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ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
I would wager that if your friend keeps the paperwork where he passed the ref review and showed it to the cop if/when he gets stopped again the cop will likely let him go

I guess I don't get it. When is it that you are innocent in the eyes of the law?

Sometimes it's easiest to explain by example but lets not focus on my example only because it's true for any, as you put it, "allegation" you receive from a LEO. The issue is compounded when you factor in attorney fees, holding cells, bail bond fees, continued days missed from work, the months of anxiety, etc, etc.

A while back, a good friend of mine received a ref ticket. This person when out of his way to ensure his parts were California legal with CARB certs and EO numbers displayed on each modification to his car. As you probably know, most mods aren't CARB legal and usually you have to pay more for the product that is and/or they don't perform as well as those that didn't bother paying the "tax" (because we all know, it's really about money). The LEO didn't even care nor knew anything about cars well enough to prevent him getting the ticket. He showed him the EO numbers but the LEO wasn't having it. He simply gave him the ticket and said, I'll let the ref sort all that out.

Now I understand it isn't the job of the LEO to be an expert on car modifications. And sure enough the ref did pass him. But how is that fair when he had to miss work to have it taken care of? What happens when the next LEO tells him to pop the hood without any knowledge or care? He gets to be inconvenienced with this, loses money, (missed work = loss of money) every time just because the LEO continuously suspects he's breaking the law? If the LEO doesn't even understand what he's looking at, how can he just assume a law is being broken? There needs to be some sort of recourse! If someone is "not-guilty" as this person was found here, how is it fair? Or is it, sorry buddy, life isn't fair, you lose? You can see why people give attitudes when they're being pulled over... because the officers allegation is a huge inconvenience. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. Even if you win, you still lost because of said reasons above on my second paragraph.

The bottom line is, the system is broken. Very broken. And to those who blindly support it, tooth and nail (ie. LEO nutswingers), to acknowledge these facts and still be OK with it, I sincerely question your judgment and character.


law abiding citizen
Established Member
Apr 20, 2005
Bay Area, CA
I would wager that if your friend keeps the paperwork where he passed the ref review and showed it to the cop if/when he gets stopped again the cop will likely let him go

If that were the case, he could use that as his 'get out of jail' ticket and put on illegal modifications. Again, I understand both sides within that scenario, it's just that there needs to be a way to make things better after someone, who was actually innocent, is forced to jump through the hoops to prove his innocence. This is especially true for the bigger cases, such as street racing where thousands of dollars is expended just to prove one's innocence.

Edit: I guess, in a nutshell, what I'm asking for is a way to repay people that have been "accidentally" inconvenienced by LE. In a perfect world, you would have a system that would motivate LE to *only* inconvenience the public when they strongly felt someone was breaking the law, not when it was questionable. The only fair thing I can think of, is to allow the judge to grant compensation money to defendants found not-guilty, and this money comes out of the *local* budget of accusing LE department...
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May 12, 2008
long story here so i apologize in advance

but, i was with a friend and he was driving me home from our friend's house at around 3am and our other friend was in the car next to us also going in the same direction home, as a joke he gooses it a little and we just smile seeing how we have the faster car and give it some gas and accelerate up to about 60-65 from about 50, with him right next to us. keep in mind that this was a 45 mph speed limit area. anyways, we go on our way keeping at around 60, which is not unusual for this road, with our friend a little ways back of us. all of a sudden, we see the cherries and blueberries, and sure enough, hes getting pulled over. we think we're next so we take the next turn and twist our way through a neighborhood just in case the cop tried to come after us. we get a call from our friend. appearantly he must've said he knew us :cuss: and the cop came on the phone and told us we needed to come back or he'd have to search for us and we'd be in more trouble. then we had a dilemma, we could either go home and leave our friend or go back for him, (we were far enough away that we could) but we didnt know whether the cop had caught the liscense plate or was bluffing, so we decided to go back. the cop was actually pleased we came back and was very nice to us, but both drivers got street racing on a highway tickets/court orders. he also said that if we hadnt come back, our friend would've been arrested and he wouldve came after us. i am just wondering what my friend can do about it and whether we can get it reduced to just speeding seeing how we werent street racing, or if now the cop has issued it, nothing can be done. just looking for some advice, thanks.

deleted by me.
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ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
You're friend isn't smart and neither are you, never trust a cop!

We have had two people who have already been banned for this kind of crap in as many days. You working on being the "3rd times the charm" ?


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am going to start quoting everything I reply to now .. LOL learnt that'un fer sher

Please do so, especially if it is a new post and one likely to be against the rules. I will consider deputizing you. :beer:


Established Member
Mar 17, 2008
:lol1: Your friend narked you out. Thats just wrong.

I got busted for street racing a while back, and I'll tell you right now it ain't worth it. Don't get me wrong street racing is fun and very hard not to do when someone challenges you. I've had several people challenge me that I really wanted to run, but I had to suck it up and not do it. It seems like everyone wants to challenge you in the worse spot, especially the ricers, they don't give a damn where their at. I've followed people and told them that I would race them at the track that weekend or another weekend, but that I wouldn't street race them, but nobody wants to do that. I've never even ran my car at a track, so its not like I'm an expert at it or anything.

Dude your Avatar's from a Dodge Viper by the Way! There will always be police who take the law to the extreme..aka spinning tires = street racing...Just hope you get a sensible cop and get a lawyer if needed.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 18, 2005
I had the same thing happen to me . I was racing a Mustang one night, when all of the sudden a cop comes out of nowhere and lights us up. The guy in the Mustang actually crossed the median and made a run for it, leaving me left with the cop. The cop pulled me over and told me ''You had better stay right there I have your tag number!''then he took off to chase down the other car. As soon as he left I sat there scared out of mind and then said screw it, and just took off and have not heard anything since.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
I had the same thing happen to me . I was racing a Mustang one night, when all of the sudden a cop comes out of nowhere and lights us up. The guy in the Mustang actually crossed the median and made a run for it, leaving me left with the cop. The cop pulled me over and told me ''You had better stay right there I have your tag number!''then he took off to chase down the other car. As soon as he left I sat there scared out of mind and then said screw it, and just took off and have not heard anything since.

No surprise you are on probation. :bored:


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
I had the same thing happen to me . I was racing a Mustang one night, when all of the sudden a cop comes out of nowhere and lights us up. The guy in the Mustang actually crossed the median and made a run for it, leaving me left with the cop. The cop pulled me over and told me ''You had better stay right there I have your tag number!''then he took off to chase down the other car. As soon as he left I sat there scared out of mind and then said screw it, and just took off and have not heard anything since.

Try again,Must have been at La Hangout!


Illiterate Proofreader
Established Member
Apr 19, 2005
Ft. Myers, Fl
I do not street race, mainly because it's stupid.
One time, back in the 80's, I got a ticket for squealing the tires.
At the time, I was driving a 351C 4V powered Mustang II.
I stopped at a stop sign, then turned right.
The house on the corner at the stop sign was watering the lawn,
and the street was wet.
When the tires spun, I let off and went on my way.
A cop saw me and pulled me over for squealing the tires.
I told the cop about the lawn watering, and was told
'Tell it to the judge".
So I did.
I brought along pics of the car, includng motor shots,
and told the judge about the water on the road.
I also told the judge that if I wanted to intentionally squeal the tires,
with that motor, I could have made it a lot louder.
I also brought with me, the Illinois "Rules of the road".
I showed him the portion where it described a "power skid",
and what the book said to do, which is what I actually did.
The judge threw it out.


New Member
Established Member
Apr 16, 2008
I had the same thing happen to me

Wow, never expected to see this thread again lol. You got some balls to run away after the cop pulled you over. Pray he was bluffing over your tag number!

Btw, update on my OP! My friend got a lawyer and got it dropped luckily but we have learned our lesson. Thanks for all the advice!

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