The Minneapolis Police Choke an Unarmed Handcuffed Black Man to Death


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Feb 9, 2020
I will just leave this here. Righteous. Uh huh.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 28, 2012
I don't know why anyone would go near these areas that are out of control. However, for those that have no choice and others in general, don't overlook tools in the tool box.

If you have a CCW or live in a great place like AZ that doesn't require one, remember that this is an acceptable option:


Be safe out there.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Dirty little fact for you since your head seems to be firmly planted in your ass:

The Real Crime Problem Doesn't Make Much News | Manhattan Institute

"Most violent crimes involve a perpetrator and victim of the same race. But when they don’t, incidents of black-on-white crimes far exceed the reverse scenario. “In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks,” writes the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald, citing federal Bureau of Justice Statistics data. “Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population.”

With that being said, me and the vets and former LEO's in my neighborhood will defend each others houses both black and white equally in case of attack. Shitheads all look alike to me, regardless of race.

I probably missed it in that link, but what are they classifying as violent crime?


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
Dirty little fact for you since your head seems to be firmly planted in your ass:

The Real Crime Problem Doesn't Make Much News | Manhattan Institute

"Most violent crimes involve a perpetrator and victim of the same race. But when they don’t, incidents of black-on-white crimes far exceed the reverse scenario. “In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks,” writes the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald, citing federal Bureau of Justice Statistics data. “Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population.”

With that being said, me and the vets and former LEO's in my neighborhood will defend each others houses both black and white equally in case of attack. Shitheads all look alike to me, regardless of race.

Totally irrelevant to police brutality but whatever.

Since you are trashing everyone in this thread including Cops and Republicans......

Irony much?

If by trashing cops, you mean calling out systemic problems that keep resulting in unarmed people getting killed by cops, then fine. If by trashing Republicans (even though i didnt use that term in here) you mean disagreeing with people in here, thats called a dialogue.

Yes, it absolutely should. Until scumbags stop beating little old ladies, stop vandalizing our landmarks, small businesses get zero sympathy or recognition. See, your side is filled with cowards. Your side stays where they know the liberals will protect them, and they prey on the weak. You know law abiding citizens will not travel to these areas with firearms and take you out, and you like to threaten but not act on coming to our neighborhoods because you know this will end very very quickly. And the longer this goes on, the longer your scumbag Democrat shitbags keep this in the news......the less chance you have to win in November.

But I seriously have to thank your side for a few things, one of them is that the argument that you don;t need a gun or an AR15......well that notion is forever gone.

Literally no one here is saying its okay that people are rioting and looting and engaging in violence. Its a strawman argument. But these are two different things. And the thing is, no matter how many nights of riots there are, it doesnt change that problems exist that lead to George Floyd and so many others before him being killed at the hands of police. That officer should not have knelt on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes until the man was limp and dead. That is a problem that needs to be fixed, and that problem doesnt evaporate just because some people rioted. So you have the choice of either being mad about the riots but also admitting theres a problem that needs to be fixed, or you can be mad about the riot and try to justify that officer's action. There is no middle ground. And once you admit theres a problem, are you really going to try to tell we as a society just let a problem exist because some people did crime?


Well-Known Member
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Feb 9, 2020
Totally irrelevant to police brutality but whatever.

If by trashing cops, you mean calling out systemic problems that keep resulting in unarmed people getting killed by cops, then fine. If by trashing Republicans (even though i didnt use that term in here) you mean disagreeing with people in here, thats called a dialogue.

Literally no one here is saying its okay that people are rioting and looting and engaging in violence. Its a strawman argument. But these are two different things. And the thing is, no matter how many nights of riots there are, it doesnt change that problems exist that lead to George Floyd and so many others before him being killed at the hands of police. That officer should not have knelt on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes until the man was limp and dead. That is a problem that needs to be fixed, and that problem doesnt evaporate just because some people rioted. So you have the choice of either being mad about the riots but also admitting theres a problem that needs to be fixed, or you can be mad about the riot and try to justify that officer's action. There is no middle ground. And once you admit theres a problem, are you really going to try to tell we as a society just let a problem exist because some people did crime?
So how do the police reform in the middle of the riots? Or are they not to be part of the reform?


Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
See, there ya go. You are lumping everyone together. Millions of peaceful protestors with a greievence that is by your own admission legitimate, but you tar them all with the feather of a few agitators to defend a thread where some people seemed more than a bit too excited to "lock and load" and violently react to the protests.

A “few” agitators? So “3”?

Have you not turned in the news at night? Pretty hard to fake the videos of groups of people looting, burning, and assaulting cops all night.

“You’re full of $#!+”
Joe Biden mobile app


Well-Known Member
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Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
this is only going to happen more often. people are getting fed up

South Philly gunstore owner guarding shop overnight shoots, kills armed looter: report
Feel good story of the day, it went well with my coffee.

I sincerely hope the military starts opening fire immediately on all these dumbshits.

Looty McLooters nationwide are about to get a serious wake up call.

We’ll all be hearing from multitudes of Grandmothers and Pastors about what ‘good boys’ they were, and how they were going to go to community college to ‘do computers’ in the coming days.

We’ll all know the truth, though.

Bye. **** ‘em.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
So how do the police reform in the middle of the riots? Or are they not to be part of the reform?
Heres that middle ground ive aluded to. The riots have to stop. Like I said, nobody is trying to excuse the riots. Those people suck. And peaceful protesters are out there literally standing infront of stores, shouting and vandals, trying to get them to stop. Police will do what they gotta do to shut those people down. Nobody disagrees about that. The problem is if those agitators are used as an excuse to clamp down on legitimate protest or as an excuse for ignoring the problems that lead to the protest in the first place. Which is why I chimed in here.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
Heres that middle ground ive aluded to. The riots have to stop. Like I said, nobody is trying to excuse the riots. Those people suck. And peaceful protesters are out there literally standing infront of stores, shouting and vandals, trying to get them to stop. Police will do what they gotta do to shut those people down. Nobody disagrees about that. The problem is if those agitators are used as an excuse to clamp down on legitimate protest or as an excuse for ignoring the problems that lead to the protest in the first place. Which is why I chimed in here.
**** your protests and your ilk.

Have fun talking to the wrong end of a military weapon from here on out-you pussies have absolutely earned it.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
**** your protests and your ilk.

Have fun talking to the wrong end of a military weapon from here on out-you pussies have absolutely earned it.
So people you disagree with should be shot en masse in the streets? No trial, no charges, just shoot any one protesting?


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
So quick question.

How did we get to where this was about race anyway?

Did the officer have racial posts? Did he state racial garbage?

Or is it just because it supports a narrative people want as an excuse?

If there is nothing pointing to race then why can we not question the actions of these officers as a community and society?
Why can we not question the teachings of officers?

If it was racial then why didn’t the Asian, Hispanic, or African officers not intervene? Was McCrackerass going to kill them all?

Why do people, media, talking bobbleheads only care when it is a white officer and black suspect? Do white suspects not matter? Hispanic? Asian?

Sent from my iPhone using


Show me your Members
Established Member
Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON
Here is what George Floyd's brother just said:

"If im not out here destroying my community, why are yall doing it? Its not going to bring my brother back, it feels good in the moment just like drinking but later on, you're going to be regretting what you did."


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
If there is a problem, and there are solutions, why should it matter that some people are taking advantage of the protests to incite violence? Its tragic that some people are being violent, but the problems with police brutality need to be addressed. The presence or absence of some violence at the protests is irrelevant to either the identification of the problem or the implementation of solutions to the problem.

Because legitimate protest is different from a bunch of anarchists destroying black owned businesses, injuring hundreds and causing widespread fear. Dialogue cannot occur in a panicked state. The fact of the matter is that the hyper-partisan non-stop rhetoric and demonization from the MSM has caused a large part in this. For those thinking that they have the upper hand, this ends badly for you either in jail or worse if this does not stop.
As far as your earlier postings about what needs to be changed.....many things you left out. Community policing started in San Francisco. How is that working out there today? Without enforcement of laws, it fails miserably.
If you want to change things start with:

1. Scale back Qualified Immunity. This is headed to the Supreme Court and needs to be drastically scaled back and reworded.
2. National minimum basic standards: In some areas of the country a 4 year degree is required to g to the academy and join the force. In other poorer areas, someone might be on the streets for a year before they are sent to the academy and tied with low pay.....bad things happen. No one should be on the street enforcing laws.
3. Investigate legitimate brutality cases at the state level.
4. Create a DOJ arm to deal with ALL cases where a person dies at the hand of police or corrections officials. This alone would stop a good chunk of needless deaths.
5. Make the force continuum uniform across the board. Years ago when I worked Corrections I used a knee to the throat to gain control of a double murderer that attacked me near his bunk. I had no choice in the matter, but I relieved pressure immediately upon cuffing him. A minimum set of training standards should have to be met before a person can ever take to the streets. I see to many cops these days that do not want to use hands on someone when threatened and resort to tasers or worse.
6. Make a uniform complain process nationwide. No more stop gap, political coverups or departments investigating themselves. Stop the feel good political hiring, the hiring of people with criminal records (thanks Obama) and people with PTSD that think they are still on the battlefields. All you have to do is look at the new Orleans police of the 80's, it was widely regarded as the most corrupt PD in the country and was taken over by the Feds.
7. Thin out how many departments we really need. If your basic function is to do traffic duty, collect fines and revenue for your town.....we don;t need your police force. Take Ferguson Missouri for an example, the people rioted because of egregious violations of their civil liberties....from massive fines for having grass 1/2 inch too tall, impounding cars with hefty fines for being too close to the curb etc. Their police force was a revenue stream for the town council and their ridiculous salaries.
8. Reform the asset forfeiture laws. Do I have to say anything about this?


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2014
Because legitimate protest is different from a bunch of anarchists destroying black owned businesses, injuring hundreds and causing widespread fear. Dialogue cannot occur in a panicked state. The fact of the matter is that the hyper-partisan non-stop rhetoric and demonization from the MSM has caused a large part in this. For those thinking that they have the upper hand, this ends badly for you either in jail or worse if this does not stop.
As far as your earlier postings about what needs to be changed.....many things you left out. Community policing started in San Francisco. How is that working out there today? Without enforcement of laws, it fails miserably.
If you want to change things start with:

1. Scale back Qualified Immunity. This is headed to the Supreme Court and needs to be drastically scaled back and reworded.
2. National minimum basic standards: In some areas of the country a 4 year degree is required to g to the academy and join the force. In other poorer areas, someone might be on the streets for a year before they are sent to the academy and tied with low pay.....bad things happen. No one should be on the street enforcing laws.
3. Investigate legitimate brutality cases at the state level.
4. Create a DOJ arm to deal with ALL cases where a person dies at the hand of police or corrections officials. This alone would stop a good chunk of needless deaths.
5. Make the force continuum uniform across the board. Years ago when I worked Corrections I used a knee to the throat to gain control of a double murderer that attacked me near his bunk. I had no choice in the matter, but I relieved pressure immediately upon cuffing him. A minimum set of training standards should have to be met before a person can ever take to the streets. I see to many cops these days that do not want to use hands on someone when threatened and resort to tasers or worse.
6. Make a uniform complain process nationwide. No more stop gap, political coverups or departments investigating themselves. Stop the feel good political hiring, the hiring of people with criminal records (thanks Obama) and people with PTSD that think they are still on the battlefields. All you have to do is look at the new Orleans police of the 80's, it was widely regarded as the most corrupt PD in the country and was taken over by the Feds.
7. Thin out how many departments we really need. If your basic function is to do traffic duty, collect fines and revenue for your town.....we don;t need your police force. Take Ferguson Missouri for an example, the people rioted because of egregious violations of their civil liberties....from massive fines for having grass 1/2 inch too tall, impounding cars with hefty fines for being too close to the curb etc. Their police force was a revenue stream for the town council and their ridiculous salaries.
8. Reform the asset forfeiture laws. Do I have to say anything about this?

Again, Im not equating legitimate protest with the assholes burning stuff down. Its absolutely counter productive. But that shouldnt be used as an excuse to ignore problems.

Your list is all great. I dont disagree with any of that. Never said my list was exhaustive, just a start off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
So people you disagree with should be shot en masse in the streets? No trial, no charges, just shoot any one protesting?
What i think is inconsequential at this point.

The lot of BLM and Antifa dumbshits brought violence and murder to the party-now the #1 military superpower in the world is about to repay them back 1000 fold.

The popcorn is out now. Enjoy.

I know i will.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
I don't know why anyone would go near these areas that are out of control. However, for those that have no choice and others in general, don't overlook tools in the tool box.

If you have a CCW or live in a great place like AZ that doesn't require one, remember that this is an acceptable option:

View attachment 1643993

Be safe out there.
Yup. Someone questioned I have a supressed SBR that folds into a backpack last month ("nobody needs that").....that same person (along with 3 others) texted me Sunday night asking where is a good place to buy a firearm. That backpack I'm carrying to work during all of this doesn't just contain my laptop and gym clothes.

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